The witch is too black: Miss Arrogant

Chapter 192 Goodbye Jiang Sa 03

Chapter 192 Goodbye Jiang Sa 03
Outside the window, Zhuangyuan and his party were almost approaching their street.Seeing this, Dongfang Qingyu looked up curiously at the man in the red robe sitting on the tall horse.

However, after seeing that person's face clearly, Dongfang Qingyu couldn't help being stunned.

Seeing this, Xiao Ran was startled again, and immediately looked out of the window. He also wanted to see what kind of character the No. [-] Scholar, who made all the women in the city go crazy, was like.

On the street, I saw a man in a red robe and riding a tall horse, walking towards them under the gaze of everyone.

The man looked about 21 and [-], and his appearance was exactly as the woman said just now, he was so handsome that even he, who was also a beautiful man, was a little bit inferior to himself.

But, for some reason, he always felt that he had seen this man somewhere before.

But where have you seen it?For a moment, Xiao Ran couldn't think of anything.

At this moment, the number one scholar sitting on the tall horse seemed to have suddenly felt the gaze from above, and unexpectedly raised his head to look at where they were.

Meeting the man's gaze, li xuan subconsciously felt a wave of disgust.Turning his head to look at Dongfang Qingyu, he saw Dongfang Qingyu actually looking at that man and smiling at him!Xiao Ran was furious in his heart, turned his head, and looked at the champion with vicious eyes, as if he wanted to kill the man with his eyes.

However, he saw a scene that made him even more angry.After seeing Dongfang Qingyu's smile at him, the man below was slightly stunned, and then he also showed a charming smile at Dongfang Qingyu.

The women downstairs all started to go crazy because of the man's smile, and some even started to scream.

Damn it, these two people actually completely ignored his existence, flirting with each other in broad daylight? !

Xiao Ran was almost pissed off by Dongfang Qingyu!
"Yu'er, is that man so good-looking?!" Xiao Ran looked at Dongfang Qingyu with unkind eyes, and said in a bad tone.

That's right, even he himself had to admit that the man was indeed a little bit prettier than him.But, with him like that, can Dongfang Qingyu really look at him, smiling so idioticly like the group of women below?
Dongfang Qingyu heard the words, turned around and sat on her seat, the smile on her face hadn't disappeared yet.She gave Xiao Ran a puzzled look, and said, "Well, it's pretty pretty!"

She really didn't expect that after not seeing him for a few years, he would be the number one scholar in high school.

Thinking of this, Dongfang Qingyu couldn't help sighing.Come to think of it, he must have put in a lot of hard work these years, right?
Being able to be the number one scholar in high school at such a young age is considered young and promising.

Thinking of this, Dongfang Qingyu couldn't help showing another smile on his face.

Xiao Ran was already almost pissed off by Dongfang Qingyu's words, but now, seeing the smile on her face, he was even more furious.

In the past, he always thought that Dongfang Qingyu's smile was the most beautiful and cutest, but now, Dongfang Qingyu's smile has become extremely hateful in his eyes!

"Better looking than me, isn't it?" Holding his breath, Xiao Ran looked at Dongfang Qingyu dangerously, and asked in a deep voice.

He swore that if Dongfang Qingyu dared to say that that man was prettier than him, he would definitely make Dongfang Qingyu prettier!
Although... Although that man is indeed prettier than him...

(End of this chapter)

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