The witch is too black: Miss Arrogant

Chapter 199 Goodbye Jiang Sa 10

Chapter 199 Goodbye Jiang Sa 10
Since ancient times in this world, some people are happy and some are sad!

Just when Jiang Sa was delighted that Dongfang Qingyu recognized him at the first sight, Xiao Ran, who was standing by the side, almost exploded his lungs!
And until now, Xiao Ran finally understood why he felt a little familiar when he saw this man for the first time in the restaurant this morning.It turns out... so he turned out to be Jiang Sa! !

Back then in the Misty Forest, he felt that Dongfang Qingyu was too nice to Jiang Sa.Now, the two of them actually ignored his existence again, and began to talk about the old days here like no one else.It's's unbearable! ! !

"Jiang Sa, who gave you permission to call her Yu'er?!" Xiao Ran said, walking to Dongfang Qingyu's side, and wrapping his arms around Dongfang Qingyu's waist, as if declaring ownership, looking at Jiang sternly Sa: "Yu'er is my woman, stay away from her from now on!"

This Jiang Sa came to Dongfang Qingyu's room in the middle of the night, don't think he didn't know what was going on in his mind.

He will never let Jiang Sa succeed!

Xiao Ran's words made Dongfang Qingyu angry, how did she become his woman?As soon as she tried to break free, she found that Xiao Ran seemed to have expected her to be like this a long time ago, and even restrained the big hole in her waist, making her unable to use half of her profound energy.

Seeing this, Dongfang Qingyu became even more angry!

Damn Xiao Ran, dare to treat her like this!Is it because she is too indulgent to him?She has business to talk to Jiang Sa now!
Dongfang Qingyu gave Xiao Ran a hard look, did he really think that if he was like this, she would have nothing to do with him?

Dongfang Qingyu thought about it, and stopped struggling, but a few silver needles appeared on her right hand without anyone noticing.But the most important thing is that those few silver needles are all stained with her special medicine.

Looking at the silver needle in Dongfang Qingyu's hand, Jiang Sa's eyes flashed a strange color.Then, my heart became more joyful.

At this moment, Dongfang Qingyu moved her right hand, and saw a few silver lights flashing, and all of them sank into Xiao Ran's thigh.

Xiao Ran only felt a slight pain in his left leg, and then, an extremely itchy feeling spread from his left leg to his whole body.And he let go of Dongfang Qingyu's hand tightly because of this.

Dongfang Qingyu immediately ran away from Xiao Ran's three extremes, and looked at him with the expression "you deserve it".

"Yu'er," Xiao Ran just wanted to go forward and grab Dongfang Qingyu again, but the itching on his body made him feel powerless, and he couldn't help laughing at last .

Dongfang Qingyu gave him a cold look and said, "This is the punishment you deserve!"

The itching on Xiao Ran's body made him laugh out loud, but his heart was filled with desolation.

Before, Dongfang Qingyu would never treat him like this, but since Jiang Sa appeared, she actually attacked him!

Could it be... Could Dongfang Qingyu really like Jiang Sa?Therefore, why is he unwilling to appear intimate with Jiang Sa in front of him?

The more Xiao Ran thought about this, the more his heart sank.

On the other hand, Jiang Sa looked at Xiao Ran sympathetically.Thinking of what he saw when he broke into Dongfang Qingyu's room just now, he finally felt relieved.I'm afraid, it's just Xiao Ran's wishful thinking, right?
Otherwise, Dongfang Qingyu would definitely not poison him at this time, would she?
Xiao Ran's non-stop laughter made Dongfang Qingyu feel a little noisy.So, without even thinking about it, she mentioned Xiao Ran and threw him far away from her room...

(End of this chapter)

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