Chapter 204
"Tell me, where do you want to go?" After both of them got up, Dongfang Qingyu looked at Xiao Ran and asked.

Xiao Ran thought for a while, and said: "I haven't been to the branch of Wushangmen in Beijing for a few days, so why don't you accompany me to visit the branch of Wushangmen today!"

After several years of development, Wushangmen has also established a branch in the capital. However, the power of Wushangmen in the capital is not as strong as other places.

"En!" Dongfang Qingyu nodded indifferently, anyway, he didn't have any other important matters today.

In the entire Wushangmen, except for the deputy head Cao Yuting, no one has seen Xiao Ran's true face.

Therefore, before going out, both Li Ran and Dongfang Qingyu changed into white men's clothing, Dongfang Qingyu dressed up as Xiao Ran's bodyguard, and then put a silver mask on his face.

In order to avoid being seen, the two left the mansion in a carriage from Dongfang Mansion, and after going around a few times, they got into a very ordinary-looking carriage and headed towards the Wushangmen branch in the suburbs of Beijing. drive away.

Seeing the attires of Xiao Ran and Dongfang Qingyu, the porter guarding the door knew that their sect master had arrived.However, out of vigilance, he still asked Xiao Ran to show his token.After seeing Li Ran's Heimu Wushang Token, he immediately let them in respectfully.At the same time, in their special way, they notified the people inside that the door master was coming.

Dongfang Qingyu has followed Li Ran to come here many times, and Li Xiao Ran even gave her a special token, saying that she can use that token to mobilize all the forces of the Wushang Sect in the capital.Therefore, she is no stranger to this place.

The two soon came to the study room specially prepared for Xiao Ran, Xiao Ran sat on the main seat, and asked someone to put a chair beside him for Dongfang Qingyu to sit down.

Although the appearance of the two of them would make people feel weird, Dongfang Qingyu sat down without any hesitation—anyway, they always sat like this every time they came here.

As soon as he sat down, the head of the branch came to report some important things in Wushang Sect to Xiao Ran.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Ran's voice immediately changed into a slightly cold, mature and steady voice, not angry but prestige but with a trace of irresistible voice, said.

Dongfang Qingyu sat at the side and secretly glanced at Xiao Ran. At this moment, Xiao Ran didn't look like a rascal at all?And where is that man who often takes the opportunity to act like a spoiled child to her?This is clearly a man with such a strong aura that no one can ignore him!

Ding Qiyao, the branch master of Wushangmen, stood obediently in the middle of the study, and began to report the affairs of Wushangmen.And Xiao Ran responded with two voices from time to time.

At the end, Ding Qiyao raised his head, looked at Xiao Ran, then at Dongfang Qingyu, and said, "Master, I have something to report."

Seeing this, Xiao Ran understood that he saw Dongfang Qingyu here, so he hesitated.

Dongfang Qingyu stood up and prepared to evade first.After all, this is Wushangmen's internal affairs, and she should avoid some things.

However, just as she stood up, Xiao Ran grabbed her hand, pulled her to sit on the chair again, and said, "Yu, you don't have to leave! There is no secret between me and you. There is nothing about Wushangmen that you cannot know!"


(End of this chapter)

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