The witch is too black: Miss Arrogant

Chapter 236 Contest Disturbance 05

Chapter 236 Contest Disturbance 05
Dongfang Qingyu chatted casually with Jiang Sa after dinner, and an hour passed, and the third match was about to start again.

In the third competition, an eighth-level elixir was still made with the prescribed medicine.Four materials were prepared for each person, and the time limit was two hours.

When they heard that they were refining eighth-level elixir, five of the thirty alchemists voluntarily withdrew from the stage.After all, although they are very experienced in refining medicine, they are only seventh-level pharmacists after all, and have never refined eighth-level elixir, so it is useless to stay on top.

There are still some, but they just stayed on the field with the mood of giving it a try.

There are more than [-] alchemists in the field, but there are not many people with absolute self-confidence.Of course, Dongfang Qingyu was one of them.

Refining the eighth-order elixir is not a difficult task for her.

Dongfang Qingyu looked at the five alchemists who had just left the field, sure enough, as soon as those people left, some medicine boy went to buy the elixir they had just refined.

The medicinal materials were delivered quickly, Dongfang Qingyu looked at them, not only the quantity of the medicinal materials was problematic, but also the quality, more importantly, some of the medicinal materials were not usable at all.

Of course, the elder in charge also said just now that they were only asked to use these medicinal materials to refine an eighth-level elixir, but they didn't say that they should use up all these medicinal materials, did they?
However, at the end, Dongfang Qingyu's heart sank even more.Looking at the medicinal materials sent up this time - the medicinal pills refined from these pills have only one purpose, and that is to forcibly improve one's own profound energy in a short period of time.

Although such elixir is very effective in a short period of time, after using it, the damage to the body is extremely great.Even, some people will become disabled for life after using such pills, and they will no longer be able to cultivate profound energy.Seriously, it may even cost your life.

Therefore, Dongfang Qingyu had never been able to make such a pill before.

However, if it's just an eighth-order elixir, it shouldn't make people lose their lives, right? !

Thinking of these, Dongfang Qingyu felt a little uneasy.

Because of these thoughts in his heart, Dongfang Qingyu seemed a little absent-minded when refining the elixir, and his control over the heaven and earth strange fire was not as precise as before.

Suddenly, with a "bang", the medicine cauldron in Dongfang Qingyu's hand couldn't withstand the scorching of the heaven and earth fire in her body, and exploded.

Dongfang Qingyu came back to his senses, seeing the mess on his face and on the table, he couldn't help but sighed in his heart.At this time, he even lamented the importance of a good medicine cauldron to a pharmacist.

If it was the black crystal medicine cauldron in her hand just now, even if the temperature of the lethal medicine cauldron became higher if her mind was distracted just now, it would definitely not explode because of it.

The explosion of the medicine cauldron on Dongfang Qingyu's side caught everyone's attention, and the ten chief examiners sitting in the front also cast their eyes on Dongfang Qingyu.Jiang Sa, on the other hand, looked at Dongfang Qingyu with a worried face, as if he wanted to run up to see if she was injured.

Dongfang Qingyu shrugged helplessly, patted the things on her body, looked at the elder in charge sitting on it, and asked: "My medicine cauldron exploded, please, can you replace it with a medicine cauldron?" ?”

(End of this chapter)

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