The witch is too black: Miss Arrogant

Chapter 241 Contest Disturbance 10

Chapter 241 Contest Disturbance 10
After Dongfang Qingyu finished speaking, his mind began to work rapidly.

If this is really a conspiracy against her, I'm afraid that the cloth strip really came from her body.

Hearing this, Jiang Sa took the cloth strip and walked behind Dongfang Qingyu.In fact, there is no need to compare it, Jiang Sa has already seen that the texture of the noodles is exactly the same as the texture of the clothes on Dongfang Qingyu.

Sure enough, when he walked behind Dongfang Qingyu, he saw that a piece of Dongfang Qingyu's clothes had been torn off.It's just that that place is relatively hidden, and just now, everyone's attention was focused on the Alchemist Competition, and no one noticed it at all.

However, in front of so many people, Xiao Ran still took the torn strip of cloth, walked to Dongfang Qingyu's side, and compared the strip of cloth with the clothes on Dongfang Qingyu's body.

In comparison, everyone could clearly see that the strip of cloth exactly matched the damaged part of Dongfang Qingyu's clothes.Such a result is naturally clear at a glance.

Dongfang Qingyu turned around to take a look and realized that this was indeed a conspiracy against her!

However, she clearly remembered that when she put on this dress this morning, there was no damage to the clothes.Besides, they can't guess that she will definitely wear this dress today, right?Therefore, it doesn't make sense to say that one strip of her clothes was torn off earlier.

In this way, the cloth strip must have been torn off after she put it on today.

But who would it be?Who can tear off her clothes without her noticing?

No, that's almost impossible.Unless...unless that was someone she trusted.Because of trust, he will not fortify him, so he can do it.

And among so many people in this square today, the only person she trusts and who has the opportunity to get close to her is Jiang Sa!
Dongfang Qingyu thought about it, his eyes froze, and he looked at Jiang Sa coldly.If anyone had the opportunity to tear off her clothes today without being guarded by her, Jiang Sa was the only one.

Jiang Sa was also looking up at Dongfang Qingyu at this time, but unexpectedly looked at Dongfang Qingyu's cold and suspicious eyes.

A pain in his heart, after all, she still can't fully trust him?Didn't she understand that even if he would frame anyone in the world, he would never frame her?

Besides, if he really wanted to frame her, how could Fang Cai stand in front of her and vouch for her knowing that the cloth was torn from her clothes just now?

Jiang Sa's hurt eyes made Dongfang Qingyu wake up immediately, yes, Jiang Sa has no reason to harm her!She should trust Jiang Sa!Just now, she was dazzled by anger, right?
Thinking of this, Dongfang Qingyu cast a sorry look at Jiang Sa.Thinking again in her heart, is there anyone else who has been close to her today, and is there anyone else who might tear off her clothes without her noticing.

"Girl, what else do you have to say?" At this moment, Jiang Cheng stared at Dongfang Qingyu coldly and asked.

Dongfang Qingyu raised her head when she heard the words, looked at Jiang Cheng, and smiled slightly.Then, she said with her voice like a yellow warbler: "My name is Dongfang Qingyu!"

Jiang Cheng was startled when he saw this.He never thought that Dongfang Qingyu would have such a reaction...

(End of this chapter)

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