Chapter 250
Hearing this, Jiang Yizhen immediately took out the Zishan jade carving, untied the piece of yellow silk wrapped on the Zishan jade carving, put it on his nose and smelled it, and then handed it to Jiang Cheng and the elders, saying: "That's right, there is indeed a hidden smell of medicine remaining on it."

Jiang Cheng took the silk, took it under his nose and smelled it, but a haze flashed in his eyes.

After everyone smelled it, they all nodded.

Now, everyone has understood that Dongfang Qingyu has been completely wronged!
The people present couldn't help feeling angry when they thought that they had been deceived in the first place.Some people even raised their voices and shouted: "It's too abominable to wrong the Oriental girl. Find out the real murderer!"

"That's right, Miss Dongfang is such a beautiful girl, how could she be a thief? Quickly tell who is behind the scenes, and give Miss Dongfang justice!" Another person shouted.

"I said a long time ago that the Oriental girl was definitely wronged!"


Many people outside the stadium started to shout.

Dongfang Qingyu glanced at those people speechlessly, now, don't look at the way they are filled with righteous indignation, I am afraid that when all the evidence pointed to her just now, they all still scolded her for looking like a fairy in their hearts, Heart like a poisonous scorpion, right?
It's just that they were just some ordinary people drifting with the crowd, so she didn't blame them.Just looking at them, he raised his voice and said to them: "I know everyone is avenging me, but please calm down first."

After hearing Dongfang Qingyu's words, everyone finally calmed down gradually.All looked towards Dongfang Qingyu.

Dongfang Qingyu shook his head secretly, turned around, looked at Li Xiaodong, and said, "Now tell me, who told you to do this?"

In fact, Dongfang Qingyu had already vaguely guessed who it was, but she always felt that they should not have such great strength.

Hearing this, Li Xiaodong shot his gaze at Chi Shaowen, and said, "The one who asked me to do all this is Chi Shaowen, the young master of the Red Blood Mercenary Corps!"

When Chi Shaowen heard this, his face immediately turned pale.

He has seen Dongfang Qingyu's methods before, if he falls into Dongfang Qingyu's hands again this time, he still doesn't know what will happen to him.

Thinking of the misery he had experienced in the past few days, his whole body began to tremble slightly.

Seeing this, Chi Shaochen sighed in his heart, walked to Chi Shaowen's side, and patted his shoulder lightly and comfortingly.

When everyone heard this, all their eyes immediately turned to where the three brothers of the Chi family were.Chi Shaowen even felt that there were thousands of sharp sword-like gazes aimed at him, which made him feel as if he was sitting on pins and needles.

Dongfang Qingyu had already guessed the answer, so she didn't feel too surprised.He didn't question Chi Shaowen immediately, but looked at Li Xiaodong and asked, "Aside from these, what else do you know? For example, who stole the Zishan jade carving?"

Although Dongfang Qingyu guessed that Chi Shaowen did this to revenge her, but she didn't think that with the strength of the Chixue mercenary group, it was enough to steal the Zishan jade carving in the secret room of the alchemist alliance.

Li Xiaodong shook his head when he heard the words, and said, "I don't know anything else!" He said, with a trace of hesitation in his eyes, but finally said: "It's just because Chi Shaowen said that as long as I do things Once it's done, they will give me a batch of rare medicinal materials and two recipes for refining eighth-level elixir, so I was temporarily fascinated and agreed to do this for them."

(End of this chapter)

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