The witch is too black: Miss Arrogant

Chapter 255 Contest Disturbance 24

Chapter 255 Contest Disturbance 24
Dongfang Qingyu walked up to Jiang Yizhen, and said to him: "Old leader Jiang, I would like to ask you, who is in charge of the key to the secret room of your alchemist alliance?"

Although Jiang Yizhen didn't understand why Dongfang Qingyu asked him such a question, he still replied truthfully: "The keys to the secret room are placed in the hands of two boys who specialize in guarding the secret room. However, the keys in their hands are all It's only half, only when the two keys are combined, can the door of the secret chamber be found."

Dongfang Qingyu moved his body, then, after a pause, he suddenly turned around and said to Jiang Cheng: "Then, please send someone immediately to call the two boys who specialize in guarding the secret room! "

Dongfang Qingyu's words just fell, but Jiang Yizhen suddenly said: "By the way, I remembered, I have a way to find out who stole this Zishan jade carving. Now Xiaohu who is in charge of the secret room is here, Elder Li , I’ll trouble you to go there yourself and call the little bear!”

Upon hearing that, Elder Li immediately nodded to Jiang Yizhen, and then walked towards the secret room.

"Uncle, how can you find out who stole the Zishan jade carving?" After Elder Li left, Jiang Cheng turned around, looked at Jiang Yizhen, and asked.

Jiang Yizhen said: "Don't be in a hurry, I will call the little bear later, and I will tell you naturally."

Hearing this, Jiang He had a gloomy look in his eyes.However, he didn't say anything after all.

Not long after, Elder Li called Little Bear over.

Jiang Yizhen immediately stared at Xiaoxiong and Xiaohu sharply, and asked, "Tell me, when did you both come across the Zishan jade carving?"

Xiaohu immediately said: "Back to the old leader, I have never touched the Zishan jade carving. Even when cleaning sometimes, I will be careful not to touch it."

Jiang Yizhen nodded when he heard this.Then, he turned to Little Bear and asked, "What about you?"

Little Xiong panicked, and immediately said: "I, like Xiaohu, have never touched that Zishan jade carving before."

With a sneer on the corner of Jiang Yizhen's mouth, he said, "Are you all telling the truth?"

Xiaohu nodded, and said: "What I said is all the truth, there is absolutely no falsehood."

Little Bear quickly nodded in agreement.

Hearing this, Jiang Yizhen had a smile on his face, and said, "It's good if you haven't touched it. Because, when I left, I left behind this Zishan jade carving, but I was also afraid of it. Some people have evil intentions and will take it as their own. Therefore, I applied a layer of medicine on this Zishan jade carving. Anyone who directly touches this Zishan jade carving will appear on his arm Purple spots. It is absolutely impossible to disappear within ten days." Jiang Yizhen paused, and said: "Since you have never touched this Zishan jade carving, then take your sleeves now. Get up and let us all see!"

As soon as Jiang Yizhen finished speaking, Dongfang Qingyu's eyes were fixed on the little tiger and the little bear, especially the little bear.There was a gloomy look in Jiang Cheng's eyes, a smile appeared on the corner of Xiao Ran's mouth, and a thoughtful look flashed on Chi Shaochen's face.

Others also had different expressions, but most of them were full of surprise.They all seem to be curious about whether there will be those purple spots on the arms of the little tiger and the little bear...

(End of this chapter)

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