The witch is too black: Miss Arrogant

Chapter 257 Contest Disturbance 26

Chapter 257 Contest Disturbance 26
"You didn't think of it, did you?" Dongfang Qingyu smiled lightly.

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect you to be such a powerful person. I didn't expect that I worked so hard for so long, but I finally fell into the hands of a woman like you!" Jiang Cheng said unwillingly .

Dongfang Qingyu said coldly: "You didn't think of it! And I didn't think of it either! I didn't think that you, the leader of Jiang Da, were strangers to me, but you colluded with the brothers of the Chi family to murder me. If I remember correctly, Before this, I didn't know you, the leader of Jiang Da, right? You and I have no grievances in the past, but why do you insist on setting up such a vicious scheme to frame me?"

Jiang Cheng snorted coldly: "If you weren't meddling in other things, this old bastard would have already gone to see the King of Hades. Why do I need to spend so much effort?" Jiang Cheng said, pointing to Jiang Yizhen.

If Jiang Yizhen died that day, it would be impossible to cooperate with Chi Shaochen and the others!

There was a flash of pain in Jiang Yizhen's eyes, and he looked at Jiang Cheng coldly: "So I guessed correctly, you were the one who sent people to chase me down that day!"

Anyway, things have come to this point, Jiang Cheng opened the window and said bluntly: "Yes, I sent it!"

"Why?" Jiang Yizhen asked in a deep voice, his eyes frowned slightly, hiding the look in his eyes.

He thought he didn't do anything to apologize to Jiang Cheng.On the contrary, Jiang Cheng's parents passed away when he was very young, and he has been raising Jiang Cheng himself all these years.In the end, he even handed over the alchemist alliance that he had established with his own hands.

He has done so much for Jiang Cheng, why is Jiang Cheng still dissatisfied?Even have to kill him before giving up?

When Jiang Cheng heard this, a trace of hatred flashed in his eyes: "Why? Jiang Yizhen, don't you know why?"

Jiang Yizhen was shocked when he saw the overwhelming hatred in Jiang Cheng's eyes.

Since when did the nephew who was raised by himself hate him so much?And he himself didn't know it at all?

Jiang Cheng looked at Jiang Yizhen with hatred, and then said: "You always thought that you raised me, that you handed over the Alchemist Alliance to me, and that you are kind to me, so I should repay it? "

"Cheng'er, I never thought of asking you to repay me!" Jiang Yizhen looked at Jiang Cheng, shook his head, and said.

At that time, in order to establish this alliance of alchemists, his wife worked so hard to death, but she did not leave him a man and a woman.He has always been ashamed of his wife.Although his wife died, he still loved her, and he felt that she still lived in his heart.

Therefore, in the next few decades, he never married another wife.But he raised Jiang He as his own son.

Any parent has never thought about getting anything in return from their children.And he is the same.

"No? It doesn't matter whether you have or not." Jiang Cheng sneered: "Didn't you ask me why I hate you so much? Then I might as well tell you!"

Dongfang Qingyu looked at Jiang Cheng, and couldn't help being curious.What kind of grievances and grievances exist between Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yizhen?So much so that Jiang Cheng would deal with his uncle in such an extreme way.

"Tell me, I also want to know why you were able to attack your uncle who has raised you for 30 years!" Jiang Yizhen said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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