Chapter 266
"Brother, let's stop talking outside here!" Dongfang Qingyu looked at Dongfang Yu and said, "I haven't eaten yet, I'm so hungry!" After saying that, he turned his head, looked at it, and said: "Jiang Sa, you haven't had dinner either, why don't you go in and have dinner together before leaving!"

How could Jiang Sa object to Dongfang Qingyu's words?

So, a group of three people walked into the room, and asked Xiaoer to serve the food and wine.

After playing for a whole day today, after the game, I went to treat Jiang Cheng's injuries. Dongfang Qingyu was already a little tired.She had to go to the competition tomorrow, so as soon as she finished eating, she greeted the two men and went back to her room to sleep.

After Dongfang Qingyu left, Jiang Sa did not leave.Instead, he drank with Dongfang Yu until midnight, and finally stayed at Rugui Inn.

Early the next morning, Jiang Sa and Dongfang Qingyu went to the Alchemist Alliance.

The next day's game was almost without suspense.Dongfang Qingyu won No.1 by relying on the experience accumulated in her previous life and her superb medicine refining skills, and got the black jade medicine cauldron as she wished.

When she confirmed that she had won the first place, what Dongfang Qingyu thought was that she could finally refine the Ningxuan Pill for her elder brother!
However, at this time, she didn't expect that just because she won the first place, it would drag her into another vortex.

At this time, the alchemists who received rewards in front had already received their prizes.Now, under the envious gaze of everyone, she walked to Jiang Yizhen's side.

Jiang Yizhen took out the cyan ink crystal medicinal cauldron, handed it to Dongfang Qingyu, and said, "Miss Dongfang, you deserve it!"

Although Jiang Cheng has not woken up yet, the situation has stabilized.Therefore, Jiang Yizhen calculated that it was almost time for the award presentation, so he rushed over specially.Because, he still has very important things to announce in public.

Dongfang Qingyu took the black crystal medicine cauldron with a smile, this medicine cauldron was finally enough for her now!
"Everyone, I have one more thing to announce!" At this moment, Jiang Yizhen turned around, glanced around, summoned his profound energy, and said loudly.

As soon as Jiang Yizhen's words came out, the surroundings immediately became quiet, and everyone turned their attention to Jiang Yizhen.

Seeing this, Jiang Yizhen turned his gaze to Dongfang Qingyu, and said, "Miss Dongfang, Jiang has something to ask."

Dongfang Qingyu looked at Jiang Yizhen slightly in surprise, and said, "The old leader has something to say, please."

She didn't know what Jiang Yizhen wanted her to do in front of so many people.

Jiang Yizhen looked at her and said, "Girl Dongfang, my nephew is incompetent, which led to what happened yesterday. However, now he has paid the price for everything he did. He has become like that, so naturally he can no longer be responsible for this job." I am now the leader of the Alchemist Alliance! However, the Alchemist Alliance cannot be without a leader for a day, so I would like to invite Miss Dongfang to be the third leader of the Alchemist Alliance!"

"This..." Dongfang Qingyu looked at Jiang Yizhen: "Old leader, what virtue can Qingyu do to make you look favorably on the old leader. However, Qingyu is too young after all, I'm afraid she can't take on such a heavy responsibility, and It is difficult to convince the public. Furthermore, Qingyu is not from Lingcheng, and it is impossible to live in Lingcheng permanently, so I am afraid that Qingyu is not a suitable person."

(End of this chapter)

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