The witch is too black: Miss Arrogant

Chapter 290 Entering Mengjiang 15

Chapter 290 Entering Mengjiang 15
Dongfang Qingyu was startled, looked at the leader of the man in black with some surprise, and said, "You haven't slept yet!"

The leader of the man in black smiled and said, "Aren't you the same and didn't sleep?"

Dongfang Qingyu said: "I didn't sleep because I was healing your subordinates!"

Hearing this, the leader of the man in black laughed out loud: "You have worked so hard to heal my subordinates' wounds and stay awake, how can I, as the leader, have the nerve to go to sleep first?"

Dongfang Qingyu rolled her eyes secretly, decided not to talk to him anymore, looked at him, and said, "I still have something to do, so I'll leave first!"

The leader of the man in black was stunned. Seeing Dongfang Qingyu walking outside, he followed immediately, and said, "Miss Dongfang, it would be very dangerous to be alone at night. Where are you going? Why don't I accompany you?"

Dongfang Qingyu sighed, it seemed that he would not be able to make alchemy tonight.I could only say: "I'm just not sleepy, I just want to take a walk!"

So, the two walked towards the depths of the tree one after the other.

Walking to a hillside, Dongfang Qingyu found a place and sat down, looking at the bright moon in the sky.

The leader of the man in black also sat down beside her.But he didn't speak.

Suddenly, Dongfang Qingyu turned his head, looked at the leader of the man in black, and said, "Hey, until now, I still don't know your name! Besides, why are you covering your face all the time? Could it be that you don't have a face? Do you see anyone?"

Hearing this, the leader of the man in black turned his head to look at Dongfang Qingyu, and said, "Why, is Dongfang girl very curious about my appearance?" He smiled lightly, and then said, "Do you want to see my face?" The face is not a problem. But, any woman who has seen my face has to marry me! So, you have to think clearly, okay?"

Dongfang Qingyu was taken aback when he heard the words, and immediately shook his head like a rattle: "Forget it, I'd better not watch it!"

She didn't want to marry a man she didn't know or understand just because of such an inexplicable reason!
It's just that, what she heard in the past was not all that some women would do such inexplicable things, just like Mu Wanqing in Jin Yong's works.And it was the first time she heard a man say that whoever saw his face had to marry him.

Furthermore, according to what he said, doesn't he think that he can marry whoever he wants, and marry as many as he wants?
Just when Dongfang Qingyu was thinking secretly, the leader of the man in black had already torn off the face scarf, and said to Dongfang Qingyu with a smile: "Miss Dongfang, don't you really want to see it? Actually, I'm pretty good-looking, even if you marry me, you won't suffer!"

Dongfang Qingyu turned her head away and said, "Don't look!"

Does she still see less beautiful men?

Does her elder brother count as one?Xiao Ran is also one of them, right?Xuanyuanjue is also the best among men, not to mention Jiang Sa who looks like a monster.

"Don't you really want to see it?" The leader of the man in black laughed softly: "Anyway, my face towel has been taken off, do you want to see it or not. However, after passing this village, there will be no such shop. From now on, you just want to Look, I can't see it either!"

The laughter of the leader of the man in black made Dongfang Qingyu feel annoyed.And her heart is full of disdain: Who likes to look at him?She was just asking casually just now.She was just a little curious, why they kept covering their faces...

(End of this chapter)

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