The witch is too black: Miss Arrogant

Chapter 324 Purple Charm Zhang Jing 01

Chapter 324: Purple Charm Returns to Beijing 01
But, does this count as falling in love with Xiao Ran?Dongfang Qingyu couldn't help asking herself in her heart.

Dongfang Qingyu thought for a while, but couldn't think of an answer.All I know is that Xiao Ran is also very important in her heart, just as important as Dongfang Yu!All I know is that if something happens to Xiao Ran, she will definitely not just sit idly by!
"Yu'er, what are you thinking about?" Xiao Ran, who had waited for a long time without an answer, looked at Dongfang Qingyu and asked.

Dongfang Qingyu came back to her senses, looked at Xiao Ran: "It's nothing, it's just, I really don't know if I like you or not!"

After Xiao Ran heard Dongfang Qingyu's words, his mood suddenly became depressed.However, thinking that Dongfang Qingyu hadn't enlightened all these years, he could only sigh.Forget it, he has been waiting for so many years, does he still care about this moment?He had some patience to wait.

When Dongfang Qingyu saw that Xiao Ran's face was turning dark, he quickly changed the subject: "What about you? What do you want that blood smoke stone for?"

Xiao Ran thought about it, he didn't want to drag Dongfang Qingyu into this vortex, so he kept it from her.But now, she has already come here from the capital of the Kingdom of the Moon to save him, and if she wants to get involved if she is not involved, perhaps it is wisest to tell her.

So, Xiao Ran told Dongfang Qingyu all about his life and family enmity.

Dongfang Qingyu had never asked about Xiao Ran's life experience before, because she felt that there was no need for her to inquire about other people's privacy, but she did not expect that Xiao Ran would bear such a blood feud.

After listening, she couldn't help but hugged Xiao Ran vigorously, and said: "Xiao Ran, don't hide anything from me in the future, okay? Although my current profound energy is not as good as yours, I can still help you! "

After hearing this, Xiao Ran looked at Dongfang Qingyu, his heart was full of emotion.

"En!" Xiao Ran stared at Dongfang Qingyu closely, and nodded emphatically.

"Then what are you going to do next?" Dongfang Qingyu asked.

"Blood tobacco once appeared in the eastern branch of the Dream Gang, which means that there has been a blood smoke stone in the Dream Gang." A sternness flashed in Xiao Ran's eyes: "In any case, I have to find out about this matter." The truth. If my family’s genocide was really related to the Dream Gang, I would definitely not let them go!”

Dongfang Qingyu listened and nodded.She suddenly remembered that Lu Jinhao said that as long as there is something to do, you can go directly to the branch of the Dream Gang to find him.Since he is the deputy leader of the Dream Gang, if the Blood Smoke Stone ever appeared in the Dream Gang, he should know about it.

Why don't she ask Lu Jinyun, maybe she can find a clue for Xiao Ran.

After resting all morning, Dongfang Qingyu told Xiao Ran to find a friend, and then went out to the branch of the Dream Gang.As for Xiao Ran, he also went to deal with some of his own affairs.

"Miss Dongfang, what do you want me to do?" Lu Jinhao was a little surprised when he saw Dongfang Qingyu coming, but he was more happy.

No matter why Dongfang Qingyu came here, as long as she can think of him when she needs help, he will be very happy.

Dongfang Qingyu smiled and said: "I came here to learn something from you, are you willing to tell me the truth?"

After hearing this, Lu Jinhao smiled and said, "Ms. Dongfang can rest assured that I know everything and say everything!"


(End of this chapter)

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