The witch is too black: Miss Arrogant

Chapter 329 Re-entering Mengjiang 01

Chapter 329 Re-entering Mengjiang 01
At this moment, Dongfang Ye sighed and said: "Yu'er, I know, you are the head of the family now, even if I want to stop you, I'm afraid I can't stop you. Since you are so determined, then I I will tell you what happened back then. After you have heard it, it is up to you to do whatever you want!"

There was a trace of vicissitudes in Dongfang Ye's voice.

Dongfang Qingyu was listening outside, and couldn't help feeling a little curious about what Dongfang Ye said about the past.

"Actually, I always knew that your father was in Mengjiang!" Dongfang Ye said.

"Then why didn't you tell me earlier?" Dongfang Yu's voice was full of anger.

"I won't tell you, that was your father's decision when he ran away!" Dongfang Ye paused, and continued: "And, it was also your father's decision to put you outside Dongfang Mansion back then!"

"Hmph, you don't have to make excuses for your ruthlessness back then!" Dongfang Yu's tone was tinged with disdain.

After listening to Dongfang Ye, he sighed again, and said: "I know that you brothers and sisters suffered a lot back then, but this is indeed what your father meant back then." He said, "Actually, Your mother is the Holy Maiden of Mengjiang!"

Dongfang Qingyu couldn't help being surprised when he heard this.Their mother is the Mengjiang saint? !

Thinking of Ruyue's situation when she saw her, and then thinking of her being captured by the Holy Emperor of Mengjiang for no reason, and the expressions of the Holy Emperor and the Holy Son when they saw her...

That's it!

If this is the case, these things make perfect sense.

However, according to Ruyue, her mother seems to be still in the Mengjiang Holy Palace, and she is still a saint. What happened back then...

Just as Dongfang Qingyu was thinking this way, he heard Dongfang Ye go on to say: "Back then, your father Dongfang Quan was considered a very talented genius, and he had already reached the peak of the seventh order at the age of 15. Later, he In order to practice better, I decided to go out to practice. Back then, your father and I had always been at odds, so I couldn't stop him from making a decision. However, no one thought that he would go to Mengjiang this time. , and met Mengjiang Saintess Ye Menger. The two fell in love at first sight, and in the end, they eloped while taking advantage of the Mengjiang Saint Emperor's surprise."

When Dongfang Qingyu heard the words, she also admired her mother's boldness in her heart.

As a woman of this era, especially a high-status saint, she has the courage to elope with others...

This kind of courage, even she, couldn't help applauding her secretly.

"After the two eloped, your father was afraid of hurting the Dongfang family, so he hid with your mother all the time and did not dare to go back to the Dongfang family." Dongfang Ye continued: "But later, they were still found by the Holy Emperor's people and sent them to the family. Your mother captured Mengjiang."

"Your father didn't want your mother to be taken away like this, so he bought that house on the outskirts of the city for you two to live in. Probably because he was afraid that sending you back to the Eastern family would attract the attention of the Holy Emperor, so he bought the house in the suburbs of the city. When I left home, I begged me again and again not to take the two of you back to the Dongfang family. I also tried to visit you as little as possible and give you as little help as possible!" Dongfang Ye continued: "And in those years, Although I have never visited you two, brother and sister, but I often have people take care of you!"

I see!However, probably neither Dongfang Quan nor Dongfang Ye thought that Dongfang Zhen and Dongfang Yunxiao would take advantage of this and often come to bully their siblings, right?
(End of this chapter)

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