The witch is too black: Miss Arrogant

Chapter 337 Re-entering Mengjiang 09

Chapter 337 Re-entering Mengjiang 09
Chen Yuting looked at Ximen Luqing with pity and said: "Qing'er, I know you don't feel it, but I feel that way myself!" Then, he turned his gaze to Dongfang Qingyu, and said, "Now, Miss Dongfang has The antidote has been developed. No matter what, I will try it."

"But..." Ximen Luqing's eyes were full of worry.

Looking at Ximen Luqing, Chen Yuting felt more and more guilty.This fierce and decisive woman in front of other people has been dragged down by him all these years, and has always been by his side, a useless person.

"Qing'er, I know my own body. As Dongfang girl said, if I don't get a cure, I can't live for three months. However, if Dongfang girl is given medicine, maybe there is still a glimmer of life." Chen Yuting paused After a pause, he continued: "Even if it really fails, it will only advance my death date by three months. Whether it is success or failure, at least you can be relieved."

"Brother Chen..." Ximen Luqing listened to Chen Yuting's words, the water in her eyes accumulated, and finally turned into a crystal teardrop, rolling down.She went forward and held Chen Yuting's hand: "Brother Chen, I have never regarded you as a burden. Even if I just take care of you for the rest of my life, I am willing."

Chen Yuting stretched out his hand, wiped away the tears on Ximen Luqing's face pitifully, and said: "Qing'er, I know all this in my heart. But, I don't want to keep burdening you like this!" Then he said: " Qing'er, don't worry, your elder brother Chen's life should have ended ten years ago, since God didn't accept my contract ten years ago, now, he will not let me die so easily."

After hearing this, Ximen Luqing finally forced a smile on her face.But, no matter what, he couldn't hide the worry in his eyes.

Dongfang Qingyu stepped forward, patted Ximen Luqing's shoulder, and said, "Qing'er, don't worry, I will definitely do my best."

Ximen Luqing turned her head when she heard the words, looked at Dongfang Qingyu and nodded heavily.

"Master Chen, are you ready?" Dongfang Qingyu turned his head, looked at Chen Yuting, and asked.

Chen Yuting nodded towards Dongfang Qingyu resolutely, and said, "I'm ready!"

"Okay, let's start now!" Dongfang Qingyu said, looking at Ximen Luqing, and said: "Qing'er, go outside and wait first!"

Ximen Luqing looked at Chen Yuting worriedly, then turned her gaze to Dongfang Qingyu, and said, "Boss, please!"

Although Ximen Luqing didn't say anything else, Dongfang Qingyu suddenly felt a bit of pressure in her heart.She knew that Ximen Luqing had put all her hopes on her!

"Qing'er, I will definitely do my best!" This time, even Dongfang Qingyu did not dare to promise Ximen Luqing.She was really afraid that she would give Ximen Luqing hope, but in the end she would be disappointed.

"En!" Ximen Luqing nodded, turned around, and walked out of the room without looking back.

However, as soon as the door was closed, tears fell from Ximen Luqing's eyes.

Ten years ago, when she was just a helpless little girl, Chen Yuting was poisoned to save her.Since then, taking care of Chen Yuting has become the most important thing in her life.In the past ten years, rain or shine, I have done my best...

(End of this chapter)

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