The witch is too black: Miss Arrogant

Chapter 340 Re-entering Mengjiang 13

Chapter 340 Re-entering Mengjiang 13
Chen Yuting finished his work, looked at Dongfang Qingyu, and said, "Miss Dongfang, thank you!"

Dongfang Qingyu looked at Chen Yuting with a smile, and said, "Young Master Chen, you are welcome! From now on, as long as you live up to Qinger!"

The reason why she worked so hard to save Chen Yuting was because of Ximen Luqing.

Hearing this, Chen Yuting immediately said seriously: "Qing'er treats me like this, there is no way I will let her down!"

Dongfang Qingyu nodded when she heard the words, and said: "If you can really do what you said, then let it be. If you lose to Qing'er in the future, I, Dongfang Qingyu, will be the first to let you go!" Said Suddenly, Dongfang Qingyu's gaze became cold: "Since I have a way to save your life now, I will definitely have a way to take your life in the future!"

Chen Yuting looked at Dongfang Qingyu, and said: "Miss Dongfang, please rest assured, in this life, I will never let Qinger down."

Only then did Dongfang Qingyu feel relieved.Looking at Chen Yuting, he nodded and said, "Mr. Chen, the remaining poison in your body has almost been completely eliminated. From now on, you only need to take care of yourself slowly, and your body will recover soon. It took so long to detoxify, you Your body has reached its limit. You should lie down and rest first!"

Chen Yuting nodded upon hearing this.After such a long time of detoxification, and just now he gathered his profound energy, Chen Yuting was indeed very tired.Just now when he talked to Dongfang Qingyu, he had already pulled himself together.Therefore, upon hearing Dongfang Qingyu's words, Chen Yuting nodded immediately.Then, with the help of Dongfang Qingyu, he lay down.

After lying down for a while, he was already exhausted and fell asleep.

Seeing this, Dongfang Qingyu covered him with the quilt, then turned around and walked out.

As soon as she opened the door, Ximen Luqing, who had been pacing back and forth in the yard, immediately greeted her, grabbed Dongfang Qingyu, and asked nervously, "Boss, how is Brother Chen?"

Dongfang Qingyu was about to tell Ximen Luqing that Chen Yuting was fine.However, Ximen Luqing seemed to be unable to wait for Dongfang Qingyu's answer, so she bypassed Dongfang Qingyu and entered the room.

Dongfang Qingyu shook her head secretly, isn't this Ximen Luqing too nervous?

However, just as Dongfang Qingyu was about to leave, leaving Ximen Luqing and Chen Yuting a chance to be alone, Ximen Luqing's subdued sobs came.

Dongfang Qingyu was startled, and immediately turned around.Could it be... Could there be another accident?

Turning his head, Dongfang Qingyu saw Ximen Luqing holding Chen Yuting's hand, looking at the blood that had just spit out from his chest, crying and sobbing.

As soon as Dongfang Qingyu saw it, she knew that Ximen Luqing had misunderstood.

So, she stepped forward, patted Ximen Luqing's shoulder lightly, and was going to tell her that Chen Yuting was fine, and she just needed to take care of her in the future.

However, before she could say anything, Ximen Luqing was sobbing and said first: "Boss, you don't need to say anything. Don't feel sorry for me, I know, you have tried your best!"

Dongfang Qingyu's eyes widened when he heard that.What the hell, she tried so hard to rescue Chen Yuting, why would she feel sorry for her?
However, since Ximen Luqing doesn't know the truth, she doesn't care about her...

(End of this chapter)

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