Chapter 349
"My dream gang is where you can come and go whenever you want!" The head of the dream gang yelled angrily, and the profound energy in the iron cage immediately surged, causing the curtain to flutter, and a strip of the curtain was suddenly torn off, as if Like an iron chain, it hit Dongfang Qingyu's back straight.

Dongfang Qingyu was already prepared when she turned to leave, but even so, she still couldn't completely avoid the attack of the cloth.She couldn't help being shocked. It seemed that the leader of the Meng Gang was indeed a strong man she had never met before.

Today, if she wants to leave the Dream Gang, I'm afraid it will not be an easy task!
However, even so, no one can force her to do things that Dongfang Qingyu doesn't like!
So, Dongfang Qingyu turned around and stared at the iron cage coldly, her spirit had already been raised to the highest level!
However, Dongfang Qingyu didn't know that the head of the Meng Gang was also filled with shock at this moment.

Just now, he tore off the curtain with his profound energy, originally he wanted to use the curtain to hit Dongfang Qingyu's acupuncture point and leave her here.However, he did not expect that Dongfang Qingyu would be able to avoid the vital point.

Although the curtain in his hand still hit Dongfang Qingyu's body in the end, it was far from what he expected.This little girl really seems to be a simple character!

"Father, please don't hurt Qingyu!" Lu Jinhao ran to Dongfang Qingyu, and blocked her behind with his body again.

"Hao'er, get out of the way!" said the head of the Meng Gang, and with a sweep of the curtain in his hand, Lu Jinhao had already been swept aside.Dongfang Qingyu was completely reflected in his eyes.

Seeing Lu Jinhao being swept away, Dongfang Qingyu's nerves tensed up.

Even if she really tried her best, she might at most be able to draw with Lu Jinhao.After all, she had just entered the ninth rank not long ago.But the leader of the Dream Gang swept Lu Jinhao aside with a single swipe.If he wanted to kill Lu Jinhao, it would be as easy as crushing an ant.

At the same time, if he wanted to kill her, it would be as easy as crushing an ant.

However, the tense Dongfang Qingyu waited for a long time, but did not wait for the attack from the leader of the Meng Gang. Instead, after hearing him for a long time, his voice trembled: "Meng'er..."

Dongfang Qingyu frowned immediately when she heard the words, and said, "I am not Menger, my name is Dongfang Qingyu!"

After finishing speaking, she suddenly remembered that the Meng'er that the leader of the Meng Gang was talking about was probably her mother, Ye Meng'er, right? !Her appearance is very similar to her mother, didn't Kisaragi mistook her for the saint of Mengjiang—her mother Ye Meng'er?

However, what kind of relationship does this dream gang leader have with her mother?

Dongfang Qingyu did not expect that as soon as her words fell, the curtains would all be shattered into pieces in the next moment, falling like fallen leaves in the autumn wind in Ruo Da's house.

With the disappearance of those curtains, Dongfang Qingyu finally saw clearly what was going on inside the curtains.I saw a pale-haired man chained to the bed by several arm-thick iron chains.That——is the leader of the Dream Gang.

And now, she finally understands why Lu Jinhao told her to prepare her mentally before, not to be frightened by the leader of the Dream Gang...

(End of this chapter)

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