Chapter 353
The Heavenly Remembrance Fragrance is also a kind of elixir that can increase one's profound energy. If one can get a Heavenly Remembrance Fragrance, as long as other medicinal materials are added to make it into a Reminiscence Pill, it will definitely help people to conflict with the ninth-level profound entrance.

However, if you are above the ninth rank, eating the Ling Yi Tianxiang can only help you advance to the first rank at most.

Dongfang Quan was stunned when he heard it, then looked at Dongfang Qingyu, and asked: "That's right, half a month before I took the Blood Smoke Stone, I once ate a Lingyi Tianxiang." After speaking, he paused After a pause, he looked at Dongfang Qingyu and asked, "What's wrong, Yu'er? Could it be related to my current illness?"

No, as far as he knows, Ling Yi Tian Xiang is a very good medicine that can enhance one's profound energy, and it is almost impossible for it to have any side effects!

Dongfang Qingyu nodded after hearing Dongfang Quan's words.It would be right if Dongfang Quan had eaten this Lingyi Tianxiang in the previous month!
Thinking about it, she looked at Dongfang Quan and said, "Yes, it is indeed related, and the relationship is quite deep!"

Seeing the unconfused look in Dongfang Quan's eyes, Dongfang Qingyu went on to say: "Father, both the Heavenly Reminiscence Fragrance and the Blood Smoke Stone can greatly enhance a person's profound energy, and if the Heavenly Reminiscence Fragrance is taken alone , there are absolutely only benefits and no harm to people. However, the medicinal properties of the blood smoke stone and Lingyi Tianxiang are completely opposite. These two medicines are like one water and one fire, they are incompatible. After being eaten by you, they will naturally continue to restrain each other in your body, and this has created your current situation!"

After Dongfang Quan heard this, he had a glimmer of understanding.

However, he still didn't understand: "Since that's the case, how did the senior alchemists I found before see the clues?"

Dongfang Qingyu said: "About Lingyi Tianxiang and Xueyan Stone's mutual restraint, many high-level alchemists don't know about it! After all, few people have the opportunity to eat these two things at the same time."

Because these two medicinal materials are extremely rare, it is extremely rare to find one of them.

And she herself, if she didn't like to read some medical books in her previous life, she probably wouldn't know about it.

After hearing Dongfang Qingyu's words, Dongfang Quan couldn't help reevaluating Dongfang Qingyu.Perhaps, his daughter is more powerful than he imagined.

"Yu'er, can my illness be cured?" Dongfang Quan asked.

Although he no longer had much hope for a cure, he still couldn't help asking.After all, he didn't want to die like this, and he still had a lot of wishes unfulfilled.

Dongfang Qingyu raised her head, and a hint of arrogance flashed in her eyes: "If you meet someone else, maybe you really can't be cured, but if you meet me, you can't die even if you want to die at this time!"

This is not arrogance or arrogance, but Dongfang Qingyu has this strength!

"Hahaha..." After listening to Dongfang Quan, he burst into laughter: "You really deserve to be my daughter, with my arrogance!"

Dongfang Qingyu wanted to tell Dongfang Quan that she was not his daughter.However, thinking that he has occupied his daughter's body after all, let's be filial to his daughter!However, even if she recognized Dongfang Quan as her father, she still had to figure out some things!
"Father, I want to ask you something!" Dongfang Qingyu said.

(End of this chapter)

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