Chapter 361
Xiao Ran can be sure that Dongfang Qingyu must have experienced something in the Dream Gang.Otherwise, she would never have said such a thing!

Thinking of this, Xiao Ran couldn't help but burst into anger.

If members of the Dream Gang dare to attack Dongfang Qingyu, he will definitely tear them into pieces!
Dongfang Qingyu was startled, and immediately knew that Xiao Ran had misunderstood something.So, she shook her head and said, "No, I'm fine, but I feel a little tired. I want to find a place to rest and a man to live a good life." After speaking, she raised her eyes to look at Xiao Ran, and said : "Why, don't you want to?"

Dongfang Qingyu sighed in her heart, she still took advantage of Xiao Ran's love after all.

When Xiao Ran heard this, a trace of joy immediately appeared in his eyes.

Dongfang Qingyu's willingness to marry him was something he could not have wished for, so how could he not be willing?but
"Yu'er, why would I not want to? I'm so willing!" Xiao Ran said with a big smile on his face.

After hearing what Xiao Ran said, Dongfang Qingyu couldn't help showing a smile in his eyes.

Xiao Ran looked at Dongfang Qingyu, couldn't help but lowered his head, and kissed her deeply.

After a long time, Xiao Ran let go of Dongfang Qingyu, but his eyes darkened, and said: "Yu'er, after I avenge my father's killing, I will go with you to live the life you want!"

When Dongfang Qingyu heard the words, he finally let out a long sigh in his heart, that Xiao Ran couldn't let go of revenge after all!
It seems that this road may not work.How to do it?

Dongfang Qingyu nestled in Xiao Ran's arms, her heart was ever-changing.

Suddenly, something hard in Xiao Ran's arms pressed against her.

No Death Order!
Dongfang Qingyu knew that it was the Wushang Token that Xiao Ran carried with him!

She still remembered that when he was in the Misty Forest, Xiao Ran once said that the Wushang Sect recognizes orders but does not recognize people.Moreover, up to now, there are not many people in Wushangmen who have seen Xiao Ran's true face.if……

"Xiao Ran, not many people in Wushangmen know you now, do they still recognize you?" Dongfang Qingyu raised his face, looked at Xiao Ran, and asked.

Although he was quite sure of this point in his heart, Dongfang Qingyu still asked in confirmation.Because she didn't want to make a mistake in this matter.

"Yes!" Xiao Ran replied with a nod.

Although these years, he has not deliberately concealed his identity, but the rules of Wushangmen have been formed long ago.

Dongfang Qingyu secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words.She raised her head and kissed Xiao Ran's lips.

When Dongfang Qingyu's wet lips touched Xiao Ran's, Xiao Ran couldn't help being startled.He has known Dongfang Qingyu for so many years, he has always kissed Dongfang Qingyu, but Dongfang Qingyu has never kissed him actively.

Therefore, when Dongfang Qingyu took the initiative to kiss him, he was a little surprised and a little excited.

However, for some reason, he always felt that Dongfang Qingyu today was a little different from the past.However, these are different, but they all seem to be developing in the direction he wants.Therefore, although he noticed Dongfang Qingyu's difference, it didn't attract his special attention.

Dongfang Qingyu kissed Xiao Ran for a while, and was about to leave, but was hugged tightly by Xiao Ran, and began to plunder Dongfang Qingyu's lips...

(End of this chapter)

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