Chapter 366
After Dongfang Yu agreed, Dongfang Qingyu returned to the room, packed her things, and left the Dream Gang when night fell...

After leaving the Dream Gang, Dongfang Qingyu left Mengjiang overnight, went to Lingcheng, changed into the outfit that Xiao Ran usually appeared in front of Wushangmen, and went to the branch of Wushangmen in Lingcheng.

Dongfang Qingyu took the Wushang Token and gave an order to the head of the Wushangmen Branch Hall, asking him to immediately send the order to all the Wushangmen's branch altars. From today onwards, no one is allowed to make any changes without seeing the Wushang Token.

After giving the order, Dongfang Qingyu left Lingcheng.

After leaving Lingcheng, Dongfang Qingyu didn't know where to go for a while.

After much deliberation, Dongfang Qingyu changed into a young son and headed towards Xingcheng, the capital of the country of stars where Ximen Luqing was.

Before, Dongfang Qingyu always thought that Chen Yuting was just an ordinary son, but after returning to Star Country, she found out after several inquiries that Chen Yuting turned out to be the prince left behind by the current emperor of Star Country.

Thinking of the appearance of Chen Yuting and Ximen Luqing before, Dongfang Qingyu thought, Ximen Luqing finally found a good home, and she could just go to her place to hide for a while.

However, when she came to Chen Yuting's Prince Qing Mansion and saw Ximen Luqing, she found that although Ximen Luqing was very happy after seeing her, there was always a trace of unresolved sadness in her eyes.

"Boss, why are you here?" Ximen Luqing asked Dongfang Qingyu as she welcomed Dongfang Qingyu into her room.

"Hiding people!" Dongfang Qingyu shrugged and said.

"Hehe..." Ximen Luqing smiled and said, "I never thought that you, boss, have people who are afraid of you, don't you?"

Dongfang Qingyu heard the words, looked at Ximen Luqing seriously, and said: "Qing'er, I never thought that you would be so melancholy." Then, she grabbed Ximen Luqing's hand and said, "Qing'er Son, did something happen between you and Chen Yuting? Tell me, and I'll teach him a lesson for you!"

At that time, did he forget what he said when she begged Chen Yuting?

If he dares to be sorry to Ximen Luqing, she will definitely forgive him!

"No!" Ximen Luqing lowered her eyes, hiding all her emotions, and said, "He treats me very well!"

Yeah?Dongfang Qingyu raised an eyebrow secretly.If he was really good to her, why did she become like this?
"What about others?" Dongfang Qingyu asked.

She must ask Chen Yuting for clarification!

"Hey..." Ximen Luqing sighed, and said: "Since he became the prince, he has been very busy. A few days ago, the emperor was going to hold a winter hunting, and he accompanied the emperor to the royal hunting ground in Ancheng! "

"Oh..." Dongfang Qingyu heard the words, looked at Ximen Luqing teasingly, and said: "So, you little girl is suffering from lovesickness?"

It turned out that Chen Yuting was not there, no wonder she always felt a trace of sadness in her eyes when she first saw Ximen Luqing.

Before, she only thought that Chen Yuting bullied her!It now appears that it should not be.

However, she never thought that Ximen Luqing would become so sentimental.

After hearing Dongfang Qingyu's words, Ximen Luqing just sighed in her heart and did not explain...

(End of this chapter)

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