Chapter 378 Revenge 03
Dongfang Qingyu heard it, and immediately shouted: "I don't want it!"

Is it too easy to want to marry her with such a broken token that is useless in her eyes?
Hmph, the easier things you get, the less you will cherish them!Dongfang Qingyu secretly thought.

Hearing this, Xiao Ran's expression changed drastically, and his whole body became cold: "Yu'er, what did you say?"

She had clearly promised him to marry him before, but now she wants to go back on it?
Hmph, even if she wants to regret it now, it's too late!

In this life, she, Dongfang Qingyu, has no desire to marry anyone except him, Xiao Ran!Even in the afterlife, you can only marry him!

Dongfang Qingyu naturally sensed Xiao Ran's suddenly cold breath.

She looked at Xiao Ran with some puzzlement, but she couldn't help but secretly startled.

In front of her, Xiao Ran always doted on her and followed her, never showed her face.Let alone like now!
Such Xiao Ran made Dongfang Qingyu feel timid in her heart. She looked at Xiao Ran and said, "I... I don't want your broken token as a betrothal gift!"

After hearing this, Xiao Ran breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Dongfang Qingyu didn't mean not to marry him!
But after that, Xiao Ran felt like hitting a wall again.

His Wushang order can command all the people of Wushangmen.

After so many years of development, Wushangmen's influence has already spread all over the Kingdom of Stars and the Kingdom of Moon.But the most powerful thing about Wushangmen is that it has almost mastered some unknown and shady things about all the official families of the two countries.

If you use this to threaten those officials and aristocratic families, with this order of no death, if you want to fight against a country, it is not impossible at all!
But such a token, in the eyes of Dongfang Qingyu, is just a broken token!Look at her god, she didn't take it seriously at all!

This made Xiao Ran feel a sense of defeat.

"Then what do you want me to give as a bride price?" Xiao Ran asked.

"I..." Dongfang Qingyu was stunned for a moment, she hadn't really thought about what Xiao Ran would give as a bride price: "I'll tell you when I think about it!"

Hearing what Dongfang Qingyu said, a smile finally appeared on Xiao Ran's face, and he said: "Well, you have to think about it quickly!"

Dongfang Qingyu was embarrassed when she heard the words.

She, she... She hasn't decided to marry yet, okay?

But, looking at li xuan's appearance, I'm afraid she can't be blamed even if she wants to!
Moreover, li xuan's appearance just now was so terrifying that even she would feel terrified!

Thinking about it, Dongfang Qingyu decided not to entangle with Xiao Ran on this issue anymore.Otherwise, you will only embarrass yourself even more.

So, she told Xiao Ran everything that Dongfang Quan told her that day.

After hearing this, Xiao Ran's face suddenly darkened, and the expression in his eyes became even more unpredictable.

"Xiao Ran..." Dongfang Qingyu frowned and shouted.

How could Xiao Ran have such an expression?Did he not believe what she said?

Did he actually think that she was justifying Dongfang Quan?Otherwise, how could he be like this?
Thinking of this, Dongfang Qingyu couldn't help feeling a little sad!Is it because she lied to him once before that he is no longer ready to trust her?

Xiao Ran seemed not to have heard Dongfang Qingyu's cry, and was still immersed in his own thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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