Chapter 382 Revenge 07
Although he had unlocked Dongfang Qingyu's acupoints and Dongfang Qingyu had promised to marry him, he still decided that he would be wherever Dongfang Qingyu was in the future.He must stay by Dongfang Qingyu's side all the time.

Firstly, I can rest assured, and secondly, it also puts an end to other men's idea of ​​hitting on Dongfang Qingyu!
As for the power of Wushangmen, he will transfer most of them into Mengjiang as soon as possible.

After the two reached a consensus, they went out together and found Dongfang Qingyu.

Seeing the two of them walking out together, Dongfang Qingyu finally felt relieved.

In fact, why li xuan let her out just now, she also had a faint idea in her heart.

She didn't blame Xiao Ran, because if it was her, she would have the same doubts.

However, judging from their current appearance, they should have settled their suspicions, so she was relieved.

At this moment, Lu Jinhao walked towards them, saluted Dongfang Quan, and looked at Dongfang Qingyu: "Qingyu, long time no see!"

When Dongfang Qingyu returned to the Dream Gang, he was sent out, so he didn't see her again until then.

After not seeing her for a few months, he only felt that Dongfang Qingyu looked even more beautiful.

Dongfang Qingyu smiled at Lu Jinhao, and said, "How is Brother Lu?"

Hearing Dongfang Qingyu's question, Lu Jinhao's heart suddenly became happy, and he said, "Well, it's okay!"

However, at this moment, Xiao Ran took Dongfang Qingyu's hand and pulled her to his side.Then, a pair of eyes stared fiercely at Lu Jinhao.

Dongfang Qingyu, who was pulled by Li Ran, turned his head inexplicably and looked at Li Ran, only to find that Li Ran's eyes were staring fiercely at Lu Jinhao.She couldn't help but startled, Xiao Ran couldn't be jealous, right?

But what kind of vinegar is this?
She just said a few more words to Lu Jinhao!

After all, Lu Jinhao is considered to be her brother-in-law, right?Did she say a few words to her brother-in-law?
Looking at Xiao Ran's extremely possessive performance, Lu Jinhao finally had a gloomy look in his eyes.In fact, he already knew that Dongfang Qingyu had no chance with him.

However, his heart still couldn't help being attracted by Dongfang Qingyu!

Naturally, the strange aura among the few people couldn't escape Dongfang Quan's eyes.Seeing this, he hurriedly said: "Hao'er, since you are back, let's go have lunch together. After eating, we can discuss how to deal with the Holy Emperor."

Hearing what Dongfang Quan said, several people nodded immediately.

Although Xiao Ran was very reluctant to see Lu Jinhao, but since he was in the Dream Gang, he couldn't kick others out, could he?Besides, he had to look at Dongfang Quan's face!
In the afternoon, several people spent time in the meeting hall.

In fact, Xiao Ran himself was extremely wary of Lu Jinhao.But Dongfang Qingyu could only roll her eyes.

While they were discussing, Dongfang Qingyu suddenly thought, isn't the Holy Emperor of Mengjiang also surnamed Lu?
In front of her, what was the name of the holy son she met in the holy palace... Isn't it called Lu Jinyun?

Lu Jinhao...

Lu Jinyun...

Will there be any relationship between them?

And most importantly, does her father know about their relationship?If Lu Jinhao is really related to the Holy Emperor, then why is he in the Dream Gang?Does he have any other purpose for the Big Dream Gang?
(End of this chapter)

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