Chapter 384 Revenge 09
The Holy Emperor obviously did not expect so many ferocious beasts to suddenly appear on this half-mountain.

Although he felt that things were a little weird, he didn't panic, and immediately commanded the thousands of elite soldiers he brought to fight against Jingwei's army of beasts.

Those soldiers are all guards of the imperial city, and all of them are people with strong profound energy.

And those army of beasts, although there are Jingwei in command, but after all, they are just beasts without any profound energy.

If it is against ordinary people, there is absolutely no problem. However, against these well-trained holy guards, they can only be beaten.

Dongfang Qingyu frowned slightly as she watched those beasts die one by one by the sword of the Holy Guard, but she was not in a hurry.

Even though these beasts are not opponents of the holy guards, two fists are no match for four legs.With so many wild beasts attacking one after another, even if they can't kill them, they will be exhausted to death.

However, at this moment, a signal flare was suddenly sent out among the Holy Emperor and his party.

Seeing that flare explode in the air, Dongfang Qingyu's heart sank.

Is the Holy Emperor calling for reinforcements?
They are well prepared today, but if a large army comes, they still have no chance of winning.

Although they haven't been exposed yet, they can retreat completely when they arrive, but after this incident, the Holy Emperor will definitely be more careful in his actions in the future.I'm afraid it will be difficult for them to find such a good opportunity!
"What should we do now?" Dongfang Qingyu turned around, looked at Dongfang Quan and the others, and asked.

"Before their rescuers arrive, let's rush forward with all our strength, kill the Holy Emperor, and rescue your mother!" Xiao Ran said decisively.

Dongfang Qingyu nodded upon hearing this.At this time, there is only this way.

However, when she glanced at Lu Jinhao's face from the corner of her eye, she saw a complex look in his eyes.Dongfang Qingyu couldn't help but startled, but paid more attention to Lu Jinhao.

Having decided to attack immediately, Dongfang Qingyu summoned Qingluan and jumped on Qingluan: "Father, I'll go and rescue mother first!"

As long as Ye Meng'er can be rescued first, they will no longer have any scruples, and they can completely let go and avenge Xiao Ran and Jingwei!
After getting along with each other for several years, Qingluan and Dongfang Qingyu have already connected with each other. As soon as Dongfang Qingyu's voice fell, Qingluan carried Dongfang Qingyu on his back and headed towards the white soft sedan chair among the Holy Emperor and his party. rush away.

In the blink of an eye, Qingluan had already carried Dongfang Qingyu to the top of the white soft sedan chair.

As soon as those holy guards saw someone rushing over, they immediately heard someone shout: "Protect the saint!"

As a result, those who were fighting with the beasts immediately withdrew a small part and surrounded Ye Menger's sedan chair.

Dongfang Qingyu looked at the people surrounding him, and smiled coldly: "The mantis is like a cart, I don't know if I'm dead or not!"

After finishing speaking, she waved her hand, and several silver needles flew out from her sleeve, which were exactly the silver needles that Dongfang Qingyu often used.

However, this time the silver needle is fatal!

A silver light flashed, and those who rushed forward all fell to the ground, lifeless.

The people behind were startled when they saw it, but after that startled, they immediately rushed up one after another.

After all, it is their duty to protect the saint...

(End of this chapter)

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