Chapter 389 Revenge 14
Seeing that someone dared to disobey his order, the Holy Emperor was so angry that he almost jumped up: "I asked you to shoot me, are you all deaf?"

After all, his eyes swept towards the archers fiercely.

Seeing this, Dongfang Qingyu said kindly: "Holy Emperor, stop yelling, even if you yell out your throat, they won't be able to shoot another arrow!"

When the Holy Emperor heard it, his face changed suddenly: "Did you poison them?"

Last time, Dongfang Qingyu was able to escape from the Holy Palace by himself, so he naturally couldn't covet her.

Later, he sent someone to investigate, and found out that Dongfang Qingyu was not only a miracle doctor, but also a master poisoner.

Therefore, when he heard what Dongfang Qingyu said, he thought of this.

Dongfang Qingyu shrugged and said: "You saw me kill? You can't be so reckless!"

In fact, Dongfang Qingyu didn't kill them, but made them lose consciousness temporarily.

"You..." Thinking that Dongfang Qingyu was able to poison and kill his archer in front of his face without anyone noticing, he couldn't help feeling a chill in his heart.

What made his heart tremble even more was that Dongfang Qingyu only poisoned those archers, and the others didn't suffer any damage.This... what kind of skill is this?

In fact, Dongfang Qingyu didn't have much poison on her body, it was barely enough to poison those archers.

After all, archers are a greater threat to them.

As for the other guards, she believed that with their skills, it was impossible for those guards to stop them!

"Dongfang Quan, Dongfang Qingyu, if you still want Ye Menger to live, you'd better be honest with me immediately!" The Holy Emperor naturally knew the purpose of Dongfang Qingyu and Dongfang Quan's presence here.

That being the case, he might as well break them down one by one.As long as their strength is spread out, it will be much easier for him to deal with them.

Sure enough, as soon as he said this, Dongfang Quan's face changed drastically.And that Dongfang Qingyu had an inscrutable expression on his face.

"Where is Meng'er?" Dongfang Quan's face turned pale, and his voice trembled slightly as he looked at the Holy Emperor and asked.

Seeing Dongfang Quan like this, the Holy Emperor couldn't help feeling a little sour.

He thought that he was no worse than Dongfang Quan, but Ye Menger's heart was all on Dongfang Quan, and he couldn't catch her eyes at all.

"Meng'er is in a very safe place." As the Holy Emperor said, his eyes turned cold, and he said, "But, if your father and daughter act recklessly again, then it may be uncertain whether she will be safe or not!"

The Holy Emperor's words made Dongfang Quan's face turn white again, and Dongfang Qingyu's eyes showed a trace of anxiety.

Ming □□zhong understood that the Holy Emperor wanted to use Ye Menger to restrain them, but they couldn't help being restrained.

Dongfang Quan and Dongfang Qingyu understood more clearly the intention of the Holy Emperor's move, which was just to let them disperse first, and then clean up one by one.

However, Dongfang Quan has prepared for so many years, but it was all to save Ye Menger. What could be more important than Ye Menger's safety?And at this moment, where does he have other options?

Everyone's attention was focused on Dongfang Quan and Dongfang Qingyu, wanting to see how they would choose, but no one noticed Xiao Ran.At this moment, Xiao Ran didn't seem to care about Dongfang Qingyu and the others doing everything they could, but looked at the sky with a strange expression...

(End of this chapter)

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