Chapter 392 Revenge 17
Dongfang Qingyu and the others also did not join the melee.Xiao Ran took her hand and protected her by his side.

Dongfang Quan, on the other hand, looked at Lu Jinhao who had already fought with the Holy Emperor with a deep expression.

It is said that the Holy Emperor also has the strength above the ninth level.

If they didn't use dirty tricks, according to Lu Jinhao's current strength, no matter what, they wouldn't be killed by him.

However, if they want to take advantage of this opportunity to sneak attack, he will never allow it!

Thinking in this way, Dongfang Quan paid more attention to those who followed the Holy Emperor.He also happened to see the gloomy look in the eyes of the man in Tsing Yi who was just behind the Holy Emperor. He looked at that man, but found that with his own ability, he couldn't see the man's strength.

There used to be a legend that the Holy Emperor was protected by a tenth-rank powerhouse.Could it be... Could it be that this person is the tenth-rank powerhouse?
Such a guess surprised Dongfang Quan, and he paid more attention to him.

As Dongfang Quan had expected, although the Holy Emperor's profound energy was higher than Lu Jinhao's, the two of them had performed twenty or thirty moves in half, but they were evenly matched.However, looking at the current situation, Lu Jinhao may have become a little impetuous because he wanted revenge.

If it goes on like this, it will be bad for Lu Jinhao.

Just as Dongfang Quan was thinking this way, he saw Lu Jinhao suddenly holding a long sword, raised his profound energy, and stabbed at the Holy Emperor.

Seeing Lu Jinhao's stab, Dongfang Quan's heart couldn't help but twitch.With such recklessness, the Holy Emperor only needs to give way slightly, and his right hand holding the sword can be injured.

Thinking of this, Dongfang Quan was already ready to help.

However, at this moment, he saw that the holy emperor's body gave way slightly to the left, raised the sword in his hand, and slashed at Lu Jinhao.

Seeing that the holy emperor's sword was about to stab Lu Jinhao's right hand, he suddenly deflected the sword, and the sword avoided Lu Jinhao's hand, only cutting off a piece of his clothes.

Dongfang Quan was taken aback, since he turned his gaze to the man in Tsing Yi standing behind the Holy Emperor just now, he saw anger flickering in his eyes.

Dongfang Quan turned his head and looked at Dongfang Qingyu and Xiao Ran, and sure enough, they were also looking at him.

Apparently, Dongfang Qingyu and Xiao Ran also discovered that Holy Emperor's deliberate act of releasing water.

However, since the Holy Emperor killed his brother to seize the throne back then, and wanted to kill Lu Jinhao to silence him, why did he show mercy to Lu Jinhao now?
If he killed Lu Jinhao, wouldn't he be able to sit back and relax in the future?

Dongfang Quan saw that Dongfang Qingyu and the two had also noticed this point, and with full of doubts, he turned his eyes to the two people who were fighting.Naturally, secretly, he paid more attention to the man in Tsing Yi.

Then, several times, the Holy Emperor had the opportunity to hurt Lu Jinhao, but for some reason, he let Lu Jinhao go intentionally or unintentionally.

Seeing this, Dongfang Quan frowned even deeper.

In the middle, what else is tricky?

After the Holy Emperor showed mercy to Lu Jinhao's subordinates again, Dongfang Quan saw the cold light flash in the eyes of the man in Tsing Yi, and suddenly struck Lu Jinhao.

At the same time, he said to the Holy Emperor: "Your Majesty the Holy Emperor, why do you need to do it yourself if you want to kill this kid, let your subordinates help you solve it!"

After all, without waiting for the Holy Emperor's response, he had gathered his profound energy and patted Lu Jinhao...

(End of this chapter)

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