Chapter 395 Revenge 20
Everything that happened just now was all in the eyes of Dongfang Qingyu and Xiao Ran. At this moment, looking at the Sage Emperor, it seemed that there was really something hidden in it, so he took out a pill from his bosom and stuffed it into it. into the mouth of the Holy Emperor and helped him protect his heart veins.

The Holy Emperor looked at Lu Jinhao, he knew that Lu Jinhao was merciless with his sword just now, and he also knew that after this sword, his time is running out.

So, he looked at Lu Jinhao and said, "Hao'er, I did kill my elder brother back then. But I didn't do this to usurp the throne. You should know that I didn't have much interest in the throne back then. .”

Hearing this, Lu Jinhao sneered, "That's right, you really didn't seem interested in power back then! But, this was just your cover-up. In the end, didn't you just kill my whole family, and then sit on the The throne?"

If he hadn't concealed it so well back then, how could his father have been defenseless against him, and in the end, let them end up with their families ruined?
"Hao'er, you're blaming me wrong!" A trace of helplessness flashed in the Holy Emperor's eyes, and he said something that made Lu Jinhao's face change drastically.

"Back then, it was your father who asked me to kill him and then sit on the throne of the Holy Emperor!" said the Holy Emperor.

Not only Lu Jinhao, but also Xiao Ran and Dongfang Qingyu were shocked when they heard the words.

This... how is this possible?

Who doesn't love power in this world?How can an emperor let others kill him and sit on his throne?

Unless that person is crazy!

"You're talking nonsense!" Lu Jinhao said, looking at the Holy Emperor with disbelief in his eyes.

The Holy Emperor smiled wryly, and said: "Hao'er, I'm about to die now, what else can I lie to you?" Come on, he took out a seal from his bosom, flashed it into Lu Jinhao's hand, and said, "Now I am It’s impossible to survive, I will pass on the title of Holy Emperor to you, it’s not a loss to big brother!”

Hearing the magnification of the Holy Emperor and looking at the seal in the hands of the Holy Emperor, Lu Jinhao suddenly felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

He always thought that the Holy Emperor killed his whole family in order to seize the throne.

However, if this is the case, what is his move now?

Just now, he knew that the Holy Emperor could seriously injure him several times, but the Holy Emperor let him go again and again.In the end, he even wanted to block the palm of the man in Tsing Yi with his own body, so he was wounded by his sword in the end.

Is there really something else going on in that year?Could it be that he has always wrongly blamed the Holy Emperor?

Thinking of this possibility, Lu Jinhao couldn't help but tremble in his heart!
No, not possible!
What happened back then was his own experience!
However, how to explain the matter just now?
In any case, he must find out the truth of the matter.

"Lu Feng, what do you mean?" Lu Jinhao's eyes were so deep that it was impossible to see what he was thinking at this moment.

The Holy Emperor knew that his time was running out, and just now Lu Jinhao refused to listen to him, so he directly handed over the seal to Lu Jinhao, just to make Lu Jinhao calm down and listen to him talk about the past ten years ago. thing.

Although he didn't care about Lu Jinhao's hatred for him, if he didn't tell Lu Jinhao about those things, he might be in danger in the future.

Now, hearing Lu Jinhao's question, he finally felt relieved. Looking at Lu Jinhao, he began to talk about what happened more than ten years ago...

(End of this chapter)

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