Chapter 397 Revenge 22
The Holy Emperor paused, let out a long sigh of relief, and continued: "After realizing the failure, the eldest brother released the signal flare and asked me to prepare for everything. So, at that time, I brought all the soldiers in my mansion , under the banner of the crown prince seeking to usurp the throne, and wanting to be on the side of the Qing emperor, to enter the holy palace."

"When I entered the palace, the people of the national teacher had already killed my father and took control of my elder brother." As he said that, the hatred in the eyes of the Holy Emperor grew stronger: "Although I brought troops into the palace, the strength of the troops in my hands It is far less than the national teacher. I know that if I fight hard, I will definitely lose, so I have no choice but to follow the elder brother's plan and pretend to surrender to him."

"What happened later?" Dongfang Qingyu couldn't help asking.

The Holy Emperor took a breath, took a breath, and then continued: "The relationship between my elder brother and I has always been very good before, so it is impossible for the national teacher to believe me so easily. In order to test my sincerity, He actually wanted me to kill Big Brother myself!"

Several people present were shocked when they heard this.

How cruel would it be to ask him to personally kill his elder brother who was in love with him?

If he was really greedy for power at that time, it would be fine to do anything for power, but, according to what the Holy Emperor said before, he was not that kind of person back then.

"At that time, I was forced to go to my eldest brother with a knife. But, looking at his pleading eyes that wanted to ask for death to fulfill me, how could I do it?" The Holy Emperor said, closing his eyes in pain. eyes.After a while, he opened it again, and then said: "Just when I was about to turn around and attack the national teacher recklessly, my elder brother saw my intention. Eldest brother, he..." Speaking of this, the Holy Emperor It seems that I can't go on anymore.

When Lu Jinhao heard this, all the strength in his body seemed to be taken away by someone, and he fell to the ground.

If what the Holy Emperor said is true, then...

Looking at the sword that pierced through the body of the Holy Emperor, he felt all kinds of emotions in his heart.

"Brother must also know that it is absolutely impossible for me to kill him, so he took advantage of the opportunity of the Holy Emperor turning his back on us." The Holy Emperor said, his eyes were full of guilt: "Look at From the look in the eyes of my elder brother when he was dying, I know that he wants me not to forget the strategy we agreed on before, and wants me to keep Mengjiang."

Dongfang Qingyu sighed. At that time, if the Holy Emperor insisted on taking revenge on the national teacher immediately, he might have really plunged Mengjiang into a desperate situation.

"Seeing that elder brother is no longer alive, and in order to convince the national teacher to trust me, I had to use up all my profound energy to slap elder brother, making it look like my palm shattered all the meridians of elder brother." The Holy Emperor Tears welled up in his eyes: "Brother looked at the palm I slapped him, and finally looked at me with relief, and left just like that! And the national teacher believed me when he saw that I actually killed my brother. In the end, with his support, I finally sat on the Holy Emperor's seat!"

"I don't believe it!" Lu Jinhao shouted, at this moment, he himself couldn't explain his current mood clearly.

In fact, he believed most of what the Holy Emperor said just now.

However, if what the Holy Emperor said is true, then what is his resentment towards the Holy Emperor all these years?In the past ten years, what has he suffered; what is the persistence in the past ten years?
What was the sword he stabbed at the Holy Emperor just now?
(End of this chapter)

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