The witch is too black: Miss Arrogant

Chapter 419 Qingyu Detoxification 06

Chapter 419 Qingyu Detoxification 06
However, Dongfang Qingyu didn't know that she blushed at this moment, saying such words would not cause any pressure to others.On the contrary, Xiao Ran found it very interesting.

"Yu'er, are you shy?" Xiao Ran smiled even more proudly.

Shy your sister!

Dongfang Qingyu stared at Xiao Ran fiercely, cursing inwardly.

However, Xiao Ran only felt that Dongfang Qingyu's appearance was unique, so he couldn't help but bowed his head and bit Dongfang Qingyu's lips.

Grandma's, what he did to him last night was just to detoxify him.

It's good for him, not only is he not grateful, but now he still wants to bully her? !

How could Dongfang Qingyu, who was furious in her heart, allow Xiao Ran to continue doing evil in her mouth, so without thinking, she opened her mouth and bit towards Xiao Ran's tongue.

However, Xiao Ran seemed to have expected Dongfang Qingyu's move a long time ago, so he avoided it deftly and continued to kiss Dongfang Qingyu.

Dongfang Qingyu was furious, but there was nothing he could do.

Originally, Xiao Ran was just going to kiss Dongfang Qingyu and let her go, but, unexpectedly, a longing rose in his heart while kissing.

Hmm... Anyway, he and Dongfang Qingyu are now husband and wife, so why not come again?
Thinking like this, Xiao Ran complied with his own wishes and continued to move his hands.

But Dongfang Qingyu was frightened by Li Ran. After what happened last night, she naturally understood what Li Ran wanted to do.

"Xiao Ran, let me go, I...I don't want it anymore!" Dongfang Qingyu shouted hastily.

However, that voice had a charming hoarseness.

Listening to her own voice, Dongfang Qingyu wished she could find a hole to go down immediately, and never come out to see anyone again.

Does her words seem to be rejecting people?It was simply an invitation to refuse.

Xiao Ran raised a pair of eyes full of love... lust, looked at Dongfang Qingyu with burning eyes, and said, "Yu'er, do you really want it?" While speaking, his hands kept teasing her body, creating waves of ripples. .

Dongfang Qingyu resisted the shameful feeling in her body, nodded, and said, "No!"

Hearing this, Xiao Ran didn't let her go, instead he teased her even harder.

Dongfang Qingyu was furious, Xiao Ran did it on purpose!

He simply wanted to see her make a fool of himself on purpose!

Dongfang Qingyu lowered her eyes, if she didn't teach Xiao Ran a lesson, I'm afraid he will make more progress in the future.

Thinking about it, Dongfang Qingyu made a submissive look.

Seeing this, Xiao Ran happily turned over and pressed on her body.

Dongfang Qingyu's eyes flickered, she was waiting for this moment.

Without any warning, Dongfang Qingyu suddenly used her right knee to thrust between Xiao Ran's feet.

Hmph, she wants to see what else he can use to bully her!
However, Dongfang Qingyu didn't see it, at this moment, a fox-like smile appeared in Xiao Ran's eyes, and he easily avoided Dongfang Qingyu's fatal blow as soon as he stepped aside.

"Yu'er, do you want to murder your husband? Do you want to end your offspring?" Xiao Ran looked at Dongfang Qingyu with a smile and asked.

Just kidding, who is Xiao Ran?How could it be possible to fall into Dongfang Qingyu's trick?
Having been with Dongfang Qingyu for so long, how could he not understand Dongfang Qingyu?In this case, she would succumb to him, what a ghost!
Therefore, he had long been on guard against Dongfang Qingyu's move...

(End of this chapter)

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