Chapter 421
After Dongfang Qingyu left the inn, she found a shop selling ready-made clothes and bought a set of men's clothes. Then, she went into a small inn, rented a room, changed into men's clothes, and painted herself to make herself look like a man. He became a dark-skinned, ordinary-looking teenager, and then left the small inn again.

Walking on the street, Dongfang Qingyu thought proudly, at this moment, even if she stood in front of Li Ran, he might not be able to recognize her, right?
Of course, Dongfang Qingyu would not be so stupid to stand in front of Xiao Ran to see if he could recognize her.

But, where should she go next?

It's better to go back to the capital first and go to Yuge to inquire about the news!

I don't know what will happen if Xiao Ran goes back and can't find her!It doesn't matter, anyway, if Xiao Ran can't find her, he will definitely return to the capital.

Although Dongfang Qingyu felt that even if he walked in front of Xiao Ran, he would not recognize him.However, just to be on the safe side, she still changed her outfit every time she went.

Ten days later, Dongfang Qingyu returned to the capital and quietly went to Tingyu Pavilion.

In Tingyu Pavilion, Dongfang Qingyu got some news.

Although Nangong Zimei and Xuanyuanjue lived together, they never agreed to marry him; Ximen Luqing left Chen Yuting's palace for some reason and disappeared without a trace; after she left Jinzhou, Xiao Ran almost turned Jinzhou upside down Chaotian, now, has ordered all Wushangmen branch halls to focus on finding her whereabouts.

Since Nangong Zimei and Xuanyuanjue are already together, she doesn't need to worry anymore.

I wanted to go to Ximen Luqing to ask her why she left Chen Yuting, but since Ximen Luqing left the palace, she seemed to have evaporated from the world. Even if she went to the kingdom of stars, she might not be able to find her .

On the contrary, since Ximen Luqing left the palace, she might come to the Kingdom of the Moon to find her and Nangong Zimei.Therefore, she decided to stay in the Kingdom of the Moon and inquire about Ximen Luqing.

As for li xuan, she just let him make troubles!

After asking the people in Tingyu Pavilion to send a message to Dongfang Mansion, telling them that she was safe, Dongfang Qingyu left Tingyu Pavilion.Just order Xiao Yu'er to send her the news she wants regularly.

Now, Xiao Ran has come to the capital, if he stays in the capital, Dongfang Qingyu will always feel unsafe.

However, if she was too far away from the capital, she was afraid that when there was news from Ximen Luqing, she would not be able to receive it in time.So, she found a small town more than [-] miles away from the capital, and planned to settle down there first.

But where is she going to live?
When Dongfang Qingyu walked on the street named Nanyang Town, it was already dusk.Looking at the perverted person, he found himself in trouble for a while.

Why not, she just bought a house in Nanyang Town, invited four or five servants, and stayed here for a while.

Dongfang Qingyu thought about it, and was going to look for a suitable house to buy.

However, when she passed the Yingchun Tower, the girl with heavy make-up standing outside grabbed her and said, "My lord, come in and have fun. All the girls in our Yingchun Tower are juicy, and they are all like this." The most beautiful girl in Nanyang Town..."

Dongfang Qingyu frowned when he heard that, turned his head away, looked at that woman with disgust, and was about to get rid of the woman who was holding her hand...

(End of this chapter)

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