462 The Finale 09
Now that she has seen through Xiao Ran, she cannot let Xiao Ran find out that she is Dongfang Qingyu.At the same time, she began to think about how to escape from Xiao Ran quickly.

Originally, when she ran away, she wanted to understand that there was no bride when Xiao Ran came in the sedan chair, and she still felt a little guilty, but now, that trace of guilt has long since disappeared without a trace.

"Not to be a concubine?" Hearing this, Xiao Ran frowned, as if he was a little embarrassed.After thinking for a while, Xiao Ran raised his head, looked at Dongfang Qingyu, and said: "If you really don't want to be a concubine, then I will tell Yu'er to let you be a flat wife! Anyway, you Being sisters with Yu'er, she won't object if she thinks about it!"

Hearing Xiao Ran's words, Dongfang Qingyu's heart was completely chilled.

Looking at Xiao Ran, she only gritted her teeth with hatred.

"Young Master Xiao, didn't you say before that you will only marry Miss in this life?" Dongfang Qingyu gritted his teeth and said, "If Miss knows what you are saying now, she will be very sad!"

Xiao Ran looked indifferent, and said: "If you don't tell me, if I don't tell you, how would Yu'er know?"

"You...you are so shameless!" Dongfang Qingyu scolded angrily.

Did she really miss her before?She didn't realize that Xiao Ran was such a playful person?
Hearing Dongfang Qingyu's scolding, Xiao Ran didn't feel ashamed at all, instead he said: "Since you've scolded, why don't we make a real couple tonight, with raw rice and cooked rice, I can do it too if I think about it." Take you back soon."

As she said that, she actually bent down and kissed Dongfang Qingyu's lips.

Dongfang Qingyu was so angry that she almost jumped up, but her body was already imprisoned by Xiao Ran.

Thinking that Xiao Ran treats her like this, why is she willing to let him kiss him?Although she couldn't escape, she couldn't let Xiao Ran succeed.

When Xiao Ran's tongue entered her mouth, Dongfang Qingyu opened his mouth and bit down hard.

However, Xiao Ran seemed to have known Dongfang Qingyu would have this move a long time ago, the moment before she bit it, she faded away, and Dongfang Qingyu bit nothing.

"Hehe, the nature is very strong! But, I like it!" Xiao Ran said, pressing his lips to Dongfang Qingyu again.

Dongfang Qingyu was greatly annoyed, and thought to herself: I don't believe I can't bite you!

So, when Xiao Ran kissed her, she had the opportunity to bite hard.However, that li xuan seemed to have the foresight to escape at the last moment every time.

After flipping three times, Dongfang Qingyu was a little tired, and no longer tried to bite him.Just struggling blindly, rejecting Xiao Ran's kiss.

However, Xiao Ran is a man after all, and his profound energy is stronger than her.Therefore, it ended with Xiao Ran's victory in the end.

"If you move again, I really can't help but want you!" Xiao Ran said with a hoarse voice, looking at Dongfang Qingyu.Those eyes are full of... lust.

Dongfang Qingyu didn't dare to struggle anymore after hearing the words.

Xiao Ran hugged Dongfang Qingyu, and said: "It's getting late, why don't you take a rest here tonight!"

Dongfang Qingyu understood that if he wanted to escape at this time, he would definitely not be able to escape.She looked at li xuan fiercely, thinking in her heart, anyway, there is no way to escape tonight, so she will spend with li xuan.She wants to see how he will explain to her tomorrow.

Since he was able to betray her, she might as well break off the engagement with him in front of everyone tomorrow...

(End of this chapter)

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