Chapter 118 The Only Bride

Mu Taotao had nothing to say, since it was the result of such a powerful group of people's investigation, there must be no problem.

Mu Taotao couldn't help but sat beside Mo Yanshao, and wrapped his arms around his shoulders, hoping to comfort him in this way: "Yan Shao, don't be sad, don't you still have me by your side now? As long as you have me Companionship is enough, isn't it?"

"Will you always be by my side and never leave me?"

"of course."

"you swear?"

"I swear."

Mu Taotao really raised two fingers to swear.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, interrupting the oath that Mu Taotao was about to swear.

"Someone is coming, I will open the door."

After saying that, Mu Taotao wanted to get up, but was stopped by Mo Yanshao.

"This is my room, let me go." Mo Yanshao got up and walked towards the door while talking.

He's right, this is his room, so why is she staying here?She'd better go back to her room.

Thinking of this, Mu Taotao seemed to tiptoe towards her own room.

At this time, the door opened, and Zhou Zhenni's voice came from the door: "Young Master Yan, Uncle Mo is back. He said he wanted to see you very much, and asked you to find him in the study."

"Why are you here to deliver the message?"

Mo Yanshao's voice was very cold, he hated that man who had to send someone else to pass the message even to talk to him.

"Actually, Uncle Mo was talking to the two of us, so I took the initiative to come to you."

Jenny Zhou had a faint shy expression on her face.

Mu Taotao stayed at the passage between the two rooms, listening to the conversation between the two, Gordon couldn't help but feel a little bit in his heart.

It seems that Mo Yanshao's father is also planning to match Zhou Zhenni and Mo Yanshao?
Then what is she, Mu Taotao?
Mu Taotao felt more and more that she had become insignificant in this family, and even became a role in the eyes of others.

I don't know if she is careless, it seems that no one in this family takes her seriously except Mo Yanshao.

Mu Taotao sighed deeply, and was about to go back to her room through the passage, but Mo Yanshao stopped her.

"Taotao, I'm going to see that person, would you like to go with me?"

Mu Taotao was stunned for a few seconds when he heard Mo Yanshao's voice that sounded like heaven.

Is he planning to take her to meet his father?

What do you mean?
Mu Taotao turned to look at Mo Yanshao, who was looking at her affectionately, and stretched out a hand, as if waiting for her to hold it.

Summoned by his smiling eyes and that stretched arm, Mu Taotao walked towards him involuntarily, and quickly grabbed his wrist.

Zhou Zhenni looked at the way the two were holding hands, the viciousness in her eyes disappeared for a moment, and then she smiled and said: "That's fine, then let's go together."

Mo Yanshao was noncommittal, the three of them divided into two groups, and walked towards the study at the end of the corridor.

This is a room with a strong modern atmosphere. Although there are many books, and each book is like a thick brick, it does not prevent this room from becoming a modern office room.

Computers, laptops, routers, everything, just the big plane on the wall flashing stock market analysis data is enough to explain everything.

Mo Yanshao's father, Luo Zhengnan, was standing in front of the French window. When he heard the sound of the doorknob being twisted and looked back happily, he found that it was not the two people he thought came in, but three people.

This kind of situation was so weird that he was slightly surprised, so he hurriedly said: "Jenny, Shao Yan, this lady is..."

"Father, you probably don't know that this Miss Mu is the bride my grandfather found for me. I like her very much, so I want to marry her and be together for real."

Mo Yanshao showed his heart as soon as he entered the door, which made the other two women a little embarrassed.

Mu Taotao felt that Mo Yanshao was too straightforward, and he didn't give her some time to think about it. She was not fully prepared for asking her to marry him.

And Zhou Zhenni's face turned pale instantly, because she seemed to feel the tragic fate of being eliminated.

It shouldn't be like this, she hasn't started to fight Mu Taotao yet, why did Mo Yanshao deprive her of the right to fight?
But now she couldn't say a word, because the decision was in Mo Yanshao's hands, and he could kill anyone's right to fight.

Now, all he had to do was watch Luo Tianyun's reaction.

Sure enough, Luo Tianyun showed a very surprised expression: "I really haven't heard about this matter from grandpa, so does grandpa agree to your marriage with Miss Mu?"

"Whether you agree or not, she is my only bride."

Mo Yanshao said such words as if he was taking an oath.

"Well, this is not very good, talk less, you should obey your elders more in everything, isn't it?
What's more, grandpa is the oldest elder in our family, so you should listen to his opinion. "

Luo Zhengnan spoke seriously, and at the same time turned his gaze to Mu Taotao, and asked softly, "Miss Mu, do you think I'm right?"

This is throwing a difficult question at Mu Taotao, wanting to see her reaction.

Mu Taotao was at a loss for a while, she never thought that this would happen, Mo Yanshao would say that he wanted to marry her in front of his father.

From the bottom of his heart, Mu Taotao was very happy that Mo Yanshao defended himself like this.

But now, if she followed Mo Yanshao's words, she would be considered willful and disrespectful.

So it was impossible for her to follow Mo Yanshao's words, so she just said softly: "Of course I listen to the arrangements of the elders."

"If we asked you to leave Mo Yanshao, would you agree?"

"of course not!"

Mu Taotao replied without thinking.

Her reaction was so cute that Mo Yanshao wanted to laugh again.

The former sentence also said that he was willing to obey the arrangement of the elders, and the latter sentence said that he would not leave him.

Isn't this inconsistent?

Even Luo Tiannan was laughed at by Mu Taotao's straightforward answer.

He really didn't understand what this commoner woman was thinking.

Didn't he come to the Mo family for money?
"Miss Mu, as far as I know, you are just a wedding bride. My father spent 100 million to buy it for Yan Shao. I'm afraid he won't live to be 30."

"In fact, I have also played such a role. Isn't Yan Shao still doing well now? He will only be 30 years old next year, so before that, shouldn't I stay by his side? That way I won't be afraid People with ulterior motives attacked him."

Mu Taotao raised her head high and said these words without any fear of what Luo Tianyun said.

Thought she was the little girls in Qiong Yao's play, who would cry in fright when threatened by others?
(End of this chapter)

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