Chapter 120 Why ignore me
His voice was deep and hoarse, different from his usual vigor, as if he had been seriously injured.

Of course Mu Taotao would not refuse his request, so she walked to his side.

At this moment, Mo Yanshao was sitting on the armrest of the sofa, and Mu Taotao walked over, just enough to rest his head in her arms.

Holding him in his arms, he comforted softly: "Shao Yan, don't be afraid, with me here, no one will hurt you again, and I will always be by your side."

"Well, Taotao, no matter what, he is the father who raised me. One day, I will ask my mother who my real father is."

"Will you go to him? Will you leave Mo's house?"

"The Mo family is keeping me now, in fact, because I can bring them more wealth.

So when I still have value, they will definitely not drive me out of here.

But one day, I will no longer be under their control, I'm afraid it will be hard to say. "

Mo Yanshao's voice was not without sadness.

Mu Taotao suddenly felt that it was actually a kind of sadness to be born into such a wealthy family.

Especially with an embarrassing background like Mo Yanshao.

It turned out that she was not alone in this family.

If Mo Yanshao's true identity is revealed, how will he be treated?

As if he had understood Mu Taotao's thoughts, Mo Yanshao raised his head from her embrace, looked at her tenderly with his black eyes and said, "Look, you are not the only one in this family, even me. That's right. That's why my mother doesn't come back to this house at all.

For her, this place is just a post in her life. "

When Mo Yanshao said these words, he was not without emotion.

His eyes were empty and confused, like a lost child who couldn't find his way home in the big forest.

At this moment, Mu Taotao knelt down, faced him face to face, and said word by word: "From now on, you won't think like this anymore, because I'm by your side."

"Tao Tao, this is what you said, you will always be by my side, you will never betray me, and you will always love me."

"Well, of course I will always love you."

There was a tenderness on Mu Taotao's face that had never been seen before. There was no doubt that she dedicated her whole heart to the man in front of her.

"So you should treat me even better, and you can't look at other women."

"of course."

The two talked sweetly, and in the end, Mo Yan took a princess hug and hugged Mu Taotao to the bed, let's go to sleep, the good boy went to bed, just want each other to sleep well, don't think about anything else.

Well, that's what they think. When talking about life and being tired, what else is there to say?
Because they are connected with each other, and because they are children without parents' love, they seem to have found a lonely soul mate, so they release everything for each other to their heart's content.

Mu Taotao told herself, let it be like this, no matter what, she will not leave this man beside her.

He is hers, and she is his, and they will always love each other so deeply and never leave.

The next day, Mu Taotao got up in good spirits, but Mo Yanshao had already left.

When I went to the academy, I saw Leng Yihan next to the beautiful seat in the classroom, and Mu Taotao also lost interest in competing with him for a seat, and consciously sat in the empty seat at the back.

Ai Meili watched Mu Taotao pass by her without even saying hello, feeling a sense of panic in her heart.

So she wanted to take the initiative to turn around and say hello to her, but at this moment Leng Yihan said lightly: "Ai Meili, please take a good day off and go to Bali with me tomorrow."


Ai Meili was a little surprised, her voice was slightly higher, and when Leng Yihan spoke just now, everyone else heard it.

Suddenly, the noisy classroom became silent.

Leng Yihan was sitting on a chair chicly, flipping through a financial magazine. After saying this, he stood up and walked out of the classroom.

"where are you going?"

Ai Meili couldn't help asking him.

"Go to sleep in the grove, the classroom is too noisy."

Well, he is really cool, he dares to sleep in the grove during class time, and he is also the class teacher.

Just ask, how many people can do it?

Mu Taotao really felt that Leng Yihan was acting too much, she must teach him a lesson.

So after Leng Yihan left, Mu Taotao walked towards Ai Meili, and said to her, "Do you want to go with him, or not?"

"I...I don't know."

Emily looked sad.

The other gossiping girls also gathered around, and said with a wretched smile: "Ai Meili, I didn't expect you to be so lucky, Leng Yihan actually asked you to go to Bali together? Is he planning to have a two-person world with you? ah?
Are you really going to be together?
No wonder he bullies no one but you. "

After hearing what these girls said, Mu Taotao felt sick for a while, as if it was a wonderful thing to be slapped by Leng Yihan.

"You wait, I'll come as soon as I go." Mu Taotao decided, if she doesn't show Leng Yihan a little color, she is not Mu Taotao.

Before Ai Meili could stop her, Mu Taotao rushed out of the classroom and ran towards Leng Yihan.

"Leng Yihan, wait." The boy in front had long legs and big strides, and Mu Taotao managed to catch up with him.

In the end, the man didn't raise his head, but stopped because of Mu Taotao's words.

Well, Mu Taotao, who has no eyesight, bumped his head into the man's back.

"Mu Taotao, do you really like me?"

Leng Yihan turned his head, gave Mu Taotao a deadly cold look, and said such shocking words, which made Mu Taotao very upset.

This egomaniac, king of farts, does he think that women all over the world will like him?

Mu Taotao suddenly felt that although Mo Yanshao had a bad personality at the beginning and wanted to make people beat him up, but now he is as docile and easy to get along with as a sheep.

Thinking about it this way, I still feel that Mo Yanshao is much better than Leng Yihan.

"Don't be so beautiful, I just want to tell you that if Meili doesn't want to go to Bali with you, you can't force her."

Leng Yihan listened to Mu Taotao's words, as if he heard a very funny joke, he actually showed a trace of unfathomable smile, then turned and left.

"Hey, I'm talking to you, you rude guy, why are you ignoring me?"

But Leng Yihan had long since disappeared, and went to sleep in the grove he mentioned.

When Mu Taotao waited for his figure to disappear, a smug smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Hmph, don't think that he is the only one who can play cool, and she can too.

A key with a cute shape appeared in Mu Taotao's hand, so it looks like it should be the key of the car.

For Mu Taotao, she is best at taking advantage of the situation.

If anyone dares to disrespect her again, she will make everything in them be lost for no apparent reason.

(End of this chapter)

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