Chapter 134 Playing Romance

While applying sunscreen, Mu Taotao secretly exerted force on her hands, imagining such a scene in her mind.

She is a female knight, while Leng Yihan is a wretched villain.

But unfortunately, imagination is imagination after all, and it cannot become reality.

Instead, because she was absent-minded, when Leng Yihan turned his head to look at her, she even put sunscreen on Leng Yihan's face.

When he found out, Leng Yihan had already yelled at her: "Do you have any brains, where do you apply sunscreen?"

When Mu Taotao saw it, she realized that even Leng Yihan's extremely handsome face was covered with sunscreen, it was so shiny, it was so pretty!
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, but you can also protect your face from sunscreen if you put sunscreen on it."

"Then do you want to put some on your face?"

Leng Yihan's voice was slightly cold.

Mu Taotao waved his hands again and again with a funny expression, expressing his unwillingness.

Leng Yihan took advantage of the opportunity to get up from the beach chair, and then pushed Mu Taotao, who shook his head and expressed his unwillingness to put sunscreen on his face, onto a white beach chair next to him.

Mu Taotao didn't know why, and wanted to get up, but Leng Yihan said, "Lie down, and I'll apply sunscreen for you instead."

"No, no, I don't need sunscreen."

Mu Taotao shook her head desperately, but Leng Yihan didn't want to say anything, and turned her over so that her back was facing up, and took off the light green sun protection clothing for her, revealing the colorful striped bikini she was wearing underneath.

Immediately stopping, Leng Yihan also squeezed the sunscreen into the palm of his hand, rubbed his hands together, and then applied it on Mu Taotao's bare back.

Mu Taotao wanted to resist at first, but the man's warning voice was still in his ears: "Want me to kiss you?"


This is Mu Taotao's bottom line, she will never let him succeed.

So, under the influence of these words, Mu Taotao lay there obediently, letting his big hands with sunscreen oil walk on her bare back.

An indescribable strange feeling lingers in my heart, which is the feeling brought by the touch of the palm and the skin.

For Leng Yihan, women have always been kept at a respectful distance.

In his opinion, they were so fragile that he would not have any feelings for them at all.

Ever since he saw his mother die in his arms, he told himself, never to have feelings for any woman, never let any woman die in front of him again.

Even if there are no women around, it doesn't matter, they must not be allowed to die!
Leng Yihan was thinking about this question, without stopping his hands, he applied sunscreen to Mu Taotao's body over and over again, and whispered in her ear: "Sit with me in the wrong position for a while, so that people think we are in Kiss, understand?"


Mu Taotao was at a loss again, but she found that Leng Yihan's eyes had changed.

This made her feel even colder for no reason.

It's not that Leng Yihan's eyes are too cold, making her feel cold all over.

On the contrary, it was because Leng Yihan's eyes were too warm and moving, which made her feel cold all over.

God, this man could not have time-traveled, or taken the wrong medicine, right?
A man who has always shown others as icy, cold, cool, and tugging, unexpectedly has such warm eyes, so warm that he feels like a hot spring is flowing into his heart.

But at this moment, Leng Yihan looked at her with such eyes, helped her up from the beach chair little by little, and turned to face her, and then slowly approached her face.

From a certain angle, it really looks like he is kissing himself.

You can also hear him whispering in his ear: "Cooperate, they will finish after taking pictures!"

"What? Who's taking pictures? Who?"

Mu Taotao panicked, why did she take a picture?What is this for?
Mu Taotao panicked, so she went to find the person who took the photo, but the first time she did it, her lips touched Leng Yihan's.

A strange touch hit Leng Yihan's heart, and it made him taste a fragrance sweeter than honey.

Is this kissing?

This is what kissing between men and women feels like.

"do not move!"

Leng Yihan supported Mu Taotao's arm and told her not to move around.

Mu Taotao couldn't find out where the person taking the photo was, but she obeyed Leng Yihan's words and really didn't move.

But Leng Yihan moved, his lips pressed down little by little, trying to get close to Mu Taotao's lips.

And Mu Taotao also realized something, pushed him violently, got up and ran.

There is no way she would let him kiss her, you pervert!
Mu Taotao's run caused Leng Yihan to utter an obscenity, and then said to his subordinates: "Hurry up and chase after him!"

He got up and walked towards someone on the other side who had been taking pictures with a camera.

The man wanted to turn around and run away, but he couldn't escape Leng Yihan's long legs.

Leng Yihan took off the black hair on his face, revealing an extremely handsome and ruthless face, and then said in a voice with the terror of an emissary from hell: "Which magazine are you a gossip reporter, don't you want the picture of the woman running away just now?" Take a picture, just take a picture of the kissing one, you know?"


Facing Long Yantang's young godfather, the little reporter dared not say a word at all.

"If the picture is not beautiful enough, don't call on the phone, and remember to tell the old man that I will go back to attend the inheritance ceremony."

"Yes, yes, I'll go first, Third Young Master."

This little reporter is not only from the gossip magazine, but also Long Yantang's royal photographer.

He came to Bali to supervise Leng Yihan's process of picking up girls.

Judging from the situation just now, it's not bad. He gets along very well with that woman who has a good-looking figure but has a good-looking face.

Then you can go back and report to the old man.

Coupled with Leng Yihan's half-threatening, half-leading words, if the little reporter says something wrong, he may be killed.

After Leng Yihan greeted the little reporter, he walked along the beach.

His steps are slow and elegant, just like his appearance, noble and extraordinary, and strangers should not get close to him.

His eyes turned from the distant sea level to the golden sand.

The running girl finally lost to the tall and long legs of the bodyguards, but was still caught up by them.

She tried to break free from them, but in vain.

Mu Taotao struggled in the hands of several bodyguards, her arms were even turned red by their hands.

Although it was still far away, the cold young man also saw it, and his eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a dangerous light.

He ran without hesitation, and ran straight towards the girl.

The young ruthless man punched down several times, hitting the bodyguards until foam was sprayed from the mouth, and there was no way to catch the girl again.

Then he took the woman's hand and started to run on the beach, faster and faster, more and more fun!
(End of this chapter)

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