Chapter 136 The Legendary Gangster
"Then since you know it was the second child who did it, why didn't you arrest him?"

"This is our internal matter. Should he be handed over to the police?"

"Maybe it can make him less crazy."

"He also paid the price, so let him go."

"What price? I think he's still alive and kicking."

"His mother died for him.",

"What?" Mu Tavern Tao was confused by Leng Yihan's words.

"His mother was just a dancer, and the old man knew he had done this and wanted to make him pay for it.

When the gun was pointed at his head, his mother jumped on him, the gun went off, and the bullet passed through her mother's body.

Leng Yifeng watched his mother die in his arms, just like I saw my mother die in front of my eyes that year.

It was the first time I saw him crying so badly, kneeling in front of the old man and slapping himself hard.

As the old man said, his work killed his mother. "

"It's terrible. The whole family still kills and fights. Why?"

Mu Taotao didn't understand what Leng Yihan and his family were thinking.

In her opinion, no matter how gangsters are, they should have morality and family affection.

It's so boring that the whole family wants to be beaten and killed.

Talking about Leng Yihan's family situation, Mu Taotao actually forgot about his own danger, even if he lay on the cashmere floor, it was many times harder than the bed.

But she still fell asleep, and after she fell asleep, she slept peacefully, like a sleeping doll.

Leng Yihan has always had the habit of insomnia, and he doesn't know when it started.

So when he was still telling his own story, the other party was already asleep.

He turned his head to look at the sleeping woman, and found that her face was so beautiful and peaceful in the dim light, and her lips were so delicate and flowery.

The kiss that two people met by chance during the day popped up in his mind.

He really wanted to really kiss, what is the taste of this woman's lips.

Leng Yihan got up from the bed, put his hands on both sides of Mu Taotao's body, and gradually approached the woman's face, trying to press his lips against the woman's lips.

However, just when Leng Yihan was about to succeed, the woman unexpectedly turned over and turned her head to the other side, making Leng Yihan's thoughts come to nothing.

Leng Yihan realized that perhaps this was God's will, so he stopped continuing, but tiptoed back to the bed, and soon returned to the bed and fell asleep.

In the Mo's CEO's office, Ai Meili finally saw Mo Yanshao who came back after the meeting, his face was covered with tears, and he spoke incoherently: "Master Mo, I... I lost Taotao, I really Not on purpose, trust me, I didn't mean to."

Ai Meili cried like a tearful person, even Zhou Zhenni, who had just come to the door of the president's office after school, heard what Ai Meili said. ,

There was a burst of joy in my heart, Mu Taotao lost, that's really great!

It's best to throw it away and never get it back.

Zhou Zhenni was secretly happy in her heart, but on the surface she looked very distressed, and she couldn't help blaming Ai Meili:

"Miss Ai, I remember Taotao and you are very good friends, how could you lose her?"

Zhou Zhenni's strange aura made Mo Yanshao inexplicably irritable, and because Ai Meili didn't make it clear where Mu Taotao went, it made him even more angry!

"What happened?" Mo Yanshao's voice was terribly gloomy.

He was already deliberately suppressing his emotions, not wanting to frighten the female students.

Ai Meili choked and said: "She... was supposed to send me to the airport, but... was caught by Leng Yihan and boarded the plane, and now they should be in Bali.

I really have no choice, so I came to you to explain clearly, lest you misunderstand Taotao. "

"Really? You were supposed to go to Bali, but Taotao was the last one to go?"

Mo Yanshao turned around and looked at the weeping woman sharply.

Ai Meili didn't dare to look at Mo Yanshao's too fierce expression, so she nodded.

"I see, you all go out."

After Mo Yan said less, he wanted to drive people away.

Zhou Zhenni still wanted to say something, but when Mo Yanshao stared at her, she dared not say anything. If she said it, it would be counterproductive.

Zhou Zhenni left in a timely manner, and walked downstairs to the company with Ai Meili.

In the elevator, the woman looked at Ai Meili arrogantly, with a sarcastic voice: "Ai Meili, does that Mu Taotao like to rob men that others like? It's fine if she robs Mo Yanshao, even Leng Yihan. You won't just give her up like this, will you? Don't say you don't like Leng Yihan."

In Zhou Zhenni's opinion, since Ai Meili agreed to go to Bali with Leng Yihan, she must like him.

It was Mu Taotao who went there with Leng Yihan now, so what else could it explain?

That person named Leng Yihan was interested in Mu Taotao, so Ai Meili was left alone.

"No... No, Taotao is not that kind of person, and it is impossible for her to like Leng Yihan."

"How do you know? You should know that Leng Yihan's background is deeper and larger than that of the Mo family.

If she is not accepted by the Mo family, she will of course have to find a way to climb another high branch, and it is absolutely impossible to cling to Mo Yanshao. "

Zhou Zhenni's words are not vicious.

In her opinion, Mu Taotao is that kind of woman, who loves vanity and is close to rich and powerful men.

Mo Yanshao is one of them, and Leng Yihan is a latecomer. In the future, there will be men who are more powerful than these two men, and Mu Taotao must have the ability to seduce them.

It's just that Zhou Zhenni can't figure it out, what does such a woman with a not very outstanding appearance and a flat figure rely on to attract men?
The beautiful scenery of Bali, there are many wooden bungalows on the beach.

One of the quiet places also has such a bungalow.

However, this one-story house is surrounded by a large yard. After entering, there are houses extending in all directions, leading to the central hall.

There are not many people in this quiet place, only around this bungalow, but there are three steps, one post, five steps, one sentry, and there are many people.

These people are all wearing black suits and sunglasses, like the legendary gangsters.

That's right, these people are all members of the Longyan Gang distributed in Southeast Asia.

The reason why they chose to meet here is naturally because of the beautiful environment and few people.

Although Bali is a tourist destination, countless people travel here every year.

But no matter how lively and prosperous a place is, there are also dark and ugly places.

In this bungalow, such a scene is being staged.

The man sitting on the bamboo spun chair in the middle had a handsome face, but with an extremely obscene and ferocious expression.

(End of this chapter)

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