Chapter 146

Did this man do it on purpose?He bought the skirt, but he even said it didn't fit.

| "Arms and calves are all outside, it doesn't fit!"

Mo Yanshao said the reason with a serious face, and Mu Taotao became angry.

The little face collapsed, and there was hatred in the eyes.

Now she knew that this man did it on purpose.

"Hey, Mo Yanshao, I'm not suitable for wearing a skirt, isn't it just showing a little leg?
Which girl wears a skirt without showing her legs?
You are simply talking nonsense. "

Well, he, Mo Yanshao, doesn't care if other women wear skirts or not, but Mu Taotao can't.

"From now on, when you go out, you can only wear trousers, not skirts!"

Mo Yanshao announced domineeringly.

"You...excessive! I won't listen to you!"

While talking, Mu Taotao didn't go to sort out the clothes to dry, but directly pushed Mo Yanshao out the door.

"You go, you go! I don't want to see you, a male chauvinist, you hurry up and go!"

As Mu Taotao was talking, he slammed Mo Yanshao out of the door.

It wasn't until the two of them couldn't see each other through a door that Mo Yanshao regretted it.

What happened to him just now?Isn't it good?It made Taotao angry again.

Thinking about not letting beautiful girls go out in skirts, it would be worse than killing them.

Mu Taotao is normal, a beauty-loving girl, she likes the dress he gave her so much.

And why did he want to make her angry?
Mo Yanshao had to soften his voice, and said to the girl inside the door: "Tao Tao, you open the door, I was wrong, you open the door."

Mu Taotao turned her back to the door, pouting her pink and tender lips, with an extremely aggrieved expression on her face, and said nothing.

Mo Yanshao was locked outside by her. Several maids came over and saw that they thought the two of them were having a joke, so they couldn't help giggling.

As the eldest young master, Mo Yanshao has a very high status in this family, and being ridiculed by his maid at the moment made him lose face.

So he whispered to the woman inside the door: "Don't let me stay outside, or I might be laughed to death by the servants."

Hearing Mo Yanshao say this to himself in a low voice, he imagined Mo Yanshao being laughed at by others, just like today on the street, he forbids others to laugh at her.

Mu Taotao felt that she had gone too far, at least she shouldn't let Mo Yanshao be seen as a joke outside the door.

Thinking of this, Mu Taotao opened the door, just as Mo Yanshao was outside, when she opened the door, he was unprepared and almost rushed in.

"Hey, my attitude is already so good, you shouldn't be angry anymore."

Mo Yanshao walked into the room, immediately closed the door tightly, then supported Mu Taotao's shoulders with both hands, and said this to the woman who was still looking angry.

Mu Taotao still spoke, but he had already forgiven Mo Yanshao in his heart.

Who told him to be the one she loved?
"Okay, just pretend that what I said was wrong just now, you wear the most beautiful and suitable skirt, okay?"

Mo Yanshao could only continue to flatter her in a low voice, hoping that her mood would improve.

"Are you telling the truth? Why do you think you are such a fickle man?"

Mu Taotao responded to him very temperately.

"What are you talking about? Why am I so fickle?"

Mo Yanshao didn't understand why.

"Originally, you were the one who said I wasn't suitable for wearing skirts just now, but now you say I'm suitable and that I look beautiful in skirts.

What are you not fickle?
I don't even know which sentence you said is true and which sentence is false. "

After being analyzed by Mu Taotao, Mo Yanshao also had to surrender: "Well, I was wrong, it's all my fault, I'm jealous of those men who will always stare at you like me.

You think, if you go out in a skirt, don't you have a lot of men staring at you like me?
It makes me uncomfortable when they stare at you.

So in order to avoid this situation, you'd better not go out in skirts. "

Mu Taotao found Mo Yanshao's explanation even more amused, turned around and looked at him with bright eyes, and said sincerely:
"Yan Shao, your thinking must be wrong. Those men must see me wearing skirts with the mood of admiring the beauty. How can you distort people's thinking like that?
Do you think they look at me because they want to do something to me?

Don't think of men so badly, okay? "

"Is my idea wrong? Look at the cold..."

After uttering a cold word, Mo Yanshao suddenly realized that he might have said something he shouldn't have said, so he couldn't help but look at Mu Taotao's face.

Sure enough, the woman looked frustrated.

He knew that he had accidentally said the wrong thing, so he didn't want to continue this topic.

Suddenly thinking of what Zhou Zhenni said just now, Mo Yanshao immediately changed the subject: "By the way, Jenny will celebrate her birthday next month, have you thought about what gift to give her?"

"Really? It's her birthday? Whoa, is there a party?"

Sure enough, as soon as Xiao Nizi changed the subject, she quickly forgot what he said just now. Mo Yanshao sometimes thought that it was good for her to be so simple and avoid more harm.

"Well, of course there is going to be a party. I want to use this opportunity to make the business relationship between the Mo family and the Zhou family closer."

"I don't know about your business stuff, but how are you going to take advantage of Jenny's birthday party?
It's her birthday, shouldn't she be happy? "

"It should be fun to have a party, shouldn't it?"

Mo Yanshao didn't care whether Zhou Zhenni was satisfied or happy with the party. After all, that woman was not his girlfriend, nor was he the one he loved. He didn't need to know about it.

He just knew that it was her birthday and thought of the precious porcelain she had given him, so he thought of doing this.

Mu Taotao thought of going to ask Zhou Zhenni what she likes.

"Jenny, are you free? Let's go to a place where there is no one and have a private conversation."

In the classroom, Mu Taotao walked up to Zhou Zhenni and spoke warmly to her.

Unexpectedly, the woman was not affected by the Leng Yihan incident at all, and she came to class normally, and her smile remained unchanged. Zhou Zhenni also admired her self-healing ability.

She didn't know what the woman wanted to say to herself. It was hard for Zhou Zhenni to refuse. After all, she hadn't really turned her face, so she agreed with a smile: "Okay."

So, Mu Taotao jumped back to Ai Meili's table, sat with her, and talked to her.

Ai Meili glanced over the seat where Leng Yihan was sitting from time to time, feeling very disappointed.

After Mu Taotao's incident yesterday, Leng Yihan seemed to be the most injured person.

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Authors, please be vigilant when writing: don't appear illegal content, don't take chances.The consequences are serious, don't mistake yourself. (Already an author of an outstation, sentenced to three and a half years in prison)
(End of this chapter)

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