Chapter 156 Coaxing Her

The latter also persuaded: "Shao Yan, if we leave and make grandpa's condition worse, I will feel uneasy. Why don't you go and see him and persuade him, okay?"

Mo Yanshao nodded: "You go with me."

"Grandpa doesn't like me following you, so let's forget it."

"You don't need to go into the room, but I want to watch you in the manor. If anyone wants to drive me out, you have to ask me if I agree first."

After Mo Yan said less, he insisted on holding Mu Taotao's hand and walked downstairs.

Seeing the hands tightly held by the two, Zhou Zhenni almost went mad with jealousy.

Only by taking deep breaths constantly can she calm down all this, and she said to herself that the future will be long, and she must not be in a hurry at this moment.

Mr. Mo really didn't go to the hospital, but had someone bring an oxygen bag that was prepared at any time, and he sat on the sofa to rest while inhaling oxygen.

His complexion was not very good, black in the blue, it was obvious that he was really angry just now.

At the same time as Mo Yanshao went downstairs, Mo Yanqing had already left in a hurry with his suitcase.

"Where is he going?"

Mo Yanshao couldn't help asking the servant beside him.

"The third young master argued with the master just now, and they said they wanted to leave."

The servant replied respectfully.

Mo Yan took one less look at Mu Taotao who was being held by his side, and was speechless for a moment.

This Mo Yanqing, when did he become so impulsive?

But now I can't take care of so much. It is also good for young people to leave their warm and comfortable homes and go out to practice.

Thinking of this, Mo Yanshao and Mu Taotao came to Mr. Mo's side.

When he first saw Mo Yanshao, there was a smile on Mr. Mo's face, but when he looked at Mu Taotao again, the smile quickly disappeared.

Mu Taotao could feel how much the old man liked her, so she hid behind Mo Yanshao.

"Grandpa, I heard that you are sick. Let me come and see you."

Mo Yanshao said in a soft voice.


The fierce quarrel I just experienced just now, when I speak now, it seems that I don't have the confidence before.

Both Mo Yanshao and Mr. Mo have an idea, after all, they still value each other's place in their hearts.

"Young Master Yan, don't angry, but our family..." Mr. Mo deliberately looked behind Mo Yanshao, but he didn't see Mu Taotao.

He still insisted, "Mu..."

"Grandpa, you don't have to worry about it. This matter is very simple. When you recover from illness, we will investigate and find out. I believe that Taotao will not do such a thing.

If she did it, I would take her to the police.

Okay? "

"You... Seriously?"

"of course."

Mr. Mo stopped talking, his eyes were half-opened, he seemed to be asleep, and he seemed to be relaxed.

His old face was wrinkled, the skin was completely saggy, and the hair on his head was mostly gray.

Seeing that old man Mo seemed to be resting with his eyes closed, Mo Yanshao ordered Mo Lan who was beside him to take good care of old man, then turned around and left with Mu Taotao.

"Aren't we... not leaving?"

Being held by Mo Yanshao, Mu Taotao asked cautiously.

Mo Yanshao turned his head to look at the pretty and lovely woman in front of him, held her hand with both hands, lowered his head and sighed slightly, then raised his head to meet her bright black eyes: "Taotao, he is an old man, I can't treat him when he is sick. Do you understand when you leave?"

Mu Taotao carefully looked at his serious expression and nodded heavily: "I understand, but even if you insist on leaving, I will persuade you to stay.

This matter is actually not important, it is enough for you to believe in me. "

"Of course I believe you, even if people in the whole world don't believe it, I will still believe you."

There was a gentle smile on Mo Yanshao's lips, just like the oasis in the desert, giving people a feeling of hope.

Mu Taotao also smiled: "Then continue to learn how to dance with me."


The two came to the lawn in the backyard of the manor hand in hand.

The two of them didn't need any musical accompaniment, they just danced on the lush lawn.

Music is in their hearts.

Led by Mo Yanshao, Mu Taoli pretended to be wearing a beautiful dance dress, holding the hem of the skirt with one hand, and made a simple curtsy, showing a ladylike style.

Immediately afterwards, both hands were clasped together, Mo Yanshao lightly embraced the woman's slender waist, raised his head slightly: "Are you ready?"

"of course."

The two elegant figures began to dance seriously.

Looking out from the window of the mansion, two people can be seen dancing tacitly.

Zhou Zhenni stood by the window, watching all this, her eyes were about to burst into flames.

She didn't understand why Mo Yanshao was so obsessed with Mu Taotao, what's so good about her?
Why did she do so much?He still can't see it.

Is it time to give up?

Why are you so unwilling?
"Miss, what should we do now?"

A male subordinate stood behind Zhou Zhenni and reminded her.

"Watch what happens."

That night, Mu Taotao and Mo Yanshao lay on the same bed, they didn't speak to each other, they seemed to have their own concerns.

"What are you thinking about?"

"I didn't think about anything? What about you?"

Mu Taotao turned her face, looked at the handsome man in front of her, whom she loved to the core, and smiled slightly.

Mu Taotao's smile was a bit forced, at least not like usual, it made people think it was a smile from the heart.

"I see that you have something on your mind, tell me and listen."

"What can I worry about, I'm just thinking, I'm going to compete with Xiao Feifei in two days, can I win?
Do you think I can win the etiquette contest? "

While talking, Mu Taotao propped up most of her body, looked at the man next to the pillow seriously, and asked expectantly,

Her eyes were very bright in the dark, shining with a charming brilliance.

Mo Yanshao tilted his head, stared at her for a long time before saying, "I think it is very possible to win."

"Of course you said that, because you are mine."

"Well, it's good to know."

"I want you to evaluate objectively, do you think I look like a lady?"

"Mu Taotao, don't make things difficult for others, okay?"

Mo Yanshao simply turned around and didn't meet her eyes.

This angered Mu Taotao, she simply lay back and turned her back to him and said, "If you don't say it, don't say it, what's the big deal! I'll know if you don't say it, but you just look down on me."

After Mu Taotao finished speaking, she pulled the quilt over her head and ignored Mo Yansuo.

Mo Yanshao felt guilty for offending the little girl, and wanted to coax her, but she didn't appreciate it.

He just hummed in his nose, still covering the quilt tightly.

"Taotao, just do your best, you are not bad at studying, why don't you have confidence in yourself?"

Looking at the woman covered in the quilt, Mo Yanshao tried to persuade her.

(End of this chapter)

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