Chapter 173 Obsessed

Looking out from the compartment of the private room, I found a seven or eight-year-old girl in the opposite compartment picked up a long fried worm of unknown species, with a smile in the corner of her eye, and without hesitation The worm stuffed into his mouth and chewed.

Although Mu Taotao felt that he could not stand it anymore, he quickly cheered himself up and said that something that even children dare to eat is not a big deal.

So with a smug heart and closed eyes, he picked up the chopsticks on the table and poked them into the plate on the table.

She was really poking at the plate with chopsticks, without even opening her eyes, how could she pick things up.

Mo Yan rarely saw her like this, so he couldn't help laughing again: "Mu Taotao, are you sure you really want to put these dishes in your mouth?"

"Of course, didn't you say this is food? Of course I want to eat it."

Mu Taotao said stubbornly.

Although she was so afraid of these little bugs that she didn't even dare to open her eyes to look at them, she still wanted to be brave.

Who called her Mu Taotao?With her personality, the more others said she couldn't do things, the more she would show them.

Mo Yanshao really lost to her. He wanted to watch her make a fool of himself, but he couldn't bear it anymore.

"Okay, don't eat if you don't want to eat, how do you eat with your eyes closed?"

Mo Yanshao was angry at Mu Taotao's brash personality, what if something went wrong?
"Why can't you eat with your eyes closed, I'll show you."

As she said that, the chopsticks in the woman's hand picked up a fried Tenebrio molitor and put it in her mouth to chew.

During the whole process, she kept her eyes closed and seemed to enjoy eating like this.

Unexpectedly, after this entrance, I found that the fried Tenebrio molitor tasted crunchy and crispy, the taste was very good, and the mouth was full of fragrance. Mu Taotao couldn't help but open his eyes to see what he was eating?
However, when she opened her eyes, she saw all kinds of worms being made into dishes, especially a plate of long, thin yellow worms stacked stiffly on a white oval plate.

Mu Taotao was a little uncertain about what she was eating.

Anyway, these dishes look unappetizing, so what should I do?
Glancing at the handsome man opposite, he was also looking at her, observing her expression, and found that her expression changed so quickly that he was a little uncertain.

"How are you, Taotao? You don't feel any discomfort, do you?"

"Yan Shao, what did I eat just now? Which dish is it?"

Well, I don't know what I have eaten, so why is she here?
"Forget it, Taotao, I don't blame you if you can't eat, let's leave here and find another place to eat."

"Yan Shao, you actually want to test whether I dare to eat these bugs, right?"

Mu Taotao seemed to be asking for advice humbly, but Mo Yanshao didn't know what to say.

I thought her reaction should be to scream, but although she was afraid, she insisted on holding on and did not scream.

But from the moment she put vegetables on the plate with her eyes closed, she knew that she was trying to be brave.

Fortunately, she didn't spit it out after eating just now.

So what to do now?
"Aren't you afraid of these dishes?"

Mo Yanshao glanced at the dishes made of various insects on the table and asked.

"How could I be afraid? Didn't you see that I just had a good meal?"

Mu Taotao said triumphantly.

But in Mo Yanshao's view, this woman was simply trying to be brave. If she was really not afraid, why would she eat with her eyes closed?
"Now can you tell me which dish I just ate?"

Mu Taotao opened a pair of big black and white eyes, and asked Mo Yanshao humbly.

What she hopes is that as long as it's not the most disgusting-looking little bug on the plate, she will recognize the other ones with feet and wings.

But Mo Yanshao slowly stretched out his hand, pointed to one of the plates, and saw Mu Taotao's big eyes widen, and at the same time saw Mu Taotao put the chopsticks in his hand, and ran out quickly After leaving the private room, I don't know where I went.

But when she was leaving, Mo Yanshao clearly heard "vomit" in her throat, probably to vomit.

Mo Yanshao had such a profound expression on Mo Yanshao's face that I knew it would be like this.

When Mu Taotao reappeared in front of Mo Yanshao with a pale face, the man got up and said to her, "Let's go, let's eat at another family."

"No, I want to eat this one, I can."

Mu Taotao wanted to be brave again, but Mo Yanshao felt a little guilty and sad.

Why can't this woman learn to be softer?Is it so difficult to admit that you are afraid of eating bugs?

Back in the car again, Mo Yanshao's face was not very good-looking, Mu Taotao looked at his words and felt that the man's anger seemed a little inexplicable.

Did he get angry because he didn't dare to eat bugs?
Should she be even more angry?She has tried so hard to show that she is not afraid, isn't he willing to forgive herself?

"Hey, are you angry with me? What right do you have to be angry?"

What did Mu Taotao think of and what did she say, she wasn't afraid that the other party would be angry at the moment?
Xiao Nizi just sat on the co-pilot with her hands folded, looking as proud as I am, which really made Mo Yanshao couldn't help but chuckle.

He didn't expect that she thought he was angry with her, but he didn't know that he was actually angry with himself for making her afraid of vomiting. This little girl's misunderstanding is really big.

How to explain it to her?
It's better not to explain.

This time, Mo Yanshao parked his car at a place that specializes in hot pot, and this hot pot business is the best in the city, and the natural taste is also the best.

When Mu Taotao saw the big decorative painting with the picture of the hot pot, his eyes immediately lit up, and he couldn't tell that he was angry at all.

She jumped out of the co-pilot, rushed to the decorative painting with the picture of hot pot impatiently, then stood in front of the big picture of hot pot with red hot peppers, drooling, "It's hot pot, I like it!"

Mo Yanshao is slandering, of course he knows you like it very much, so he brought you here.

But the man didn't say a word, still sullenly said: "Let's go, go in."

Mu Taotao didn't even look at whether he was angry, so she jumped into the hot pot restaurant.

Although it was daytime, the bustle and heat of the hot pot restaurant was beyond words.

Mu Taotao quickly found a seat for two people, and asked Mo Yanshao who was behind to sit down with him.

Wearing a blue calico, a very ethnic waiter came over and asked the two to order with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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