Chapter 175 There is a situation

One of the reasons why Mu Taotao likes hot pot is that she is not afraid of spicy food.

So ordering spicy pot is a must, followed by those hot dishes she likes to eat, such as duck tongue, duck gizzard, duck intestines, as well as fat beef, lamb and chicken kidney...

For a woman who loves hot pot to the point of perversion, eating hot pot can be eaten three times a day, and she is not afraid of getting acne, getting angry, and having stomach troubles.

But Mo Yanshao can't do it. Knowing that Mu Taotao likes to eat hot pot, he is willing to eat with her every time, but he really can't touch any spicy food. Once he touches it, he will sweat all over his body and his face will turn red. , It was extremely uncomfortable, just like the feeling of wanting to kill him.

The two people are completely different in terms of eating, one is mainly light, and the other is mainly spicy. It will be a big test for them to live together and cook for them in the future. They have to prepare two sets of pots and stoves.

Therefore, when two people eat hot pot, they mainly eat mandarin duck pot. The white soup made from fish is Mo Yanshao's patent. up.

After the soup is served and boiled, it is hot.

Mu Taotao's gluttony seemed to be in the background except for the pot of red soup and hot vegetables.

Even Mo Yanshao can temporarily forget about it, and eating hot pot is the best.

Mu Taotao was really disgusted by the bugs she ate just now, but eating hot pot is very different.

Her appetite was full, and she moved her index finger. She left a bunch of various meat and vegetable dishes in the white soup, put them all into the red pot, and started to cook them.

Once you eat it, it is endless, and it fully shows the true nature of a foodie, that is, you can fish out a lot of dishes at a time, wrap them in the seasoning made of red wild salamanders, and then put them in your mouth. Then it was so spicy that my mouth was booing and my forehead was sweating, but I still ate happily.

Mo Yanshao on the opposite side couldn't figure it out, it was already very spicy, the soup was also spicy, the seasoning was also spicy, and she was so hot that her face turned red, why did she still eat it so spicy?

"Peach, don't you think it's very spicy?"

"Spicy, but delicious, do you want to try it?"

Mu Taotao kindly offered Mo Yanshao the dishes in her seasoning bowl, but was rejected by the other party with a rattle-like shaking of the head:
"It's better for you to eat by yourself, I think it's already very spicy."

Mo Yan seldom eats hot pot, and looks like he can't get rid of his son. His movements are elegant and slow, which is even more elegant than eating western food.

Mu Taotao was completely opposite to him.

Seeing the way the man across from him was eating, Mu Taotao wondered if he was too ashamed.

But losing face can't make her lose face alone, so she rolled her eyes and thought of a way to make Mo Yanshao lose face with her.

So, when Mo Yanshao was not paying attention, Mu Taotao threw the cooked food in the red pot into Mo Yanshao's bowl, and continued to eat as if nothing had happened.

Mo Yanshao just went out to the bathroom, and when he came back, he found that there were vegetables in his bowl, and he couldn't help wondering, "When did I put the vegetables in the bowl?"

"I don't know, maybe you don't remember?"

Mu Taotao pretended to be innocent and shrugged at him.

Mo Yanshao didn't care about it, it was just a piece of food, so he just forgot it.

So he put the piece of dish into his mouth without any doubt, and began to chew slowly, preparing to swallow it into his stomach.

But something is wrong, why put this dish into the mouth, there is a spicy taste that goes straight into the mouth, even the tongue and the mouth can feel the spicy taste.

Looking at Mu Taotao again, he was staring at him intently, watching the reaction on his face, that look of enjoying the show made Mo Yanshao understand something.

It must be that this quirky little woman put a dish with spicy peppers in her bowl when she was away just now, just to see her reaction.

Mo Yanshao wanted to swallow it, he couldn't spit it out, and finally chewed the dish forcefully and swallowed it in his stomach.

But at the same time, his mouth couldn't bear the hotness, so he immediately poured water into his mouth, but he still felt that the spicy taste couldn't go away.

How to do?
Mu Taotao also became anxious for him. If he had known that he couldn't eat spicy food, he wouldn't have played this prank. What should he do now?
Her little face was flushed with anxiety, and she kept pouring water for Mo Yanshao, hoping that he could stop the hotness in his mouth.

But Mo Yanshao kept whining about the pepper, his lips became red because of the pepper, and it looked like a ripe cherry, glowing attractively.

A pair of watery eyes, full of confusion and charm, I don't know if it is the effect of spicy, or what.

"Tao Tao, look at the good things you did, you have to be responsible!"

Mo Yanshao said with a straight face on purpose, that handsome face was very expressive, it completely lost the elegance and nobility just now, it looked like a child acting like a baby, but it was extremely cute!

Mu Taotao didn't like this when facing the lovely Mo Yanshao. He was at the worm restaurant just now, but he purposely used the dishes made of worms to disgust her.

At this moment, she just retaliated to him with a dish with chili peppers, and he wants to make her responsible. What's the reason?
She didn't make him responsible just now.

Mu Taotao pursed her mouth and said disdainfully: "You are a big man who can't even eat a little bit of spicy food. It's too bad. How can we unify what we eat in the future?"

Mu Taotao was working hard there, she looked innocent and cute, Mo Yanshao looked at her little appearance, his heart was agitated, and he suddenly thought of a good way to relieve the heat.

So he wanted to tease Mu Taotao again.

"If I have a way to stop spicy food, would you help me?"

The man's voice was deep and magnetic, very pleasant to hear.

When Mu Taotao heard him say that there is a way to relieve the spicy food, she couldn't help but roll her eyes: "If you have a solution, then stop the spicy food quickly, why do you ask me?"

"But I need your help."

"How can I help you?"

Mu Taotao felt baffled.

"Come sit here with me and I'll tell you."

Mo Yanshao patted the seat next to him.

Mu Taotao didn't suspect fraud, so she really sat next to him, then looked at him very seriously and said, "Now you can tell me, how can I help you stop being spicy?"

She really wanted to help him, because she didn't want to see him being tormented by the chili pepper so that he couldn't stop crying.

There was a smirk on Mo Yanshao's lips, and his eyes became more blurred, with a charming brilliance.

With a slight bend and a tilt of the head, those thin and beautiful lips covered Mu Taotao's lips, and a big battle to relieve spicy food began.

Mo Yanshao did not hesitate to use his own to sweep inside Mu Taotao's mouth endlessly, only hoping to stop the hotness in his mouth through this method.

(End of this chapter)

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