Chapter 207 Love Guidance
"Mu Taotao, if you want me to teach you German, you can teach me one thing too."

Leng Yihan was a little annoyed by her entanglement, with an unchanging Bingshan face, he turned to look at the pretty girl with a baby face.

"Tell me, as long as I can do it, I will help you."

Mu Taotao blinked her big beautiful eyes, looked at Leng Yihan and said.

The man's deep eyes suddenly softened, and he stretched out his hand to touch the woman's face.

Mu Taotao realized that the man's motives seemed to be not very good. She hid faster than a rabbit, and immediately jumped to the back. With a frightened expression on her face, she stammered, "You...what do you want?"

Leng Yihan was obviously quite dissatisfied with Mu Taotao's reaction: "Don't you want me to teach you German? You don't even want to get close to me, how can I teach you?"

"Hey, if you teach German, you teach German. Why do you have to be close? The distance between us is one meter, and I can hear you."

Mu Taotao rolled her eyes and said, this man likes to eat other people's tofu, she is not stupid.

Leng Yihan smiled, but there was no warmth in the smile. This woman guarded him like a thief. Is he really so scary?
"Mu Taotao, what I want you to teach me is how to fall in love, are you willing?"


Mu Taotao's face turned red all of a sudden.

Is there anything wrong with this man?

This kind of thing also needs to be taught?
"Don't get me wrong, I just want you to teach me how to fall in love."

Leng Yihan emphasized again.

At this time, they were in the student union office, which was Leng Yihan's exclusive office, so apart from Mu Taotao and those two, no one else was here.

Mu Taotao looked at the two iceberg-like bodyguards, and because of Leng Yihan's words, he couldn't hold back his laughter until he almost hurt himself, so he had to remind him:

"Leng Yihan, you don't feel ashamed, I feel ashamed for you."

"And what do you mean by that?"

"Don't you think it's embarrassing? Isn't it embarrassing to say that you haven't even been in love with such a big man?"

Mu Taotao despised men very disdainfully.

Leng Yihan didn't care about Mu Taotao's contempt at all, but continued to say with a cold face: "You just say yes or no, if you don't agree, I don't need to teach you German, you just look at it yourself Let's do it."

After Leng Yihan finished speaking, he was about to leave with the two bodyguards who replied blankly.

Mu Taotao didn't expect that Leng Yihan would exchange this condition with him, so he immediately stopped him and said, "How about this, everything is negotiable, let's discuss it again?"

Mu Taotao had a negotiating tone.

"What to discuss? What is there to discuss?"

"If the person you want to fall in love with is not me but someone else, I will consider teaching you how to chase girls, do you agree?"

"You mean, you taught me how to chase other girls?"

Leng Yihan also opened his eyes wide and asked.

"Yes, as long as it's not me, it's easy to handle."

When Mu Taotao saw him asking this question, she thought it would work.

"Who do you want me to pursue?"

"Whatever, you can chase whoever you want."

"Then why can't it be you?"

Leng Yihan asked with a dazzling light in his eyes.

"I... I... just can't, because I have someone else in my heart."

"That man is dead."

"He didn't!"

Mu Taotao's voice became sharper, she believed that the man was not dead.

Although occasionally she felt that he might really be dead.

But this kind of contradictory thought is always in my heart, believing that he is dead for a while, and believing that he is not dead for a while.

"Stop kidding yourself."

When Leng Yihan thought that the man and the woman in front of him used to have a very intimate relationship, which he could not do, his jealousy also overflowed.

He wanted to chase her by teaching her German, but she said that she would help him pursue other girls.

No wonder he would agree!
"Mu Taotao, it seems that we can't reach an agreement."

"Leng Yihan, if you insist on doing this, then I can't help it. I can't accept your pursuit, because I don't like you at all."

Mu Taotao turned cold, and planned to leave the office, but was stopped by Leng Yihan's hand.

"Everything is negotiable, why be so impulsive."

Leng Yihan said patiently.

He seems to understand some girls' psychology, that is, you have to take your time and coax them slowly.

He did not believe that a living person was no better than a dead person.

With the company and care of other people, Mu Taotao should soon forget Mo Yanshao as a man.

"How to negotiate?"

"Or just do as you said, you help me pursue other girls, but the condition is that you will accompany me throughout the process."

"Hey, without this, I don't want to be a super big light bulb."

Mu Taotao pouted, expressing her disagreement.

"You can control it remotely, like one of those dating shows."

"A blind date show? Do you also watch a blind date show?"

Mu Taotao had a playful smile on his face as if he had discovered some new world, and Leng Yihan who was caught was even more embarrassed.

He was just bored at home alone, and he didn't like going to those places to drink, so he turned on the phone to watch those dating shows.

The purpose is just to think about how to please the girl, and see if he can catch up with Mu Taotao.

I just didn't expect those dating shows to be so boring, and most of the girls like to see each other's looks and income.

Those who are good-looking and have high income will naturally be favored by girls. On the contrary, those who are short and poor will not be very popular with women.

How else can we say that this is a society that looks at faces?

Leng Yihan has watched so many dating shows, and the only thing he sees is the person who instructs others how to fall in love, and he thinks he is handsome enough.

Now that he said this to Mu Taotao, he just wanted to keep her by his side.

"Then who are you going after?"

Mu Taotao blinked her big eyes and asked curiously.

"You help me decide."

Leng Yihan said expressionlessly.

Mu Taotao really wanted to hit Mu Yu's head with something to wake him up, lest he say something unreliable.

How could it be possible to ask her to help him make a decision?
"Forget it, if you don't think about it, we'll make a decision after you think about it."

After Mu Taotao finished speaking, she continued to plan to leave, but Leng Yihan stopped her again, and then said a name: "Ai Meili."


Mu Taotao asked repeatedly.

"Ai Meili, didn't you say that she likes me? It should be easy for me to chase her, right?"

Leng Yihan remained expressionless, but looked at Mu Taotao with eyes as deep as the sea, waiting for her reaction.

He thought she should at least be very happy, but Mu Taotao frowned, and said in a teaching tone: "Leng Yihan, you have to think clearly, beauty is my best friend , I grew up with her in the orphanage, if you really want to be with her, I will never object, and I will definitely bless you both.

(End of this chapter)

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