Chapter 209 The Kidnapped Princess
Mo Yanqing's smile is very youthful and sunny.

Mu Taotao returned his warm smile: "Okay, get in the car!"

Throwing her bag into the back seat, Mu Taotao sat in the co-pilot and put on her seat belt.

Mo Yanqing sat in the driver's cab and started the car, then drove away with Mu Taotao.

Leng Yihan who came out from behind looked at the figure of the two leaving in the same car, his eyes darkened even more.

He never believed that Mo Yanqing had no ambitions for Mu Taotao.

In a small country far away in Europe, King Bruce was so worried that he didn't know how to deal with the problems he was facing.

His favorite little princess, Sophie, who just turned 20 years old this year, was kidnapped by anti-government militants, and sent him a video and audio recording of the kidnapping, asking him to pay a ransom of 2000 million, or she would wait Collect the body for his daughter, and at the same time warn him not to call the police.

This is really worrying King Bruce to death, what can we do?

Standing in the corridor of the luxurious palace covered with gorgeous carpets, King Bruce has turned around in circles, and finally he is looking forward to the savior he thinks, that is Duke Joseph, the minister of fate.

"My dear Joseph, hurry up and help me decide how to rescue Sophie?"

Duke Joseph is not only King Bruce's minister, but also the queen's brother. Therefore, he is also the king's brother-in-law and the kidnapped princess Sophie's brother-in-law.

With such a relationship, it was reasonable for Joseph to come up with an idea to save Sophie, and there was no need to shy away from it.

After hearing what Bruce said, Joseph was silent for a while and said: "We can't call the police. We are members of the royal family. If the police find out about the kidnapping of the princess, it will be very disadvantageous to us. I don't know what these vicious guys will do. What kind of things come out?"

"Then what should I do? Are you really going to take 2000 million to redeem my princess?

It's not that I, as a father, don't want money. I'm afraid these people don't just want money, do they? "

"Dear Your Majesty, I know what your worries are. You can't tell the police. The king's personal guards don't have the strength to rescue the hostages, but I have a good candidate. I wonder if you agree to use them?"

"tell me the story."

The anxious king could no longer take care of that much, and looked at his brother-in-law with eyes as blue as sea water, waiting for his idea.

"I know there is an organization called Xiao, which is not affiliated to any country. It is a very capable intelligence organization. As long as you contact them and negotiate a good price, they will be willing to do many things for you, including rescuing the kidnapped hostage.

Dear Your Majesty, I suggest finding someone from this organization to help us rescue Her Highness the Princess. "

Joseph's suggestion made King Bruce's eyes shine.

Because as a king, he had also heard of this organization, so it was called Xiao.

Just hearing this name gives people a very mysterious and powerful feeling, and their deeds are also well known by leaders of many countries.

However, no one has actually seen the members of this organization. They are always elusive, and they are always cautious in doing things. They will never let people find their tracks. Even if they accept commissions, they all rely on the Internet.

And there are top computer experts among them, and their tracks will never be found out.

If you want to contact this organization, you need to rely on some reliable intermediaries, and this intermediary only appears on the Internet, and no one will ever find out who he is.

"Then how do you entrust them?"

Although King Bruce knew the existence of this organization, he really didn't know how to contact them.

"Don't worry about this, my dear majesty, I will let my neighbors handle this matter, and I will never let the princess make mistakes."

"Then please, Joseph."

"However, Your Majesty, if you invite them to rescue Her Royal Highness, the reward may not be less than this ransom."

"That's okay, as long as they can save my daughter and kill those bastards, no, sons of bitches, and no, bad guys, I'm willing to pay any amount."

As the king of a country, he used several swear words in a row. King Bruce blamed himself for being too impatient to make such a low-level mistake.

When Xiao received the news that he was going to rescue the princess of a certain country, he was sleeping in a five-star hotel.

The last task was to stay on guard for five days and five nights to catch a big drug lord. For this reason, he did not waste his energy, and also delayed his sleepiness, and then received a call from Qiyuan: "Boss, there is another There's a new mission."

The man who was wearing a half black leather mask when he was sleeping just snorted, and quickly turned over, revealing his naked, muscular back, and said very rudely to the man: "Say what you want, if you want to fart!" Let go!"

Knowing that his boss completed the last mission very hard, even though he got a lot of rewards, he was exhausted.

Originally, I didn't want to take over this task, but the Minister Gu Ming of that country is a good friend of the middleman, and because of the 1000 million USD reward, Qi Yuan made this call at the risk of being scolded:

"Boss, this time you rescued Princess Sophie from Carter and the others. Do you have any impression of that little girl?"

As soon as Sophie was mentioned, Xiao's eyes instantly became clear, and there was also a trace of tenderness.

A little girl in a princess dress was holding a bloody Chinese boy in her arms.

The boy accidentally blew himself up while doing blasting exercises, almost blowing off an arm, but fortunately he only hurt some flesh, so he fainted on the spot.

Sophie, who was only five years old at the time, was not frightened by his blood stains, but took the initiative to hug him, asked him if he was okay, and asked her guards to get a tourniquet and hemostatic medicine. Use it for him.

At that time, he almost gave up his life for training. He only had one thought in his mind, to become a top intelligence officer, go through life and death, find out the reason why he was burned that year, and find out the mystery of his life experience.

To him, Sophie is not only a princess, but also a warm support. Although he and her are almost ten years apart, he was already a 15-year-old boy at that time, but he really liked the five-year-old girl very much. The little meat ball, has blond hair and blue eyes, and a kind heart.

"It's true that Sophie was kidnapped by Carter and the others?"

"That's still false, King Bruce is dying of anxiety."

They received cruel training in that small country back then, and met the little princess who came for an outing in the grass of that forest. The friendship between the two began at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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