Chapter 211 He is a Night Owl
However, Carter, who left the army, suddenly turned into a terrorist, making explosions, illegal arms deals, kidnapping and extortion, omnipotent and evil.

He had been targeted by the Interpol long ago, but it was a pity that he was too cunning, and would make careful arrangements every time he acted, and would never let himself easily fall into the eyes of the police.

It's the same this time.

This Mysterious Queen has assembled rich people who like to gamble all over the world, and it is Carter's people who initiated this gamble.

There is only one purpose, to collect money, to collect money crazily, and to collect money by any means.

While collecting money, he is still carrying out kidnapping. This Carter is really a master of the game, and he doesn't blink when he does bad things.

Among this group of high-rolling gamblers, staring closely at the mustache man named Carter, Xiao thought so.

Soon, the communicator in his hand rang, and Qi Yuan's voice came from inside: "Boss, the situation is not good. There is no one in this castle, but several tons of explosives are installed. Once detonated, You can lift the entire castle up to the sky, what can you do?"

"When did you find out?"

"just now."



"We must find a way to find Sophie."


"No, but, I'll go find Carter."

Xiao hung up the phone resolutely, with fire in his eyes, and walked towards Carter.

At this moment, a new round of gambling was about to start, and Mo Yanming, who was standing next to Carter, was throwing 50 chips on the table.

Carter, on the other hand, glanced at the young man contemptuously, and threw a thick stack of chips onto the table.

Then he felt someone pressing against his waist behind him.

Looking back, Xiao Xiao's face wearing half a black leather mask came into view.

For Carter, this face is no stranger to him.

After laughing twice, Carter's voice was slightly hoarse: "I didn't expect them to invite you. Why, plan to rescue the people in this ship?"

For Carter, there are not many times when someone puts a gun on his waist, and Niao is one of them, so although he is also afraid in his heart, he still tries to calm himself down, otherwise he will get into trouble, which is a big taboo.

Taking a look at the bodyguard closest to him, he had already been dealt with by Niao. Obviously, he came prepared.

"Listen, Carter, who controlled the bomb in Castle Louise?"

"Oh, it turns out that you were sent by King Bruce, so it will be easier, I will collect the body for the little princess.

But unfortunately, after a while, the time bomb there will explode. There are thousands of bombs there. Once one of them is detonated, it will be a series of bang bang bang, just like the firecrackers set off by the Orientals. I believe you will like.

I think, by then, the princess's body will have been turned into ashes, isn't it? "

Carter smiled with ease, like he was just talking about the weather, and Owl could only take a deep breath to calm himself down.

Yes, to deal with such a big monster, only calm is the best way.

Not surprisingly, Carter was taken to the deck of the ship.

But Mo Yanming caught a glimpse, and was taken aback by the person with half of his face exposed, and couldn't help muttering: "Brother?"

Who would believe it?People who have died in the explosion will appear here.

But Mo Yanming wasn't sure, the man wearing the black leather mask must be his elder brother Mo Yanming.

Just when he was about to follow the masked man, he realized that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

Why do the security guards here look so vicious?It doesn't look like they are here to protect them, but rather like those who are preparing to rob.

Carter, who was pressed to the head by Xiao with a gun, stood on the deck, blowing the sea breeze, and his heart was chilled.

Xiao's voice was right next to his ears, and was blown away by the wind: "Carter, I know you're not just doing it for money, so how about it, you can search whatever I want on this ship, and I will never stop you, but you have to make sure that The bomb in the castle won't detonate, tell us where the princess is, maybe I can consider letting you go."

"Xiao, aren't you also doing it for money? How much money King Bruce gave you, why not get the ransom, half of us?"

"No, you're wrong, Sophie is my friend, and I won't leave her alone."

"The woman you love? What is that little girl? If you want a woman, if you have money, there will be plenty."

"For you, money may be the most important thing. For me, it's not about money, but about friendship. You won't understand."

"What don't I understand? I also had a wife and daughter, but how did they treat me?

I lost a leg, and they left me, took the little compensation I got, and went to their happy life, and I had to go this way, you understand? ?You don't understand at all, life without money is worse than pigs and dogs.

So for me, nothing is more important than money. "

Speaking of his own family, Carter seemed very angry, but what happened to Guan Xiao?

He only knew that to rescue the elf-like little princess, she must not be harmed in the slightest.

"Carter, this is a deal, you just treat it as a deal, and exchange your life for Sophie, how about it?
After a while, my people will come in a helicopter, and you will follow me to the abandoned castle. If you want to live, we will exchange hostages. If you don't, then everyone will die there together. "

After Xiao finished speaking, the gun pressed against Carter's head even tighter.

"Xiao, there is something to talk about, everything is easy to discuss, you don't need money, you can also want Sophie, I'll let someone bring her to you, it's okay? You put the gun off my head first, or I will Afraid of fire."

No matter how hard-spoken people are, there are times when they are afraid of going off, not to mention who Carter is, he often blows other people's heads off, and this time he is going to be shot in the head by others, naturally he is terribly afraid.

He can feel that feeling, after all, he is a battle-tested person.

"Carter, you have to keep your word. I won't let you go without seeing Sophie."

The two of them stood in a stalemate, and the one who came with Xiao was Leng Feng, who had always been cold-faced and cold-hearted, and his hard work was also the best, so don't mess with him, otherwise, he could blow people's heads off with one palm.

Just now, some of Carter's subordinates didn't believe this evil, and the spear was snatched by the cold wind, and the sound of the gun was directly bent.

This time, no one looked forward to confronting Leng Feng again.

What's more, their leader, Carter, is still in the hands of Xiao Xiao.

After a while, a helicopter appeared in the sky, and the loud roar of the propeller made people want to cover their ears.

(End of this chapter)

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