Chapter 218 With the person you like

"Taotao, I cannot accept this love letter."


"Because it wasn't written for me."

"But it's clearly..."

"No, if he wrote it to me, he should give it to me in person instead of asking you to be an intermediary. If he really likes me, he should tell me in person, right?"

Ai Meili's eyes began to gather tears, which made Mu Taotao a little at a loss.

What Ai Meili said is correct, and Mu Taotao also understands the truth, but who is Leng Yihan who doesn't know how to pursue girls?

Didn't she want to help them both too?
Just when Mu Taotao was at a loss and didn't know how to comfort Ai Meili, a deep and slightly magnetic male voice sounded: "Ai Meili."

Mu Taotao and Ai Meili both heard the call and looked at the speaker at the same time.

The man in black, like an elf in the dark night, has a distinctive handsomeness and coolness.

Behind him are two bodyguards who follow at any time.

And the man who looked like a night elf strode towards the two of them, it was almost too much to look at Mu Taotao, he just walked straight to Ai Meili, and quickly hugged her in his arms.

"I like you, Emily, please be my girlfriend, okay?"

The man's voice was less cold than before, and seemed to be more tender, and even the eyes he met with Ai Meili after the hug were also warmer.

This time, Ai Meili was really confused, she didn't know how to accept this sudden change.

"Beautiful, do you accept it? Or not?"

the man asked again.

This is Leng Yihan, he was actually asking her if she would accept him as her girlfriend.

Ai Meili was so surprised that she kept her mouth open and couldn't close it, and her face also had a surprised expression. She didn't come back to herself until Mu Taotao reminded her to agree quickly.

And Leng Yihan's patience seemed to be running out.

Ai Meili was still so excited that she couldn't speak, she just nodded her head in agreement.

Mu Taotao immediately ran over, took Ai Meili's hand happily, and kept congratulating her: "Lili, congratulations, congratulations, you can finally be with the person you like."

Seeing Mu Taotao's overly excited and excited face, Ai Meili also wept with joy.

Indeed, this was also a surprise for her.

She just found it incredible.

Leng Yihan has never written a love letter to her before, nor confessed his love to her, but today, he has done both of these things, how can he not make her so excited that she can't even speak?

"Ai Meili, go on a date with me another day, I want to try the feeling of dating a girl, will you agree?"

"Agree, absolutely agree."

Mu Taotao was even more excited than Ai Meili.

Leng Yihan just gave her a cold look, treating her as superfluous.

Mu Taotao consciously accepted the signal, and immediately stepped aside without speaking.

In her heart, she is also blaming herself, why are there so many things?
It's obviously the matter of Leng Yihan and Ai Meili, what does it have to do with her?
Sure enough, Ai Meili was also excited because of this: "Yes, I am willing."

Abandoning the usual shyness and shyness, Ai Meili just wants to be bold with Leng Yihan, and not let the opportunity slip away.

"Okay, that's it, goodbye."

After Leng Yihan finished speaking, he gracefully led two bodyguards in black into the stretched Cadillac sedan that had already been waiting there.

The car drove away.

Ai Meili was still standing there, unable to recover from what Leng Yihan said just now for a long time.

He smiled at her, told her that he liked her, and that he would date her someday.

Is all this true?Is it all true?
Why does it feel like a dream?

Ai Meili felt that it was completely unreal, so she foolishly said to Mu Taotao beside her: "Taotao, try pinching my face to see if it hurts?"

"Why did you pinch your face?"

"I wonder if I'm dreaming."

After hearing her words, Mu Taotao really despised her for being so promising, but she quickly pinched her delicate and smooth face lightly.

"Do you feel it?"

"It doesn't feel too much, is it a dream?"

Emily said to herself.

So Mu Taotao became cruel and pinched Ai Meili's face hard.

So the woman finally yelled out "Ouch", and while covering her face that Mu Taotao had pinched severely, she also believed that this was indeed not a dream.

"Taotao, did you hear that? Leng Yihan confessed his love to me, he really said he liked me, and even asked me to be his girlfriend."

"I heard it, of course I did, and I'm so glad for you."

Mu Taotao was really relieved, he never thought that that silly boy who didn't understand love would have such a romantic moment, and he would say that he likes Ai Meili.

Mu Taotao thought that it would be possible after the two of them got in touch and interacted for a while.

Think about the process when Mu Taotao and Leng Yihan got acquainted, wasn't it when Leng Yihan and Ai Meili made a deal?

As for what was the reason, Mu Taotao certainly didn't know, but they were supposed to be a couple.

It's just that by mistake, she was also involved, and was caught by the media showing affection with Leng Yihan, which almost caused her death.

But think about it, I and he are pretending to be a couple, but he and Ai Meili are the real couple.

But as Leng Yihan, I'm afraid that Ai Meili's girlfriend will also be in some danger.

So Mu Taotao kindly reminded Ai Meili: "Lili, you must be very careful, and don't let Leng Yihan's enemies find you, otherwise it will be very troublesome."

"Peach, what do you mean by that?"

Ai Meili couldn't help restraining the joyful smile on her face, and said slightly seriously.

Mu Taotao was afraid of scaring Ai Meili, who was pure and cowardly like a little rabbit, so she had to cover it up immediately: "It's nothing, I just said it casually, it's nothing, it will be nothing, who is Leng Yihan, he doesn't care There might be something wrong with you."

Ai Meili couldn't help laughing when she thought of Leng Yihan's tall and handsome appearance.

Of course he is a very secure boyfriend, she will not be afraid.

From then on, she, Ai Meili, will always identify with the man she has always liked, and will continue to like him.

"Jenny, you are so beautiful tonight, where are you going to play?"

Zhou Zhenni has been staying at Mo's house.

Although Mo Yanshao passed away, Luo Tianyun still regarded Zhou Zhenni as the future daughter-in-law of the Mo family, so he tried his best to keep her at home.

Ever since Mu Taotao, Mo Shaoyan, and Mo Shaoqing left, Mo's Manor seemed deserted and lonely.

(End of this chapter)

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