Chapter 222 Just a substitute

Even if it is a stand-in, she has to fight for it.

Now, Gu Bingbing and Qiangzi looked at each other, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"This lady, business is all about integrity. Eric was called by that lady, so if you also want him to serve you, you might as well wait for another day, or wait for him to finish the business before serving you. ,how?"

"Aren't you doing business to make money? I pay a lot of money, so shouldn't I come first? Isn't it the same to find that woman after you're done?"

Jenny Zhou insisted.

Qiangzi didn't dare to make decisions, but just looked at Gu Bingbing.

Gu Bingbing was also hesitating.

Indeed, the stack of money Zhou Zhenni took out was very considerable, at least tens of thousands of yuan.

At this moment, Mu Taotao just came out of the box. She was wondering why she had to wait so long for a young master, so she came out to take a look, and unexpectedly, she saw Zhou Zhenni's interception.

"Hey, I said why this person can't come all the time, so someone wants to snatch it from me?"

Mu Taotao hummed softly, and slowly walked towards several people.

Seeing Mu Taotao walking step by step, Zhou Zhenni had contempt in her eyes, and said inhumanely: "I said, why do you have the intention to come here? It turns out that there is also a 'Mo Yanshao' hidden here, no wonder You'll be here."

"That's my business, does it have anything to do with you? Also, I ordered the person. If you want it, please come early next time, and don't babble with me."

After Mu Taotao finished speaking, she walked over to grab Qiangzi's hand and walked into the private room.

Not to be outdone, Zhou Zhenni also took Qiangzi's other hand, and the two women regarded him as the object of competition.

Qiangzi was shocked, so he could only turn his gaze to the public relations manager Gu Bingbing, and shouted at her: "Sister Bingbing, help me."

What Zhou Zhenni is not reconciled to is that it's fine if Mo Yanshao really doesn't like herself, can't a counterfeit be bought with money?

And Mu Taotao was even more unwilling to let go, she wanted this man who looked exactly like Mo Yanshao to accompany her today, so that she felt that he hadn't gone far.

Qiangzi was dragged by two women, and he didn't have any opinion at all. As a young master, he suddenly didn't feel that it was a happy thing to be competed by women, but a very sad thing.

They competed for him not because of Qiangzi, but because of that dead man, Mo Yanshao.

"Miss, I beg you, please spare me, okay? Are you planning to tear me in two?"

Gu Bingbing had no choice but to stick to the principle and said to Zhou Zhenni: "Miss, Eric was called by that lady first. Can you find another young master? Or wait until Eric is free to make an appointment?"

Mu Taotao also proudly said: "Did you hear that? Zhou Zhenni, today he is mine."

Zhou Zhenni was very unconvinced, but what others said was too reasonable. In the end, the result was not the same.

What's more, she has seen Mu Taotao's ability before, and her slap is very powerful.

In the end, it was Zhou Zhenni who chose to give up, watching the impostor and Mu Taotao go to their room with tears in her eyes.

Ai Meili waited for a long time before seeing Mu Taotao brought Qiangzi into the room, but she couldn't help but asked with concern: "Why did you come here?"

"I can't help it. When I met Zhou Zhenni, she wanted to snatch it from me. I managed to snatch it back."

"Does this also need to be robbed?"

Ai Meili drank the clear water on the table, and couldn't help but look at Qiangzi a few more times, he really looked like Mo Yanshao.

It's just that his eyes are too floating, and when he looks at people, he lacks the kind of domineering and cold arrogance that is not angry but powerful.

A fake is a fake after all.

Emily shook her head and sighed.

She only hoped that Mu Taotao wouldn't fall in love with this fake Mo Yanshao.

After Mu Taotao brought Qiangzi into the room, he said to him, "Just sit there and do whatever you want, just don't talk, you understand?"

"Then what can I do?"

Qiangzi felt that this guest was also strange.

Other guests called them young masters, just to accompany them to eat, drink, play, and some even just accompany them.

But the guest told him to sit there and not move, she just wanted to watch him quietly.

Ai Meili also helped Mu Taotao with the conversation and said, "Do what you are told to do. We didn't ask you to drink and chat with us."

"But I don't know what I'm doing sitting there?"

"Then don't do anything, just sit there as a sculpture and meditate."

Emily suggested.

Hearing what they both said, Qiangzi thought it was okay.

It was the first time that being a young master was so easy. He didn't do anything, he just sat there quietly in a daze.

So the two women sat on one end of the sofa, and Qiang Zi sat on the other side, not talking, just crossing his legs and meditating, and occasionally took a glass of water to drink.

"Peach, do you think this is okay?"

Seeing Mu Taotao staring intently at the fake Mo Yanshao, with her cheeks on her hands, looking obsessed, Ai Meili couldn't help worrying for her.

"Beautiful, I feel that he is beside me, don't you feel it? He is Mo Yanshao."

"He's not, he's just a young master here, who only spends time with women."

"But I think he is."

Mu Taotao insisted, and continued to look at Qiangzi with her chin in her hands.

At this time, the young master Qiangzi couldn't hold back any longer. He looked at the two women and said, "Both of you, would you like to try our new wine? It's very good."

As soon as he spoke, Mu Taotao revealed his true form, and said unhappily, "Who told you to talk? You just sit there and wait for me, don't talk."

"No, if you want to drink, we will get more commission. If you don't let me do anything, my income will not be very good. Two sisters, have pity on me, right?"

While talking, Qiangzi rolled his eyes from side to side, trying to win the sympathy of the two women.

To put it bluntly, he stays at the Kao Club just to survive. He is not really Mo Yanshao, he is a rich second generation. Even if he doesn't come to sit on the stage, he still has a lot of money to spend.

Mu Taotao and Ai Meili looked at each other helplessly.

In order for this man to concentrate on pretending to be Mo Yanshao, Mu Taotao took out a stack of banknotes and put them there, and said to him, "Is it okay now?"

"Yes, yes, thank you two sisters."

Qiangzi looked at the money with joy in his eyes, then continued to return to the seat just now, pretending to be cool without saying a word.

Ai Meili was by Mu Taotao's side, persuading her to drink some water to clear her mind, and said, "Taotao, let's go back, it's not true if it's fake."

Mu Taotao didn't speak, she was just thinking, is Mo Yanshao really still alive?Will he come back to find her one day?
"Xue, how is the situation recently?"

In another city far away, looking at someone on a busy construction site, he asked the woman beside him.

 I'm not feeling well recently, so I can't be too many, please forgive me, I hope you enjoy reading the article, if you have votes, please vote, there are too few votes for Xiaoxi, please beg!

(End of this chapter)

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