Chapter 238 Moved by a Ghost

Under Mu Taotao's surprised eyes, he greeted the woman to get on the car, and the man pedaled in front of her.
Stepping on the pedals, the two walked towards the lake with the fireworks show together.

Along the way, Mu Taotao wrapped his hands around the strong waist of the man in front of him, feeling the firm texture and scorching temperature there.

Her face was a little red, but she had to continue to hug her in such an ambiguous way, so as not to throw herself off because she was pedaling too fast.

As if traveling through time and space, what age would men and women pedal bicycles to be romantic in the night?

Mu Taotao felt that since he was going to play, he must play with a relaxed mood. I believe that Mo Yanshao would be very happy to see his smiling face in the sky.

For some reason, Mu Taotao felt that Mo Yanshao must be watching her, she had never felt lonely.

Even more so this evening.

When they came to the lake, it didn't take long before they heard a rumbling sound.

Immediately afterwards, large and colorful fireworks bloomed in the sky, illuminating the faces of the two of them at once.

Mu Taotao raised her head to look at the colorful night sky, her heart was agitated, and she couldn't help but want to shed tears.

It was an unforgettable night, because of the fireworks, because of my birthday, and because there was a man who was exactly like Mo Yanshao by my side.

Mu Taotao couldn't help being excited, and because of this, she made up her mind to help that poor man no matter what, and let him come to work in her shop.

As long as the jewelry store doesn't collapse for a day, she will let him work there for a day, and then find a way to help his mother treat her illness, as a reward for him to bring herself to watch the fireworks.

May I ask, in this world, who does not need the help of others?
She, Mu Taotao, still talks about loyalty in the world.

Mu Taotao thought so, and wanted to say that to Qiangzi.

But when she turned her head, she found that there was not even a ghost in the place where she was standing, except for the rented bicycle.

Could it be that Qiangzi is really Mo Yanshao's ghost?
I just showed up because of my own birthday, and now the time has come, I'm going back.

But no, shouldn't ghosts leave when the rooster crows at dawn?
It's past ten o'clock in the evening, and it's not even midnight yet.

Mu Taotao was struggling with it, and the wind was blowing, which really made people feel cold and gloomy.

Mu Taotao really wanted to curse Mo Yanshao's ghost, since he was coming, why did he leave in such a hurry.

But when I thought about it, that person was already warm, so how could he be a ghost?
She still clearly remembered the warmth from his body when she was sitting on the back seat of the bicycle with her arms around his waist.

Just looking around Mu Taotao, where did that Qiangzi go, a singing voice suddenly came from a small forest not far away: "Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!..."

When Mu Taotao turned her head, she saw a handsome and handsome man with a smile on his face, holding a candle-lit cake in his hand, with 21 small candles inserted, walking towards him.

Mu Taotao's eye sockets felt hot, and she felt the urge to cry instantly.

She thought it was Mo Yanshao's ghost who had left, but she didn't expect that it was this man who went to buy her a birthday cake.

To be exact, it wasn't a birthday cake at all, it was just a piece of pastry sold in an ordinary grocery store, without cream, and without the words "Happy Birthday".

But Mu Taotao still shed tears excitedly. ,

"Miss Mu Taotao, make a wish and then blow out the candles?"

The handsome man urged her.

Mu Taotao smiled and nodded, then closed her eyes and began to make a wish.

Her wish is that no matter what happens in this life, she will never forget that man named Mo Yanshao, and her heart is with his soul.

When Mu Taotao made a wish, the smile on Mo Yanshao's face disappeared for an instant, he just looked at the woman quietly, and had the urge to go forward and kiss her.

How much he misses her, how much he loves her, only he knows.

If it weren't for the danger of being by his side, he wouldn't choose to leave her so easily.

When Mu Taotao opened his eyes again, he found that the man opposite him was staring at him without blinking, his eyes were tender like water.

Mu Taotao's face turned red in an instant, and she had to remind him, "Eric, what are you looking at?"

"Oh, Miss Mu Taotao is so pretty, I just forgot about it."

Mu Taotao's face turned even redder, but she had no choice but to put on a straight face and said, "I've thought about what you said just now, if you really can't find a job for the time being, you can come to work in my shop."


"Of course, I'm not someone who doesn't count."

Mu Taotao said.

Mo Yanshao said with a grateful look: "Yes, Miss Mu, I will definitely do it well."

"Well, if you don't understand, ask other people."

At the end, Mu Taotao said again: "Others are also saying that the business in our store is getting worse and worse, there must be someone playing tricks inside, after you enter the store, you must pay attention to help me find out who is playing tricks inside ,do you know?"

"okay, I get it."

Mo Yanshao's voice was full of anger.

That was his purpose, to enter that store as a part-time worker, and then help her start the store's business.

Now it is developing as he thought, but Mo Yanshao feels jealous for no reason.

Could it be that Mu Taotao moved on because this Qiangzi looked similar to her, and then brought him to the shop?
Thinking of this, Mo Yanshao felt a little uncomfortable.

He intends to try it out.

"Miss Mu Taotao, why don't we celebrate in another place after eating the cake?"

"No need, I'm already very happy today. I have cakes to eat, fireworks to watch, and a romantic bike for a stroll. I'm really happy."

After Mu Taotao finished speaking, she showed her trademark sunny smile.

Her curved eyebrows, slightly pouty cheeks, and a face full of vigor are all attractive to men.

What's more, since managing the jewelry store, Mu Taotao's dress has also changed a lot, becoming more feminine and attractive.

Then Mo Yanshao deliberately approached her, and whispered in her ear with a low magnetic and charming voice: "But I want to give you a different birthday, and I want you to remember me firmly, can't you?

You're the only one I'm serving tonight. I won't take your money. I just want us to be happy with each other. "

Although these words did not explicitly say how happy the two of them should be, the underlying meaning was obvious.

Mu Taotao has not forgotten what his identity is.

A cowherd exclusively for women's entertainment, young master, and male publicist actually mean the same thing.

(End of this chapter)

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