Chapter 241
Because of his resemblance to the former boss and his friendly manner, all the female shop assistants in the store, no matter how old they are, like to talk to him.

Mo Yanshao never refused the women's questions, he knew everything and said everything.

"Qiangzi, where do you live? Why do you want to work in our jewelry store?"

"Oh, my family lives in Yaoyan'er Hutong, which is relatively remote. You must have never been there."

Mo Yanshao answered fluently.

He also investigated the situation of Wang Xiaoqiang's family.

Wang Xiaoqiang's family has no relatives. His father died when he was very young, so he and his mother depended on each other for life.

The place where they live is called Yaoyan'er Hutong. It is a relatively remote place in City A, and it is also a place that will need to be demolished in the future.

But now it is a slum in City A.

His answer did disappoint those vanity women, and several of them couldn't help curling their lips.

Mo Yanshao had a panoramic view of the women's expressions, so he naturally knew what they were thinking.

Not only that, he answered without asking: "I came here to work because of Ms. Mu's blessing. She knew that my mother was seriously ill and needed money for treatment, so she agreed with me to work here, and let me Salary advance."

I heard him say that there is a seriously ill old mother at home. To put it bluntly, he is a person who has no money and a heavy family burden besides his appearance.

It's not a little bit different from the real young master of the Mo family.

"So, that Miss Mu is really nice to you."

Someone made fun of him like this.

"That is."

Mo Yanshao had a proud expression on his face.

Because this can be closer to the image of Wang Xiaoqiang himself.

Mo Yanshao said complacently there, but suddenly and humanely said: "Does she have any ambitions for you?"

Mo Yanshao couldn't help looking at the person who said this, it turned out to be Ma Chun, the manager of the lobby.

Mo Yanshao didn't have a deep impression of this person, but when he came to inspect the store before, he felt that he was very flattering and a person who knew how to make money.

So I don't have a good impression of him.

Seeing him asking, Mo Yanshao was more willing to believe that he was talking nonsense, so he pretended to be sincere and fearful, lowered his eyes, and didn't even look at Ma Chun, but said: "Manager, I'm sorry, I shouldn't be at work. Time to gossip, sorry!"

Ma Chun wanted to make a cliché, but he didn't expect this person to change the subject quickly, and he looked very scared.

If it is said that he is Mo Yanshao, it is really unbelievable.

Ma Chun snorted softly, glanced at everyone present, put on the manager's airs and said: "Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and get to work."

So everyone dispersed and went to the counter to wait for the business to come.

Mo Yanshao is in charge of the gold jewelry counter, that is to say, they all sell gold jewelry.

Although gold jewelry is not considered mainstream now, there are still many traditional ones. Older women like gold jewelry.

Young people like the unique and novel flower decorations, which are suitable for matching clothes.

Generally speaking, the business of the gold counter is indeed not particularly good, so Mo Yan rarely has a lot of time to observe the business situation of other shop assistants.

There are a lot of jadeite articles in jewelry stores, because jade is expensive, beautiful, and shows status and class.

Therefore, many women come to visit, either with their husbands or lovers, and they often go to jadeite jewelry.

Jade stones ranging from a few thousand yuan to 10,000+ are often bought by rich people without blinking an eye.

But Mo Yanshao found a problem. Ma Chun also seemed to like to stare at the jade counter.

Once someone goes to see it, or wants to buy it, he will observe the expressions of those customers, and if he is sure that he wants to buy it, he will talk to people, and then talk, and he is very enthusiastic to teach others about the quality of jade.

But in the end, I don't know what happened. As long as it is the jade that Ma Chun introduced, basically it cannot be sold, and then those customers will leave in a hurry with a sullen expression.

Mo Yanshao also observed for several days, almost always like this.

No wonder the business of jewelry stores is not good, no one is willing to really pay for it.

Sometimes from opening to closing, few people set foot in the jewelry store.

If this store continues like this, it will close sooner or later.

Mo Yanshao remembered the situation when he came to Jinwanfu jewelry store.

At that time, the room was bright, very clean and tidy, and every clerk was full of energy, standing upright in his own counter.

As soon as a guest comes, he enthusiastically introduces the product trial belt to the guest with a professional smile and gives appropriate advice.

If you need to buy precious jewelry, the value of which is more than one million yuan, you will go to the VIP room, and a special appraisal expert will carefully introduce the value of the precious jewelry to the customer, and then come up with a certificate of appraisal.

Looking at the Jinwanfu jewelry store today, it is just like a third-rate jewelry store randomly opened on the street.

It seems that if there is no rectification, the store will collapse in a short time.

That was not what Mo Yanshao wanted to see.

Therefore, he decided to contact Mu Taotao at night to improve the business strategy of the jewelry store.

Sitting in the classroom, Mu Taotao sighed long and short as she thought of her jewelry store.

This can't help but attract Ai Meili's attention.

After class, Ai Meili came over and sat beside her and asked with concern: "Taotao, what's the matter with you?"

"Nothing? Beautiful, do I have no business mind?"

"Why do you say that?"

Ai Meili seemed to think of something, "Is the business of the jewelry store not so good?"

"Yeah, I don't know why, but the turnover is dropping every month, which makes me afraid to buy new products.

If it continues like this, I am afraid that the suppliers will not dare to sell the goods to us. "

As soon as Mu Taotao said this, he lost his energy at all.

"How could this happen?" Ai Meili also followed Mu Taotao and became worried.

"Leng Yihan told me to be wary of ghosts in the store, because the supplier is the Jinwanfu Jewelry Corporation under Mo's Group, that is to say, our goods are all taken from there, if they want to punish us , isn't it easy?"

"Maybe that's really the problem here."

Emily agrees.

"But how do I find out the ghosts? Those are all old employees. They fire people casually and find new employees. Doesn't it take time to train them?"

When Mu Taotao mentioned this, he was really worried.

Ai Meili also doesn't know anything about business, so she can't help Mu Taotao with an idea.

(End of this chapter)

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