Chapter 248
Mu Taotao took a taxi and went straight to the jewelry store street where Jin Wanfu jewelry store is located.

This street is almost full of shops selling all kinds of gold and silver jewelry and precious jewelry.

So the competition is quite fierce.

At this time, it was only eight or nine o'clock in the morning, some jewelry stores were not open yet, and Mu Taotao had never been here so early.

She just had a whim today, thinking that the old employees had left so much, so she wanted to see the situation.

However, to her surprise, the door of Jin Wanfu Jewelry Store was open, that is to say, someone had already come.

Mu Taotao was really curious, who came to the store so early?

Just as Mu Taotao was approaching the store step by step, he heard a scolding voice coming from inside, the voice was very familiar, it should be Wang Xiaoqiang's fault:

"Listen, I don't care what reasons you have. From now on, I will have the final say in this store. Then you must strictly follow the new store rules and abide by the new working hours. You must arrive at the store at 08:30 in the morning to carry out a series of cleaning activities.

The most important thing is your clothing and mental outlook, no flaws are allowed, do you hear me? "

His voice sounded very dignified, obviously he was teaching those employees a lesson.

Mu Taotao was very curious, this Wang Xiaoqiang really looked good after he became a manager, so what was he like when he was teaching people?
So she walked into the shop very lightly.

However, she thought that she would not be discovered by others, but she did not expect that Wang Xiaoqiang saw her as soon as he turned his head, and then his gaze changed from sharp to soft in an instant.

Mu Taotao felt as if her heartbeat missed a beat.

Because she never thought that Wang Xiaoqiang also had the same majestic and chilling eyes as Mo Yanshao.

The look he gave her just now really scared my sister to death.

Mu Taotao patted himself on the chest, and only then did he hear Mo Yanshao say: "Fortunately, you are the boss. If you are an ordinary employee, then you don't need to go to work today."

"No... isn't it? So serious?"

Mu Taotao raised his watch and looked at it. It was only 08 minutes after 30:5.

"Well, Manager Wang, I saw that other jewelry stores haven't opened yet, our store..."

"Is the other shop called Jin Wanfu?"

Facing Mu Taotao, Mo Yanshao said in a cold voice.

Mu Taotao was startled, then shook her head.

"So, in the future, the new work and rest time of Jinwanfu jewelry store is that every employee must arrive before 08:30, only in advance, and not late."

Mo Yanshao's words were powerful and majestic, and the rest of the shop staff were all shocked.

Immediately afterwards, Mo Yanshao stipulated one, two, three, and four new regulations.

Every new regulation is intended to change the status of jewelry store employees who used to be lazy and not serious about their work.

Mu Taotao, on the other hand, listened to him talking about these new regulations, and felt that they were very reasonable.

She watched from the side, and felt that Leng Yihan's vision was really good. How did he know that Wang Xiaoqiang was qualified for the position of manager?
The employees of those jewelry stores were still lazy in answering Wang Xiaoqiang's questions at first.

But as Wang Xiaoqiang became more and more imposing, he said over and over again: "I'm not satisfied, start over!"

And employees realize that if they don't satisfy their managers, they may end up being the ones who get kicked out.

It's not easy to find a job now, and the commission of the jewelry store is relatively high, so these employees are also aware of the crisis, so they don't dare to underestimate Wang Xiaoqiang, and they all replied energetically: "Yes!"

In this way, in less than half an hour, Mo Yanshao made the employees in the store fully aware of their own positions and the sense of crisis. Only by working hard and doing well can they have a chance to stay. Once you are slack, your movements are slow, but you want to be lazy, then don't even think about continuing to work here.

In the end, when everyone put on their uniforms and returned to their posts full of energy, it was quite different from the day before.

Mu Taotao also noticed that the hygienic situation in the store seemed to have improved a lot, which was also very different from before. The light in the room seemed to be much brighter, and the jewelry looked more radiant.

"Manager Wang, why do I feel that this place is different from before?"

Mu Taotao happily observed the difference between the store and the previous one, and couldn't help sighing.

"Then what does Miss Mu think is different?"

"Well, it's brighter than before, and the atmosphere is also very different."

"Really? That worked out."

Mo Yanshao said lightly.

He has been by Mu Taotao's side and visited with her.

When she realized that the two of them seemed to be getting closer, Mu Taotao's face was obviously flustered, and her heart was even more repulsive.

Didn't you tell me to keep a distance from him?

Why are you so close to him again?
Mu Taotao thought about this, and intentionally distanced the distance between the two of them, and said solemnly to Mo Yanshao: "Manager Wang, it seems that Leng Shao did not misunderstand you, so do it well, this jewelry store, please is you."

"Miss Mu, you are being polite, I am also repaying your kindness, isn't it?"

Mo Yanshao deliberately took another step closer to her, with a different kind of flair in the corner of his eyes.

But at the same time, Mu Taotao also took a step back with a defensive face, and almost bumped into a potting stand with potted plants in the corner.

With an exclamation, Mu Taotao thought the tragedy was inevitable.

But Mo Yanshao had quick eyesight and quick hands. He stretched out his long arms, wrapped his arms around her waist, and then spun around to make her safely away from the potting stand.

However, the distance between the two became closer because of this, Mu Taotao looked at Mo Yanshao with a beating heart, and his mind went blank.

Mo Yanshao had a smile on his face and eyes, and his voice was low and magnetic: "Miss Mu, are you okay?"

"I...I'm fine..."

Mu Taotao didn't want to die because her face was too hot and her heart was beating too much, so she pushed Mo Yanshao away.

From Mo Yanshao's point of view, Mu Taotao's appearance is really beautiful, and he really wants people to take a bite of her like an apple.

But in Mu Taotao's heart, this man is a disaster, he must stay away, stay away.

"Wang... Manager Wang, my goods have been counted and cleaned, and I accept your inspection."

A young girl at the counter reported back and forth with blushing cheeks.

"Well, I see, I'll check right away."

Mo Yanshao responded with seriousness.

The little girl glanced at Mu Taotao with a timid look, and then left.

Because of the little girl's interruption, Mu Taotao completely put aside her embarrassment, and said to Mo Yanshao, "What did she mean by what she said just now? What does it mean to have counted and wiped clean?"

(End of this chapter)

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