Chapter 250 Be My Girlfriend
Jenny Zhou said sarcastically.

At this point, Mu Taotao has completely seen through this girl who used to be very well-behaved in Mo's house.

She is actually a mean person.

Mu Taotao ignored her and returned to her original position, but she did plan to ask Leng Yihan for leave in person.

Sitting next to her, Ai Meili saw her unhappy face, and couldn't help asking with concern: "Taotao, what's the matter with you?"

"Beautiful, I'm going abroad in two days, so I'm going to ask Leng Yihan for leave."

"Huh? Going abroad? What are you going to do abroad?"

Ai Meili was obviously surprised, she couldn't figure out what Mu Taotao's purpose in going abroad was.

"This matter is a secret, I just tell you, as for others, it's best not to know, understand?"

Mu Taotao grabbed Ai Meili's hand and said to her solemnly.

Although she didn't know why, Ai Meili nodded.

Unexpectedly, Leng Yihan personally asked about Mu Taotao's request for leave, and dismissed it on the grounds that the facts were unclear. : "Either study in school obediently, or be dismissed by the school."

Mu Taotao was so angry that his lungs would explode, this Leng Yihan was simply unreasonable.

Before, he was helping her with making suggestions for the jewelry store, but now he was asked to help sign a leave slip, and he actually threatened her with persuading her to quit!

Is she scared?
She really underestimated her, Mu Taotao.

Thinking of this, Mu Taotao went directly to the student union chairman's office.

Unexpectedly, Leng Yihan was having a meeting with members of the student union, and his bodyguards were guarding the door.

Before Mu Taotao got close, he was rushed out by the bodyguards: "Our young master is in a meeting, and no one else is allowed to enter."

"I... I am also from the student union, but I was late, so I didn't catch up."

Mu Taotao intends to pretend to be a member of the student group and sneak in, and then ask Leng Yihan to get a leave slip.

But unexpectedly, after hearing Mu Taotao's words, the bodyguards still did not let her in.

One of the bodyguards gave her a sideways look, and said expressionlessly: "Our young master also said that latecomers are not allowed to enter, and they don't have to stay in the student union anymore."

I rely on!

Mu Taotao suddenly remembered that when he went to Jinwanfu Jewelry Store that day, Wang Xiaoqiang told those employees the same way: "If you can't arrive before 08:30, don't come."

"These two people really have iron-like discipline."

Mu Taotao couldn't help but think.

No way, can't get in, just sit there and wait slowly.

There was a long chair on the corridor outside the student union office, and Mu Taotao just sat there and waited.

No matter how difficult the time is, she will wait until Leng Yihan.

I don't know how long it took, Mu Taotao almost fell asleep on the long chair, and then in a half-asleep and half-awake state, she finally heard the sound of the door of the student union chairman's office being opened.


Then someone came out.

Imagine that Leng Yihan is the chairman of the student union, so he will naturally be at the forefront.

When Mu Taotao heard the sound of the door, he jumped up immediately as if he had been spat with chicken blood, and then saw the man in black with a tall and straight figure who walked out of the door with a blank expression on his face. .

Behind him are other students who are members of the student union. Although they are well-dressed, they all have expressions of sincerity and fear on their faces.

"Master Chairman, I have something to say, may I ask you to stay?"

Standing behind him, Mu Taotao said to Leng Yihan's back.

The students who were talking in low voices all fell silent, and glanced at Leng Yihan and Mu Taotao several times.

Leng Yihan's expressions were unpredictable, but none of them were smiling.

At last he waved his hand, and everyone scattered like birds and beasts.

But after a while, everyone left cleanly, and even the bodyguards went outside the building to wait.

The corridor became much quieter all of a sudden, and even the sound of Leng Yihan's footsteps walking on the floor echoed, one step or two, which gave people an overwhelming feeling.

Mu Taotao felt the pressure around her suddenly increase.

But she was unwilling to be refused by Leng Yihan to sign the leave slip, so she raised her head bravely to face him.

"Master Chairman, I just want to ask you to sign a leave note. You don't have to let so many people avoid it."

What is this?

People didn't know, they thought what the two of them were going to do.

the fact is--
There was finally a smile on Leng Yihan's lips, but there was no warmth.

His face is sharp-edged, he is infinitely handsome, and he is outrageously cool.

But -- he is such a person, even if he smiles, it doesn't make people feel very warm.

Just as Mu Taotao was backing away, Leng Yihan had already covered her tall figure, imprisoning her on the wall of the corridor, making her unable to move.

Mu Taotao really didn't expect that Leng Yihan's aura would be so strong that she felt that she couldn't help shaking from heart to body.

But she still repeated the sentence: "You... What are you doing? I just want to ask you to sign a leave note. "

"You want to ask for leave?"

A certain man's voice was inquiring, and it sounded nice.


A certain woman nodded vigorously, her eyes fluttering in anticipation.

The corner of a certain man's lips curved upwards, and he approached her ear and said, "What's the reason?"

"Didn't you say it? Go out and play for two days."



Mu Taotao became anxious, and straightened her back a little, not wanting to be pressed down by the opponent's momentum.

"It's school time, what are you going out to play?"


"No but, unless..."

Leng Yihan made a fool of himself, then reached out and picked up a strand of long hair from Mu Taotao's shoulder, and played with it between his slender and beautiful fingers.

At the same time, the ambiguity between the two became stronger.

Mu Taotao seemed to realize something, and couldn't help but feel Gedeng in his heart, and very rudely took it from Leng Yihan's hand to his own hair, staring at the man's handsome face with a pair of beautiful eyes and said: "Unless what ? Can you not be tricky?"

"Little girl has to be patient to handle things well?"

It was rare for Leng Yihan to be in the mood to joke with her.

But obviously Mu Taotao doesn't like this.

"What exactly do you want?"

"Please me, be my girlfriend, maybe I can consider taking you out to play, so I don't need to ask for leave."

Leng Yihan said half truth and half lie.

But the meaning in his words was obvious, he just wanted Mu Taotao to be with him, to please him, to be his girlfriend, and then he would take her out to play.

Mu Taotao felt a rush of blood rushing up, and the hemoglobin on his face exploded in an instant.

Then her cherry lips parted slightly, and she ruthlessly responded to Leng Yihan's words: "Dream!"

(End of this chapter)

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