Chapter 267 Finding Someone
The person who said this was a boy in the class who loved to gossip, and his family was in the fur business.

Hearing what he said, other people also became interested. Boys are asking, is it a girl?
The girls are asking, is he handsome?

Then the gossip boy said: "It's a girl, and a super beautiful girl."

The boys in the class began to boil, and the girls expressed their disdain.

Mu Taotao and Ai Meili shrugged helplessly, expressing that they didn't feel anything.

Not long after the class started, as the gossip boy said, the head teacher brought a girl in. This girl had beautiful black hair, but fair skin, well-defined facial features, and deep eye sockets. A pair of emerald green pupils leaked her identity, she turned out to be a foreign girl, I don't know which country she is from. "

The boys in the class yelled again, and they all started talking about it.

When the girls saw this newly transferred girl, they felt a sense of crisis that she would steal the limelight.

Indeed, although the girls were only wearing simple casual clothes, the nobility exuded from them made all the girls eclipsed, including Angel, who thought she was a model.

The height of the woman is also above [-], with a tall figure and well-proportioned bumps.

Mu Taotao looked at the woman's high chest and waist, and then at her own. She really didn't know, she was ashamed to death.

Ai Meili was also staring at the other person's waist, her waist was thick and her buttocks were thick, she must be talking about this woman.

Her waist is really thin, and her buttocks look round and plump, which is really enviable.

Mu Taotao and Ai Meili exchanged glances, and both lowered their heads.

At this time, someone walked in from outside the door. It turned out to be the future school manager, Leng Yihan.

He seems to have never regarded classroom discipline as nothing, so when he saw a girl, he didn't pay much attention, but walked towards the classroom.

The girl also only took one look at Leng Yihan, before introducing herself: "My name is Sophie, I'm here to find someone, I hope everyone can help me find someone."

"Who are you looking for? A handsome guy or a pretty girl?"

Someone started to joke.

"Well, he is my savior. I don't know his name. I always call him Xiao."

"Owl? Isn't that a bird? So what you're looking for is the birdman?"

A boy joked again.

The whole class started to roar with laughter.

Mu Taotao paid attention.

She seemed to have heard the word owl somewhere.

By the way, I heard Senior Sister Hongye said before that there is an intelligence organization named "Xiao".

I don't know if it's the same as what this girl said.

Sophie looks very young, with an absolute babyface.

Not only that, but she also seems to have a good temper. Facing the jokes of her classmates, she just laughed it off.

"Teacher, can I sit there?"

Sophie pointed to the empty seat next to Leng Yihan.

Because only the seat next to him is vacant, and the other seats are already full of people.



Two voices sounded at the same time, the one who said yes was the head teacher, and the one who said no was Leng Yihan.

He has always been arrogant and indifferent, so how could he be willing to have a girl sit next to him?

Now Sophie was in an embarrassing situation.

Without the other party's consent, she didn't dare to sit beside him rashly, because not only did he look cold, but he also seemed to be about to hit someone.

The head teacher was also extremely embarrassed, he didn't dare to mess with the future school manager.

Mu Taotao couldn't stand it anymore, and couldn't help turning her head to criticize Leng Yihan: "We're all classmates, why make things difficult for a little girl."

Leng Yihan didn't even look at her, just flipped through the book in his hand as if there was no one else around.

Mu Taotao simply stood up and said to Sophie, "If you don't mind, come and sit with us."

After Mu Taotao finished speaking, she got up and walked to Leng Yihan's side.

The whole class thought she would sit there with no fear of death.

Because Leng Yihan has always taken good care of her, and the whole class knows what he thinks of her.

Ai Meili also thought this was the case, Mu Taotao was planning to sit with Leng Yihan and leave her seat to Sophie.

But Leng Yihan was wrong, and the other students were also wrong. Mu Taotao just moved the chair next to Leng Yihan and put it in the aisle next to Ai Meili, so that all three of them could sit.

Leng Yihan was so angry that he clenched his teeth, and growled at Mu Taotao: "Who told you to take the things next to me?"

"Master Leng, you can't sit on two chairs on your butt, why bother occupying the latrine without shitting?"

While talking, Mu Taotao made a face at him, completely ignoring his majesty.

Leng Yihan had nothing to do with her, he couldn't beat her, he couldn't scold her, so he could only watch himself get angry.

This Mu Taotao, he will let her know how powerful he is one day.

Leng Yihan's eyes turned cold again.

And Sophie happily sat next to Mu Taotao and Ai Meili.

The three girls sat together.

The rest of the class expressed their dislike for Mu Taotao's familiarity.

But Mu Taotao didn't care that much.

"Your name is Sophie?"


"what's your name?"

"My name is Mu Taotao."

After Mu Taotao finished introducing himself, he pointed to Ai Meili and said, "My friend, Ai Meili."

The three girls quickly became acquainted.

However, Leng Yihan on the side finally broke out, took Mu Taotao's hand and walked to the rooftop.

"Leng Yihan, what medicine did you take wrong again? Where are you dragging me to?"

Mu Taotao wanted to break free from Leng Yihan's hand, but couldn't.

Ai Meili could only watch her being taken away, but dared not say a word.

She knew that Leng Yihan was the kind of person that no one could doubt.

And Sophie doesn't seem to know the depth.

She spoke in not-so-fluent Chinese: "Where is he... taking her?"

"I don't know, Sophie, if you don't understand the situation, it's better not to bother them."

It sounded like Mu Taotao and Leng Yihan were in a relationship.

Although Ai Meili also felt jealous, she had to admit that Leng Yihan was special to Mu Taotao.

"Are they... a couple?"

Ai Meili thought about it and shook her head.

Sophie followed Mu Taotao and Leng Yihan to the rooftop without saying a word.

"Let go of me, Leng Yihan, you barbarian."

Mu Taotao was brought to the rooftop by Leng Yihan's arms.

"Let go of her. What's the matter? Come to me."

Sophie is not fluent in Chinese, but she speaks with a sense of loyalty.

Seeing her coming, Mu Taotao was amused: "Sophie, why are you here?"

Leng Yihan looked unhappy, he brought Mu Taotao up because he had something to ask her.

Fortunately, this nasty woman followed, looking like a savior.

(End of this chapter)

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