Sweetheart: The Black-bellied Chief's Little Runaway Wife

Chapter 276 plucking hair on tiger's mouth

Chapter 276 plucking hair on tiger's mouth
Without saying a word, Leng Yihan took the woman and walked out.

Who dares to stop it!
"Hey, who are you? Where are you taking me?"

Although Mu Taotao was drunk, he could still recognize people.

It happened that Ai Meili came out of the private room because she was afraid that she would get drunk and have an accident, and saw Leng Yihan supporting Mu Taotao.

"Master Leng."

Ai Meili has always respected Leng Yihan, even if she likes it, she just keeps silent in her heart and never dares to express it.

Leng Yihan glared at her, then threw Mu Taotao back on her body: "What do these two women look like drinking and singing?"

"No, I didn't drink it, Taotao was in a bad mood, so..."

"She..." Why is she in a bad mood?
Before this sentence could be uttered, Leng Yihan's phone rang: "Third Young Master, come back quickly, someone is causing trouble in the Emerald Villa, the old man is going to kill someone!"

These words sound bloody, and it is rare for the cold and proud weather to kill someone.

Leng Yihan couldn't help but walk forward, but Mu Taotao grabbed him and refused to let him go.

"Come on, drink with me, don't go anywhere!"

Mu Taotao was unconscious, but she was like a clinging octopus, clinging to Leng Yihan's body.

"Does she know what she's doing?"

Leng Yi asked Ai Meili who was on the side in a cold voice.

Ai Meili did not expect Mu Taotao to be like this.

It is difficult to predict her virtue after drinking.

So Emily just shook her head.

Leng Yihan didn't want to cause any life lawsuit because of Leng Aotian's anger, so he could only hurry to Emerald Villa.

Leng Yihan stopped talking nonsense, if this woman wants to follow her, just let her go, in short, she won't be able to get her down for a while.

Mu Taotao's stalking skills are really amazing.

Leng Yihan took her into the ice blue Porsche, and the car drove towards Emerald Villa.

When Mo Yanshao came to the Emerald Villa, he found that the place was brightly lit.

As expected of the place where the boss of the gangster lives, the scale and momentum are just different.

Inside, there is a post at three steps, and a noise at five steps. There are gangsters standing upright and wearing black suits everywhere.

When Mo Yanshao went in, he was questioned several times and called again before he was allowed to go in.

The villa is built on a high place, and it takes dozens of steps to get there.

Once entering the main room, the atmosphere is tense.

Liu Yuewen stood there with a livid face, dressed in a capable professional suit, with long curly hair draped over his shoulders, giving him the feeling of a strong woman.

As a handsome uncle, Leng Aotian has an extraordinary natural bearing and outstanding temperament. Compared with his second son Leng Yifeng, he is not inferior.

And Leng's father and son stood aside, and Liu Yuewen stood aside.

There is also a charming little woman, standing not far from Leng Aotian, her small face is almost wrinkled.

What's the situation now?
Which song is it sung?

No one in the room spoke.

Mo Yanshao had no choice but to speak to Liu Yuewen first: "Mom, what's the matter with you?"

"It's nothing, Mom is weak here, and I need you to support the situation."

Hearing this, Mo Yanshao almost fainted.

At this time, this place, is it time to support the scene?

Mo Yanshao thinks that he doesn't know much about his mother's relationship with Leng Aotian when he was young, but he really wants to know who his father is.

"Then what is the purpose of your coming here today?"

"It's very simple, don't you all want to know whose child Mo Yanshao is?
I can tell you that he is a child of the Mo family, this is a fact.

As for that idiot Luo Tianyun, I'll deal with him slowly when I go back! "

Liu Yuewen said domineeringly.

Everyone in the audience was shocked.

"Mom, what are you talking about? Is everything you say true?"

Mo Yanshao only felt that the blood in his whole body was about to freeze.

The situation he investigated is not like this, he won his own father is Leng Aotian, because the time is consistent.

"Of course what I said is true, Yan Shao, don't be smart and do some research, okay?

You were born by your mother, how could I not know who your father is? "

"Enough!" Leng Aotian really didn't expect that this woman would be so crazy in her age that she would even speak out such private things.

Did she treat him Leng Aotian as dead?
"What's enough? Don't think that you are the boss of the Longyan Gang. You are great. You will retire sooner or later. Who will be the boss? You really think that my son is your son. You plan to take the seat Give it to him?"


Mo Yanshao was defeated by her, isn't she an open provocation?

Leng Aotian's weathered and handsome face finally lost its hold.

Mo Yanshao also thought he was his son before, and came to question him.

Leng Aotian thought of his relationship with Liu Yuewen when he was young, and didn't know whether he should admit it or not.

But Luo Tianyun even killed Mo Yanshao, which showed that he was sure that this son was not his, so he did this.

Now that the plot is reversed, Leng Aotian does have a plan, if Mo Yan has his own son, he will pass on the position of Longyan Gang to him.

This man can beat a hundred with one, and he is also the boss most needed by the gang.

Unexpectedly, now Liu Yuewen brought Mo Yanshao to tell himself and so many people that Mo Yanshao was not his son at all.

What are they doing here?
Didn't you come to humiliate him?
In a rage, Leng Aotian pulled out his gun and pointed it at Liu Yuewen's head.

Everyone was stunned.

Only that young woman had a bright smile on her face like a newly blooming flower.

She originally thought that Leng Aotian's old love for Liu Yuewen would be unforgettable. If the two had a son, would Liu Yuewen marry him instead.

Now that the plot has taken such a reversal, it is simply too surprising.

"Liu Yuewen, believe it or not, I broke you up today!"

Leng Aotian was emotional, when he looked at Liu Yuewen, it was like looking at the biggest enemy in this life.

His gun was pointed at Liu Yuewen's temple, and the situation was very critical.

However, Liu Yuewen became quiet and said nothing.

The scene was awkward.

Mo Yanshao didn't dare to speak casually, he was afraid that if he offended Leng Aotian, his mother's head would explode.

Liu Yuewen has always been strong and domineering, and his IQ is also leveraged.

But obviously, she was plucking hair from the tiger's mouth today.

A line of tears slid down her cheeks, and the beautiful and delicate face seemed to have cracks because of this line of tears.

Liu Yuewen knew that when he was young, he was deeply involved in the emotional vortex between two people, and no one could please him.

What's more, because of Mo Yanshao, Leng Aotian shot and limped Mo Zheng and his fellows. In the end, he actually taught his own father a lesson for others.

How could he swallow this breath.

But now, Liu Yuewen was crying, and no one in the hall dared to make a sound.

(End of this chapter)

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