Chapter 289 Who Is Showing Love
Then there is Mo Yan, he is the absolute protagonist of this banquet, and he is naturally radiant.

He was wearing a light gray hand-made tailor-made suit, which immediately gave off a natural and incomparably noble feeling.

Especially his handsome face with exquisite features, yet heroic, is simply the ideal prince charming for women of all walks of life.

His eyes are sometimes cold and sometimes gentle as water, but it depends on who he is looking at.

At such an important dinner party, the affinity Mo Yanshao showed made women almost bow down under his suit pants.

For Mo Yanshao, this is a banquet to prove that he has returned and that the Mo family will recover under his hands.

More importantly, he wants everyone to know who his heart really belongs to.

Mu Taotao, the most important woman in his life, he would never let her slip away from him, so he waited for her to appear all night.

Of course Mu Taotao will not disappoint him.

The designer designed a princess look for Mu Taotao.

Her hair was randomly coiled up, decorated with many pearl hairpins, and she was given a delicate nude makeup, so that her entire face and hairstyle fit perfectly.

Mu Taotao, who has put on makeup, looks delicate and charming, especially in those big, lively, black and white eyes that are full of smiles.

For her, to be able to return to the Mo family mansion, the most important thing is to be able to stand with Mo Yanshao, which makes her feel that she can become more brave.

Regardless of family status, the disparity between rich and poor, everything is put aside, she wants to firmly hold on to that man and make her his all.

Wearing a light pink knee-length skirt dress, paired with light-colored high-heeled sandals, showing two slender and straight legs, standing there casually, I feel like a noble and extraordinary princess.

For Mu Taotao, or more young women, the princess dream is always there.

Who hasn't wanted to be a princess in a castle, guarded by a prince?
For Mu Taotao's full body shape, even the designer and costume designer praised: "Miss Mu, you are very suitable for this sweet style, let's work hard tonight."

"Okay, thank you for your encouragement."

She is indeed going to cheer up.

Because she knew that at this banquet, there must be a lot of ladies and ladies, many of whom were students of Willis College, and she couldn't be compared by them.

Besides, she had once participated in the Academy's Ladies Competition. Although there was only one opponent, Xiao Feifei, it was a fact that she had won.

Therefore, she must not embarrass Mo Yan at the banquet tonight.

She will show herself well.

It was a silver Rolls-Royce Phantom who came to pick Mu Taotao.

Surrounded by several bodyguards, Mu Taotao got into the car and drove all the way to Mo's Manor.

On the other side, Lance put on a dark blue suit in the hotel, and casually combed his golden hair.

In the mirror, an exotic handsome guy with blond hair and blue eyes appeared.

From Lance's point of view, he is also going to Mo's Manor to perform well today, otherwise he will violate the Vader family's family training.

For him, maintaining the honor of the Vader family is more important than life.

Another most important thing in his life is to protect Princess Sophie.

From childhood to adulthood, watching the princess grow into the beauty she is today, when Lance comes together, there is a feeling of continuous love pouring out of his heart.

He firmly believes that he will be with Princess Sophie, no matter how much she likes Xiao Xiao now, he firmly believes in this.

Because in his opinion, it is impossible for Xiao to like the princess, no matter because of his identity or his personality.

At the Lido Hotel, Sophie asked Wen Na to find a professional makeup artist and stylist for herself, and also made a beautiful look for herself.

Her dress was a white floor-length dress, and with her tall figure of around seventeen, she was simply stunning, like a real ice queen.

Even the stylist and make-up artist felt that this was the legendary Snow White, with skin as smooth as snow, black hair, and the color of the eyes revealed the woman's exotic identity.

Those blue eyes are like the color of the sea, so beautiful that people can't help but exclaim.

"Miss, you will definitely be the focus of the banquet."

The stylist praised it sincerely.

"Thank you." Sophie, who was twirling in front of the mirror, accepted the stylist's compliment.

She was also very happy, no matter what, Aunt Liu invited her to the banquet in Mo's mansion, so she had to dress up to attend, otherwise it would be impolite.

The pain that Mo Yanshao brought her could not affect her mood at the banquet tonight.

Before going to Mo's Manor, Sophie didn't know the connection between Mo Yanshao and Mo's Manor.

Until she actually went to the manor and met the members of the Mo family.

At that time, Sophie went to Mo's Manor in a rented Cadillac.

There are already all kinds of luxury cars parked there, Ferrari, Porsche, Aston Martin...

It really has everything.

Not long after Sophie got out of the car, Mu Taotao also got out of the car, but the two of them didn't meet each other.

At that time, Sophie felt strange, how could this Mu Taotao come to Mo's Manor?
At that time, she still hadn't thought of the connection between Mo Yanshao and the Mo's Manor.

"It's really strange, what is Mu Taotao doing here?"

Sophie asked Wen Na beside her.

"Princess, do you want me to ask?"

"No, it must be because she is also in business, right?

It is estimated that it was invited by the host family, so let's pretend that we don't know each other. "

Sophie raised her head slightly, with arrogance in her eyes.

So the two former friends went their separate ways and entered the Mo's Manor.

Mu Taotao went in with the invitation card. Today, Mo's Manor invited a lot of hotel waiters to prepare for this banquet, so those who are responsible for welcoming guests are not those Mo's Manor that Mu Taotao knew before. servants.

In this way, she also felt a little more relaxed. After all, she was a little embarrassed when she went out from here.

Mo Yanshao looked at his watch and guessed that Mu Taotao was about to come, so he walked to the door to greet him.

Just in time, I bumped into Mu Taotao who was about to enter with an invitation card.

The two lovers looked at each other and smiled, Mo Yanshao turned around and stood beside Mu Taotao, bending his arms, motioning for her to hold his own, and the two of them entered together.

But such a picture of happiness and consummation made Sophie feel a deep pain later.

The pain from the bottom of my heart made it difficult to even breathe.

She was thinking, should she go in?

To see two people show their affection?

(End of this chapter)

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