Chapter 292
He led her to spin one beautiful circle after another, and under his guidance, she seemed to have walked into another beautiful palace, only the two of them, no one else.

She could clearly see her happy smile in his eyes, and he also saw the only self in her eyes.

They belong to each other, and when they have love, they feel that everything is beautiful, and they are not afraid of gossip around them.

Mu Taotao felt that she was going to die happily at this moment, really, even if she was going to die the next moment, she felt that it was enough.

So when the gunshot rang out, she didn't realize it, and she didn't realize that she had been shot until the blood soaked out.

Panic erupted in the entire hall of the Mo family's luxury villa. No one would have thought that someone would shoot at this moment. The target of the gun was obviously Mo Yanshao, but Mu Taotao was hit.

The murderer was holding a pistol, unaware that he had shot the wrong person, but stayed where he was, like a statue.

Mo Yanshao's pupils tightened in an instant, as he hugged Mu Taotao's slowly falling body, a trace of despair flashed in his heart.

No, he can't let her die, they haven't met for long, he still has a lot to say to her, and he hasn't done what he did with her, how can he let her die?
They still have to get married, say their wedding vows together, they're going to travel all over the world, and he's got to have a bunch of kids with her so that the family can live happily together.

"Peach, you'll be fine, I won't let you be."

Mo Yanshao rushed out of Mo's manor like an arrow holding Mu Tao, and drove her towards the hospital in a car.

Because of the gunshots, the whole manor was in chaos, Liu Yuewen was so frightened that he almost got under the table, and no one cared about him.

Sophie was held tightly in Lance's arms, and Wen Na drove her away from Mo's Manor after she broke up.

The murderer was Lin Meisha, and it was no longer a day or two for her to want to kill Mo Yanshao.

She knew that if that man didn't die, she would have nothing to do with the Mo family, and neither she nor her daughter Mo Moli would end well.

But she was too wrong. Shooting and killing people when Mo's family gathered with so many guests was undoubtedly announcing her crimes to the world.

Lin Meisha was taken away by the police who came later.

Mo Moli chased after her, shouted: "No—" and fell down on the road.

Although her mother has always been mean to her, she is the closest person in the manor.

As the only illegitimate daughter of the Mo family, Mo Moli actually has no status in the Mo family except for her surname.

Her situation was only a little better than that of ordinary servants.

Now that the mother is arrested, what should she do?
Mo Yanshao immediately sent Mu Taotao to the hospital.

The woman has fallen into a coma, her hair is scattered, and pearl hairpins fell on the way when she came.

Her face was so pale, her eyes with long curly eyelashes were tightly closed, and she didn't intend to open them.

Mo Yanshao was really afraid that he would lose her.

There is only one thought in his mind now, he must save her, definitely!
They went to a private hospital, which Mo Yanshao thought was the best place to treat Mu Taotao's injuries.

Mu Taotao was rushed to the operating room for treatment by the doctors and nurses, and Mo Yanshao, who was covered in blood, was locked outside the operating room door.

Seeing the woman being sent to the operating room, Mo Yanshao's deep eyes were full of indelible sadness.

Everything between them has just begun, why should she bear the pain that shouldn't come.

Mo Yanshao stood where he was, looking towards the direction of the operating room, as if it was a passage with no end in sight. He only hoped that Mu Taotao could walk back from the other end of the passage as soon as possible.

The two sides of the channel connect life and death.

Either live or die.

The place where Mu Taotao was shot was not far from the heart, and Lin Meisha's marksmanship was so accurate, Mo Yanshao really couldn't imagine that he was the one who deserved to die, but Mu Taotao suffered the same disaster.

With him, the two of them never had a smooth day, and Mo Yanshao fell into deep self-blame.

A long time passed, so long that Mo Yanshao thought it was a long time ago, the lights in the operating room finally went out, and the doctor in charge of the operation came out first.

"Although the patient's bullet was taken out, because the place where the bullet was shot is very special, if the vital signs cannot be stabilized within 24 hours, it may be..."

After the doctor finished speaking, he shook his head and sighed. Mo Yanshao just felt that a basin of cold water was poured from head to toe, and he couldn't reason rationally.

He grabbed the doctor who was shaking his head and shouted at him: "Aren't you a doctor? Are you not an authority? Why can't you save her? Why?"

His roar burst out from his chest with such momentum that all the doctors and nurses were afraid to speak.

Someone stepped forward to persuade him, but he also pushed him aside with a slap. Everyone could see that Mo Yanshao was very angry at the moment, and his anger had almost consumed his rationality.

The doctor's face turned pale with fright, but he still had to explain: "We did our best, we really did our best."

Afterwards, Feng, Hua, Xue, and Yue came forward and rescued the doctor from Mo Yanshao's iron fist.

Doctors and nurses fled.

Ziyue, who was always used to smiling, was rarely serious once, but he still couldn't help persuading him: "Boss, don't be too sad, maybe there will be a miracle!"

"I don't believe in miracles, I only believe in facts! I don't want her to die, I want her to live well!"

A strange expression appeared on Mo Yanshao's face, with a certain determination.

Mu Taotao was sent to the intensive care unit, where various medical devices and tubes were inserted all over her body.

The monotonous beeping sound accompanied her left and right.

She was not conscious at all, but her sleeping face was peaceful, as if she was dreaming.

Mo Yanshao looked at the woman inside through the glass, his heartache was always there, and the feeling became more and more intense.

He was really annoyed, why wasn't he the one who got shot?
Why her?

It was also the first time Mo Yanshao's expression was seen by Fenghua Xueyue.

Even though he was attacked with a bomb by his biological father, Mo Yanshao never had such a sad expression.

Mu Taotao's life and death are really very important to him.

Qi Yuan, who had been fiddling with the computer, suddenly thought of something, and couldn't help walking to Mo Yanshao's side: "Boss, do you still remember a military doctor named Lei Yu? We stayed together in the Amazon jungle field training, do you have any impression?" ?”

"You mean him?"

Mo Yanshao remembered what Qiyuan said. Indeed, Lei Yu is a very perverted military doctor. He once cut off the head of a tropical lizard and transplanted it to a snake, allowing the snake to continue living with the lizard head. Be a spectacle in the Amazon jungle.

(End of this chapter)

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