Chapter 294 Mu Taotao Is Missing
Mo Yanshao couldn't help frowning and asked, "Why haven't you woken up yet?"

"Brother, the effect of her medicine has not yet expired, how do you wake up? Can you give her a little time? Can I still not trust my medical skills?"

Lei Yu's self-confidence made Mo Yanshao let go of his hanging heart.

He said it was fine, so it must be fine.

Mu Taotao is still under observation in the intensive care unit. Once he wakes up, he can go to the general ward for a few more days of observation.

Lei Yu planned to take Zhu Ying away, but Mo Yanshao stopped him and gave him a check with many zeros on it.

"What do you mean? Want to go back on your word?"

Lei Yu's complexion suddenly became ugly, but he didn't intend to let go of Zhu Ying.

Mo Yan less glanced at Zhu Ying who was at the side, and said to Lei Yu: "Zhu Ying is like my sister, if my sister doesn't like something, I won't force her, so I want to have this money as compensation."

"Xiao, when did you see that I like money?"

Lei Yu couldn't help sneering.

Zhu Ying was afraid that the two of them would not be able to stop the quarrel, so she said to Mo Yanshao: "Boss, I did it voluntarily, so don't make it difficult."

After all, he pulled Lei Yu away quickly.

"Baby, can't you wait? I will love you well?"

While talking, Lei Yu pinched Zhu Yingjiao's pretty face with a smile, and the two wanted to leave with them.

Mo Yanshao's hand holding the check dropped slightly, feeling a deep sense of powerlessness.

If Mu Taotao woke up and found out who saved her, would she be sad too?
But he really can't take care of that much anymore, he is not a competent boss, and he has a bond in his heart, so it will be very difficult to do things.

Mu Taotao really woke up in the early morning.

When she opened her eyes and found herself lying on the bed, she felt that everything was so novel.

Why do you feel this way?

Mo Yanshao kept lying on the side of the bed, maybe he was too tired, he was sleeping soundly, and he didn't notice the woman woke up at the first time.

But Mu Taotao's hand was held by him all the time, so when Mu Taotao's hand moved, Mo Yanshao felt it.

Raising his head to meet the woman's eyes, Mo Yanshao had a joyful expression on his face: "Taotao, are you awake? How do you feel?"

"what happened to me?"

"You were shot and have been in a coma for almost three days."

Mo Yanshao explained to her softly.

For a woman, she really doesn't know that she has been in a coma for so long, she just feels that she has had a long dream.

In the dream, she could still feel that her body was being opened, and something was being messed with inside, but she didn't know that it was actually an operation.

She wanted to move, but her whole body didn't feel like her own anymore, and she couldn't move at all.

"Yan Shao, have you been here with me all this time?"

Mu Taotao's tears were about to fall, she didn't know why she was crying, probably because she was too happy.

"Of course, you were shot, and I will naturally guard you here, waiting for you to wake up."

"Yan Shao, it's great that I can still open my eyes to see you."

"Peach, remember, I will always be by your side, you know?"


The same thing was said when he had the bombing, but he still left.

Sometimes, vows of eternal love are really not credible.

There was a weak smile on the corner of Mu Taotao's mouth, and then continued to fall asleep.

She is too tired and needs a good rest.

Mo Yanshao didn't bother her, the operation made her look weak.

When Mo Yanshao left the hospital, he saw a man in his fifties looking for something in a panic in the hospital lobby, but Mo Yanshao didn't pay attention.

Mu Taotao was guarded by nurses in the hospital, and no one would suspect that something might happen to her.

But when Mo Yanshao finished his work and went to visit Mu Taotao in the hospital, he disappeared!
It was as if Mo Yanshao's heart had been taken away by life, it was empty!

But an instruction was issued in the brain: "Call all the channel information immediately, the wind, flowers, snow, and moon are on standby, and the person must be found."

When Mo Yanshao was heartbroken, he did not forget to ask someone to find Mu Taotao's whereabouts.

He knew that no matter how sad and anxious he was, it was useless, the only way to be serious was to find someone.

The surveillance of the hospital was completely destroyed by someone, and the video at that time was actually empty.

Mo Yanshao knew that he might have encountered a strong opponent, and they took Mu Taotao away premeditatedly.

"What happened yesterday?"

The nurse in charge of floor management was called, and Mu Taotao's disappearance caused the entire hospital to panic.

Such a big person, such a big hospital.

The medical personnel in charge of caring for Mu Taotao were found in the storage room, unconscious at that time.

It was only after rescue that he woke up. It is said that he was drugged and passed out.

When Mo Yanshao questioned her, the nurse was so frightened that he couldn't even speak, and hesitated for a long time.

Mo Yanshao stopped the hospital from planning to call the police.

Instead of looking for the police, it is better to rely on their power.

Mu Taotao was secretly taken away from the hospital, the surveillance was destroyed, and the nurse was stunned. All these signs showed that the other party had planned it.

It's just that they don't know when they started planning to take Mu Taotao away.

But because of Mo Yanshao's carelessness, someone took her away, which made him very uncomfortable.

She had just had a thoracotomy and was taken away, and her condition was also very critical.

If it's a kidnapping, the other party will definitely come to ask for a ransom. I'm afraid they are not really kidnapping, and the matter will be more complicated.

Mo Yanshao frowned and fell into self-blame.

The bottom of my heart kept calling Mu Taotao's name.

But he knew it wouldn't help.

Fenghuaxueyue took action immediately, looking for news about Mu Taotao separately.

The surrounding surveillance was also called out, and the image of a suspicious old man appeared in the surveillance.

This person has been sneaky since he entered the hospital. He doesn't look like he's coming to see a doctor, and he doesn't look like he's here to visit a doctor, but rather...

Mo Yanshao intuited that this suspicious old man was a serious suspect.

Zoom in on the image of the person in the surveillance video, and then take out his photo.

Qiyuan scanned the image of the person into the computer, and after a series of comparisons and searches, he finally confirmed the identity of the man: "Mu Youwei, male, 58 years old, jobless..."

The following explanations about the identity of the man are few and far between.

But Mo Yanshao heard the point. ,

"Mu Youwei, is Taotao's father?"

"Mu Youwei? Mu Taotao? It sounds like it is."

Qi Yuan repeated, looking at the others.

Ziyue also frowned and thought about something: "Could it be that her father took her away? But why did he do that?"

(End of this chapter)

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